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NFL Fan Code of Conduct


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On a Syracuse radio talkshow this was discussed yesterday, and the Bills fans were getting hammered by callers who went to the Ralph to see their favorite teams who were playing the Bills. They talked about how they were verbally abused and got beer dumped on them just for wearing the opponents jersey or hat, and when they complained to security they were told to remove their gear and it wouldn't happen. They also talked about abusive language and people pukeing while tailgating in the parking lots. True or not, that's the reputation the stadium has out here. The host put the Bills fan's behavior in the same catagory as Eagle and Raider fans.

"Just" my ass. There are three sides to every story.

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On a Syracuse radio talkshow this was discussed yesterday, and the Bills fans were getting hammered by callers who went to the Ralph to see their favorite teams who were playing the Bills. They talked about how they were verbally abused and got beer dumped on them just for wearing the opponents jersey or hat, and when they complained to security they were told to remove their gear and it wouldn't happen. They also talked about abusive language and people pukeing while tailgating in the parking lots. True or not, that's the reputation the stadium has out here. The host put the Bills fan's behavior in the same catagory as Eagle and Raider fans.


The whole puking in the parking lot thing i dont care about...if somebody is offended by vomit thats their own problem. I do have issues with what they are saying happened to them at games but i have to wonder about why it did. I have been to countless games and I have never seen a fan get beer poured on them or harassed more than a comment here or there when the bills score. The only time they get trashed is when they start talking crap to bills fans. Thats like jumping into a lions den and spraying the lion cubs with RAID, you are going to attract negative attention. If soembody wants to bring their son to a game and sits back with their kid and enjoys the game and doesnt talk sh--, NOBODY is going to yell at a lil kid and his dad during a game. They may get a few comments but they are NOT going to get beer thrown at them. The guy you are talking about here i highly doubt was as angelic as he is making himself sound. Ill admit it, i get pretty drunk at games but if somebody is keeping to themselves and is with their kids they are left alone. If they are talking sh-- to me and my fellow bills fans...then yeah..they get ripped a new one....thats how all sports work, so this is just annoying and stupid for them to say.

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But shouldn't a person be able to go to a game wearing opposing gear without worrying about being doused with beer or beat up? I'm not talking about a jerky Patriot fan who yells, "the Bills suck, we own you!", but the guy who might bring his son to a game and root for his team in a respectful way. Fa


Yes, in a perfect world. Being pragmatic is OK too.

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It's all about the beer sales. If the Bills and the NFL wanted to seriously clean up the fan behavior, there would be no beer sold inside the stadium and there would be a massive crackdown on being allowed into the stadium when you can barely stand up.



That being said, I like to have a "few" beverages before the game. It's all about moderation! :D



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To quote Al Davis... "Just Win baby!"


If the Bills stop losing, maybe fans won't have to drink so much to watch them!




Was there really that much of a problem that the league had to issue common sense rules which have already been in place? I mean, are they having trouble selling out stadiums across the league because of fan behavior?


Furthermore, when we have a game on a field outside of our "home", like say in Toronto... how does that impact the team if rowdy Canadians aren't following these rules? Or those crazy English Soccer fans?

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Sat in the Dog Pound in the late 80's and had stuff thrown at me because I was a Bills fan. Was not loud or obnoxious. This stuff does happen.

Yep. I've had some experiences of fans being obnoxious for no other reason than us wearing Bills jerseys at Jest home games. If it happens down here, I'm sure it happens at The Ralph.

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Most of these rules are common sense. Unless you are screaming FU during the whole game, dumping beers on other fans, etc - there will be no problem.


I they should add "Doing the wave when the Bills have the ball is punishable by incarceration." :thumbsup:


Those who do the wave when Bills have the ball are not Bills fans - they are drunk soccer fans looking for a party and got lost.

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So, when a season ticket holder sells his tickets for one game because he's out of town, he faces the prospect of losing his tickets permanently if the schlep he sells them to acts like a jackass? Something's not right there.


That is the risk especially scalpers face.

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· Behavior that is unruly, disruptive, or illegal in nature

This was legal before?

· Intoxication or other signs of alcohol impairment that results in irresponsible behavior

You can't get drunk at football games anymore?

· Foul or abusive language or obscene gestures

I won't make it in the door

· Interference with the progress of the game (including throwing objects onto the field)

Only seems to happen in Cleveland...

· Failing to follow instructions of stadium personnel

Didn't realize this was legal before...

· Verbal or physical harassment of opposing team fans

There goes the entire rockpile

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The one time a few years ago I did not go to a preseason game. The thing is though I did not give my tickets away or sell them, I did not do nothing with them. Someone must of moved down in our seats. Monday morning the bills office called me & told me we had several complaints about obnoxious behavior about people in my seats. I told the guy I did not even use the tickets. He said if it happens again my seats will be revoked. I was like okay pal, whatever.

At least now with the bar code scanner system, you can prove that your tickets were not used for a particular game.

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I agree, but there are always a few who go over the line. I've taken to giving the Guest Services hotline number to visiting fans, and when I let my brother use my seats to the Dallas game, I warned him against showing up wearing a Cowboys jersey.

I went to the Philly game last year in my Bills jersey. I didn't pick any fights, but I stood up and cheered the Bills. The Buffalo crowd, in my experience, is worse to opposing fans than the Philly crowd.

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That is the risk especially scalpers face.



So a season ticket holder that sells tickets to games he/she can't make is a scalper? What if they are sold for cost? What if they are given away? The fact that you could lose you seats because to gave you tickets to someone else is stupid.

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