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lynch case to be solved within days

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if he hit her the least he could do is take care of the girl's medical bills. Definately not my idea of a good Samaritan. Now if someone else hit the girl, and Marshawn went over and gave her CPR- and then paid for her bills- I would consider him a good Samaritan. Lets not cheapen the title of good Samaritan


his car insurance will pay the bills. i'd expect a long and drawn out lawsuit. she and her attorney likely see it the way many see it---"Marshawn, you left a girl lying in the street after hitting her with your car, you clammed up instead of owning up, and now public perception is that you oughta pay up. Let's call it a mill-five and it all goes away.". Add in the fact that the victim has a very legitimate reason to be pissed at the whole situation, why not let a jury decide? Professional athlete worth millions, etc. Car insurance again plays into that.


this, of course, assumes marshawn was driving.

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It shouldn't. Lynch's attorney should cop a plea and Clark should accept it.

I am sure Lynch will take a deal, just as soon as one is offered. The "stonewalling" is from the DA who can offer a plea anytime he wants but so far has not.

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With a civil suit pending, the terms of the plea deal may become more important, and Clark has not seemed very flexible on this so far....


As far as Clark saying that he expects this to be resolved this week - hasn't he been saying this for three straight weeks now??


I'm hopeful things get wrapped up soon, but I'll believe it when I see it.

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I am sure Lynch will take a deal, just as soon as one is offered. The "stonewalling" is from the DA who can offer a plea anytime he wants but so far has not.

I don't think any DA is going to just throw someone a plea deal before they have even had a chance to speak with the person


And I think that by refusing to co-operate with the police and speak with them, you are going to convince a DA to give you a plea. Why would the DA now want to help out someone who is making the case drag on longer then it ever should have because he refuses to talk?

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With a civil suit pending, the terms of the plea deal may become more important, and Clark has not seemed very flexible on this so far....


As far as Clark saying that he expects this to be resolved this week - hasn't he been saying this for three straight weeks now??


I'm hopeful things get wrapped up soon, but I'll believe it when I see it.

Why would he? Aren't pleas usually given to people for co-operating with investigators?

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his car insurance will pay the bills.


Don't be so sure about that. It assumes that he has insurance, plus we have no idea what his limits of liability are. Insurance only pays up to that level, Marshawn is on the hook for anything over and above. Wealthy folks usually also get an umbrella policy to protect their assets, but who knows what kind of investment advice he's been getting at this young point in his career.

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Don't be so sure about that. It assumes that he has insurance, plus we have no idea what his limits of liability are. Insurance only pays up to that level, Marshawn is on the hook for anything over and above. Wealthy folks usually also get an umbrella policy to protect their assets, but who knows what kind of investment advice he's been getting at this young point in his career.

Well, if its anything like his legal advice........................

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If Lynch


1) Cops a deal

2) Settles with the girl

3) Makes some sort of public apology


All will be forgiven



I think, had he done this two weeks ago, all would be forgiven, and eventually forgotten...but the way this was handled, will leave him as being one of those guys with "questionable character" for a long time. The drawing of this thing out, has made this a much bigger issue than it should have been, and also braught to light some rather unflattering information about Marshawn and his family having on-going problems with police in WYNY. We didn't need to know all that. We wouldn't know all that, had this thing been handled better.


I know, we don't know all the facts. I will grant you that. But, I can't fathom any scenario, at this point, that is going to get Lynch off the hook in this thing. And those of you who pounce on people for judging Lynch without knowing all the facts should probably extend the same courtesy to the person who was hit by the vehicle being driven by Lynch.


Unless I missed something (which is possible), no photo of the hit an run has been issued. There have been no eyewitness reports, or even rumoured reports that she was drunk. Yet, she has been characterized by some of you as a fat, drunken slut, just waiting for this to happen. Shameful...

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I think, had he done this two weeks ago, all would be forgiven, and eventually forgotten...but the way this was handled, will leave him as being one of those guys with "questionable character" for a long time. The drawing of this thing out, has made this a much bigger issue than it should have been, and also braught to light some rather unflattering information about Marshawn and his family having on-going problems with police in WYNY. We didn't need to know all that. We wouldn't know all that, had this thing been handled better.


I know, we don't know all the facts. I will grant you that. But, I can't fathom any scenario, at this point, that is going to get Lynch off the hook in this thing. And those of you who pounce on people for judging Lynch without knowing all the facts should probably extend the same courtesy to the person who was hit by the vehicle being driven by Lynch.


Unless I missed something (which is possible), no photo of the hit an run has been issued. There have been no eyewitness reports, or even rumoured reports that she was drunk. Yet, she has been characterized by some of you as a fat, drunken slut, just waiting for this to happen. Shameful...


but the driver was a Bill


anything goes

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Interestingly, this is buried near the end of the article...


"The victim, Kimberley Shpeley, 27, of Milton, Ont., was struck by Lynch's car as she crossed Delaware Avenue toward a popular coffee shop around 3:30 a.m. that day. Police said she sustained two large bruises near her hip and some cuts that required seven stitches.


"Her attorney, Timothy G. O'Connell, said Shpeley's injuries were worse than have been reported publicly, adding that she is in the care of several doctors."


So now it's several doctors??? I can see the neck brace and the wheel chair at the next meeting...


No one - and I mean no one - 'circles the wagons' like Siegel Kelleher & Kahn!


They ought to just wheel her out in a friggin coffin, several doctors my ass.


Ambulence chasing attorneys are probably the worst thing to ever happen to modern ethics.

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Interestingly, this is buried near the end of the article...


"The victim, Kimberley Shpeley, 27, of Milton, Ont., was struck by Lynch's car as she crossed Delaware Avenue toward a popular coffee shop around 3:30 a.m. that day. Police said she sustained two large bruises near her hip and some cuts that required seven stitches.


"Her attorney, Timothy G. O'Connell, said Shpeley's injuries were worse than have been reported publicly, adding that she is in the care of several doctors."


So now it's several doctors??? I can see the neck brace and the wheel chair at the next meeting...


No one - and I mean no one - 'circles the wagons' like Siegel Kelleher & Kahn aka Dewey, Cheatum and Howe!




Shoulda seen this one coming a week ago, IMO.

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