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If Peters doesn't show

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I hope that they don't waive these fines.


I wonder what the payment schedule is like too. Are these fines immediately collectible? If so, I wouldn't let him in the facility until we get a check for $400K up front. (Yeah, I'm bitter)

I with you in sentiment, JR, but I doubt the Bills will (or should) be that punitive - they can just dock his pay until his account is current. :rolleyes:

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I hope that they don't waive these fines.


I wonder what the payment schedule is like too. Are these fines immediately collectible? If so, I wouldn't let him in the facility until we get a check for $400K up front. (Yeah, I'm bitter)


Are you bitter enough to toss away playoff hopes? I am not. If the Bills start out strong, I am going to scrimp, save, and negotiate with my wife to "let" me attend a playoff game if it is in RWS.


We need Jason Peters to make the playoffs. He is a young, tremendous LT. This means more to me than an abstract dispute between him and a guy who has hundreds of millions of dollars.

Please consider this.

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Are you bitter enough to toss away playoff hopes? I am not. If the Bills start out strong, I am going to scrimp, save, and negotiate with my wife to "let" me attend a playoff game if it is in RWS.


We need Jason Peters to make the playoffs. He is a young, tremendous LT. This means more to me than an abstract dispute between him and a guy who has hundreds of millions of dollars.

Please consider this.

We need Jason Peters to be a better football team -- I won't go to your extremes because I believe others can (and will) step up. I agree, however, that it serves no purpose to make this a "punitive" or personal matter. The guy is doing what his agent has advised him to do, in the interest of securing a bigger payday and his future. You can take issue with the way he's doing it, but not with the underlying motive.


When Jason decides he has sacrificed enough of his salary and reports to the team, the Bills should do nothing other than welcome him back with open arms and encourage him to give them his best on the playing field. At the same time, Brandon should be working with Parker towards a new deal beginning in 2009 that will appropriately reflect Peters' value to the team.


It's pretty friggin' simple.

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What would happen? Is he on some sort of inactive list? Does he still take up a roster spot? How does this work?


At all of junctures in the offseason - minicamps, training camp, preseason games, now back in OP, his (agent's) lack of communication is absurd.


I figured when they came back to the Ralph that we'd at least hear from him.

There is nothing to communicate. 29 days ago and counting:


Parker: Jason won't play without a new contract this year. How about it?


Brandon: No.


Parker: Call me if you change your mind.


Parker isn't returning calls from the media. I am reasonably confident he would return any call from Brandon. The reason their is no communication is, simply, because there is nothing to communicate. Not yet anyway.

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Are you bitter enough to toss away playoff hopes? I am not. If the Bills start out strong, I am going to scrimp, save, and negotiate with my wife to "let" me attend a playoff game if it is in RWS.


We need Jason Peters to make the playoffs. He is a young, tremendous LT. This means more to me than an abstract dispute between him and a guy who has hundreds of millions of dollars.

Please consider this.

You should let Peters and Wilson know this. Once they know it's really all about you, I'm sure things will change right away.


We need Peters in a bad way. We need integrity at the front office even more. You may be willing to throw integrity and bargaining power out the window for a chance at immediate gratification and stupidity -- the latter of which is the level of effort Peters is displaying-- but I believe most people would rather stand pat, even at the cost of not making the playoffs. Because giving in to Peters would be, without question, the most moronic thing this front office has done in years.

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I hope that this lack of communication isn't because Peters is either (A) injured or (B) has a mental health disorder, I hate to project both thoughts but this is getting out of hand.

Another option is that he is keeping his yap shut because he has too much class to engage in a tit-for-tat with the team through the media. If the team won't negotiate, exactly what does Parker or Brandon have to say to each other?

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There is nothing to communicate. 29 days ago and counting:


Parker: Jason won't play without a new contract this year. How about it?


Brandon: No.


Parker: Call me if you change your mind.


Parker isn't returning calls from the media. I am reasonably confident he would return any call from Brandon. The reason their is no communication is, simply, because there is nothing to communicate. Not yet anyway.


Based on what we know I think this sums it up pretty nicely!

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the blind love of Lineman at the sacrifice of the team, has gone to a ridiculous level here.


say what you want about the Bills "having" to get this done. but it is Peters and Parker who are forcing the Bills FO to do this. They have us backed into a corner where we only have one option at this time. and we have to stand by it in order to not put ourselves over a barrel for all future contract talks.

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Are you bitter enough to toss away playoff hopes? I am not. If the Bills start out strong, I am going to scrimp, save, and negotiate with my wife to "let" me attend a playoff game if it is in RWS.


We need Jason Peters to make the playoffs. He is a young, tremendous LT. This means more to me than an abstract dispute between him and a guy who has hundreds of millions of dollars.

Please consider this.

Why do you keep bringing up how much money wilson has. Like this whole thing is just about him saving a couple of pennies. I just don't understand why you ride Wilson for being only about the money but you give Peters a pass for the very same thing.

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We need Jason Peters to make the playoffs. He is a young, tremendous LT. This means more to me than an abstract dispute between him and a guy who has hundreds of millions of dollars.

Please consider this.

JP is coming off an injury and surgery (sports hernia), that does not always heal properly in 6 months ( case in point - Grant Hill NBA Magic - his succesful surgery took two years before he became effective again, and even then he lost much of his explosiveness). Was JP a budding superstar before the injury? - Yes. Is he as athletically agile after, we don't know. Remember he has stayed away since January. We would like to have the old JP back, but we don't know if he is the same and neither does the bills brass.


Consider this, the bills agree to a new contract in principle and JP comes in, passes his physical, gets on the field, and looks no better than walker. The team now has another overpaid average LT. As a business person would you take that risk with your money? Had he finished the last season healthy, then there would probably be no problem renegotiationing a new contract.

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Another option is that he is keeping his yap shut because he has too much class to engage in a tit-for-tat with the team through the media. If the team won't negotiate, exactly what does Parker or Brandon have to say to each other?



lol at suggesting an agent has "too much class", oh brother

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Why do you keep bringing up how much money wilson has. Like this whole thing is just about him saving a couple of pennies. I just don't understand why you ride Wilson for being only about the money but you give Peters a pass for the very same thing.


simple, hes a sacred "lineman"


throw all logic and reasoning out the door when it comes to the line of scrimage...

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I with you in sentiment, JR, but I doubt the Bills will (or should) be that punitive - they can just dock his pay until his account is current. :rolleyes:


Yeah, I agree--and it's a good thing I'm a fan, not the GM. I have a feeling Brandon, et al. are pretty level-headed about this whole thing.


As a fan though, this is making me angrier by the second. There are X thousands of us Bills fans out there banking on this being a great season--and Peters could possibly ruin it by being selfish.

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The Bills should get dirty. Go after Peters' signing bonus. Why not? Peters can sit for three years and he will still belong to the Bills for another three years. Take away all his money and see if he sits. The Bills have all the power in this situation. They are entitled to Jason's signing bonus. If Peters wants his dough, he can show up and then talk about a new deal. It's that simple.

They won't give him a new deal this year, period, unless Peters and Parker can force them into it. Showing up or not has zero to do with why he doesn't have a new deal this year. The reason he doesn't is that the Bills have figured out the exact point you are making, that they have enough power to force him to play for far less than he is worth for at least another year, maybe two. Its the money, not Peters' current location that is the sticking point.


So far this has cost Peters nothing. Likely, he will come in before he loses a game paycheck on the condition that they waive his fines (I wouldn't doubt his agent has agreed in advance to pay any holdout fines for him or to reduce his fee to cover them). Of course, he won't be ready to play for 2-3 weeks. In that scenario, he loses virtually nothing and gained a much longer summer vacation as well as having laid the groundwork for a new contract next year. The team will have lost a pro bowl LT for 18% of the season and had to use roster space to carry an extra T waiting for Peters to be ready to play.


If they lock him out, they still owe him his paycheck. Letting him rot is an option that if circumstances arose to make it possible, would hurt the team as well. Why let a guy you can trade for a couple high draft picks who is, otherwise, of no value to you, gather dust on the shelf? That would be petulant and immature.

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You should let Peters and Wilson know this. Once they know it's really all about you, I'm sure things will change right away.


We need Peters in a bad way. We need integrity at the front office even more. You may be willing to throw integrity and bargaining power out the window for a chance at immediate gratification and stupidity -- the latter of which is the level of effort Peters is displaying-- but I believe most people would rather stand pat, even at the cost of not making the playoffs. Because giving in to Peters would be, without question, the most moronic thing this front office has done in years.


My friend, there was no reason for insults, but that's OK. Do as you wish, but you are very, if not totally wrong.


Please, stop sounding as if life comes with guarantees. This great reigon is in danger of losing it's franchise. I want a win for myself, this is true. I am a Bills Fan, and yes; I care more about them winning than I do about abstract bu!!sh--. Not sure if you agree. :rolleyes::wallbash:


You know, I never did take you for one who was hung up on abstract bu!!sh--. B-)

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I never thought this would last as long as it has. I hope the bills continue their hardline stance & do not even think about renegotiating his contract this year.

I hope they do the same thing they did for Schobel and pay him what he is worth which is about twice what he is currently getting paid. But then again, I am more concerned with actually winning football games. That is just me.


This team, based on the work done by Marv, was finally starting to look like a contender. The first serious issue for the FO to deal with since Marv left is Jason Peters. If Brandon's job is to get the best players we can get on the field rather than to get back slaps for looking "tough", I don't think he is doing very well. Its not easy managing all that highly paid talent and titanic collection of egos but that is the job. I am beginning to think Brandon isn't up to it.

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Either way, it explains the lack of communication and supports exactly the point I was making, they aren't talking because there is nothing to talk about.


It seems you are more a fan of Russ Brandon than the team. Maybe you should get a lawn chair and sit outside Russ's office and do a one man wave. Who would want to watch Peters pancake a blitzing LB when you can watch Russ increase profit margins. Did you see the way he sharpened that pencil? Sweet.

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