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You wouldn't drive away.....

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Well if we count Liberty City, I guess I wouldn't stop, I have ran over many, many, many people there, stole a bunch of cars, even ran from the cops and been caught a few times too. Good thing I got out of there though and moved to Vice City, and then after moved to San Andreas


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fine, but some yahoo with 3 posts is not going to try and tell me I've worn out my welcome. Including you for that matter. Your trolling for some kind of fight by splitting hairs like most trolls on this site.


Your skirt is showing. Please comport yourself.

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I'm amazed at the holier then thou types on this board right now.


Maybe some of you live in a glass bubble, but the majority of people I've met in my lifetime have driven drunk at least once. Right or Wrong, that’s the way it is. Let's say one of those nights you hit somebody, something that could happen to anyone if they make the choice to get behind the wheel. You will not be getting just a DUI, you will go to Jail. You might go to jail for a long time, your life savings gone when it's all said and done. That or you drive off, maybe call it in on a pay phone.......


Odds are nothing ever happens to you


I might sound selfish, or you might think I'm saying I would drive away. I'm not, I don't know what the hell I would do. What I do know is it's real easy to say I would stop on an internet message board.

I know I would drive away.


I saw a similar incident about 10 years ago in Boston, my buddy and I were so !@#$ed up and high that even though we were eyewitnesses, we took off (we were walking).

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fine, but some yahoo with 3 posts is not going to try and tell me I've worn out my welcome. Including you for that matter. Your trolling for some kind of fight by splitting hairs like most trolls on this site.


Got it. You're the only "normal" one on TBD. Everybody else around here are the trolls. Dont you have some texans to kill?

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Well if we count Liberty City, I guess I wouldn't stop, I have ran over many, many, many people there, stole a bunch of cars, even ran from the cops and been caught a few times too. Good thing I got out of there though and moved to Vice City, and then after moved to San Andreas


:thumbsup: Well played.

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fine, but some yahoo with 3 posts is not going to try and tell me I've worn out my welcome. Including you for that matter. Your trolling for some kind of fight by splitting hairs like most trolls on this site.



Your intelligence is truly showing with every post you place. I didn't know "175" was so close to "3" (and for the record I had over thousands of posts but lost them during the "Hamdan Crash of 08").


And how I am the troll? You're the one making the rounds on this board with the Moronic Moral Crusade of Justice Against Marshawn Lynch Tour. Frankly, myself and many here are sick of your pathetic rants passed off as "thoughful commentary".


I have every right to say you've worn out your welcome because, judging by others around here, its a FACT.


Oh and I checked in at elementary school, they told me the Golden Rule is "innocent until proven guilty". Even six-year olds have learned to grasp that concept.

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Er, thats a way too black and white view of a crime whose standard of drunk driving or not has different effects on different people.

Driving drunk is negligence. My brother was almost killed by a drunk driver- at the very least, the drivers lisence should be suspended indefinitely- then they can drink themselves into a stupor every day for all I care

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Driving drunk is negligence. My brother was almost killed by a drunk driver- at the very least, the drivers lisence should be suspended indefinitely- then they can drink themselves into a stupor every day for all I care


Agreed. I made mistakes when I was young drinking and driving, one close call with a police officer scared me straight. Now if I need to imbibe, I take the bus or cab or use the DD.


It is negligence and if Marshawn is found guilty of drinking while impaired and hit & run, then he should be punished for it accordingly.

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Driving drunk is negligence. My brother was almost killed by a drunk driver- at the very least, the drivers lisence should be suspended indefinitely- then they can drink themselves into a stupor every day for all I care


My point was more or less that what is considered legally drunk driving and what is actually drunk driving are two different things - the legal limit doesn't take into account many factors. You can have a BAC of .08 and not be impaired or drunk depending on many factors, while you can have a .08 BAC and be completely shitfaced.

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My point was more or less that what is considered legally drunk driving and what is actually drunk driving are two different things - the legal limit doesn't take into account many factors. You can have a BAC of .08 and not be impaired or drunk depending on many factors, while you can have a .08 BAC and be completely shitfaced.

My opinion (which along with $50 will get you coffee at starbucks) is if you are impaired at all, you shouldn't be driving

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My opinion (which along with $50 will get you coffee at starbucks) is if you are impaired at all, you shouldn't be driving

That's a fair statement. People on medication/prescriptions should also not be behind the wheel, just as people who let themselves be distracted by texting/cell phones/GPS units/eating/putting on makeup/paying attention to their kids.


I'd be devastated if someone in my family was hurt by a drunk driver, but I would be just as pissed if an idiot hit someone because they were busy text messaging someone.



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That's a fair statement. People on medication/prescriptions should also not be behind the wheel, just as people who let themselves be distracted by texting/cell phones/GPS units/eating/putting on makeup/paying attention to their kids.


I'd be devastated if someone in my family was hurt by a drunk driver, but I would be just as pissed if an idiot hit someone because they were busy text messaging someone.



One time I was texting on the road- and I will NEVER do that again!

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One time I was texting on the road- and I will NEVER do that again!

I think I've been guilty of doing a lot of those things, except for the drunk driving and makeup, and I know I've been lucky. I know one accident I had could be at least partially attributed to a cell phone, and I've been a lot more careful since then and try to limit how much I use my cell in the car, but haven't completely stopped.

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Your intelligence is truly showing with every post you place. I didn't know "175" was so close to "3" (and for the record I had over thousands of posts but lost them during the "Hamdan Crash of 08").


And how I am the troll? You're the one making the rounds on this board with the Moronic Moral Crusade of Justice Against Marshawn Lynch Tour. Frankly, myself and many here are sick of your pathetic rants passed off as "thoughful commentary".


I have every right to say you've worn out your welcome because, judging by others around here, its a FACT.


Oh and I checked in at elementary school, they told me the Golden Rule is "innocent until proven guilty". Even six-year olds have learned to grasp that concept.


And who is on a crusade ? Who is preaching ? And your contempt for me has nothing to do with the ML thing or you wouldn't be bashing me. Nobody is defending ML anymore since the subpoena's have come out. Only morally bankrupt trolls are crusading their own agenda's. Nice try tho ! And that isn't the golden rule, try again.


Moderators can we ban this troll ?

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Moderators can we ban this troll ?



Its already been established, he's not a troll, he had thousands of posts as did many other people prior to the crash....


Golden rule in Liberty City is kill as many Ho's and run down as many gangsta's as possible before they get you...


right? :cry:

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Its already been established, he's not a troll, he had thousands of posts as did many other people prior to the crash....


Golden rule in Liberty City is kill as many Ho's and run down as many gangsta's as possible before they get you...


right? :cry:


If you say so ? <_<

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A little off topic, the whole thing that bothers me is the BPD and some people on here are making it out to be a team issue which it's not. This is an issue involving an individual (ML) and his friends. it is driving me nuts to hear people say the Bills are doing this wrong, and that wrong, it's not an issue about the team. Even though I am not a celebrity or a sports star, If i am out with my friends and hit someone and drive off, it doesn't involve my employer in any way unless they plan to penalize me after the fact. Not that I am excusing the actions of Lynch because I do personally hold a big belief about integrity, he is still young, at 22 and all that money it would be tough not to feel invincible,or, maybe when he hit her, all he could see was losing everything he has, so he was in a panic and drove off and yes if he was driving he screwed up, but according to the state, at the most it's a year in jail. Morally, the guy has other issues...but i'm not certified to speak on those



Sorry I know that wasn't well thought out or probably grammatically correct but things that were/are bugging me


\rant off

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