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anyone had Lasik?


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I tried to perform Lasik on myself and my vision is about the same.


I would have a doctor perform the procedure or use something other than a laser pointer if you try to do it yourself.

You need to get that razor blade good and sharp.wrjikijkejkidjddddd foefr mee,;.;...o

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I shoulda known better to start this thread without searching first!


BTW, the doctor I'm considering is one of the premier Lasik guys on the west coast (Dr. Ellis from Ellis Eye). He has multiple offices in the Bay Area but does all the procedures himself. He's done more than 35,000 laser-eye procedures. His reputation is one of the only reasons I'm considering this seriously.



I believe that my great grandmother went there a long long time ago but back then it was called Ellis Eye-land


{rim shot}


On the serious side besides the possible negative effects you have to also consider that if you are near sighted you will still need glasses for reading. Something to consider is what is known as monocular vision. Some people have this naturally but it can also be accomplished by having the surgery on only one eye. You would think that could be very difficult to deal with but in almost all cases it works great. The brain will put images together according to which eye is needed and you can pass a DMV vision test with only one eye at 20/40 or better. Some complain of double vision which if it persists you will then need to get the other eye done too and be relegated to reading glass when you need to do close work.

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I'm legally blind in one eye, so there is no way in hell that I would let anyone try it on my good eye.


I'm in the same boat. Having had eight eye surgeries in the past year and a half trying to save my left eye vision there is no way I'd ever have ANY type of elective surgery. I wonder if a Dr. would even perform lasik if the patient only has monocular vision? One would hope they would at least try to strongly discourage it.

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I had my eyes sliced and diced 2 1/2 years ago and have been thrilled with the results. That said -- if I knew then what I know now, I probably wouldn't have gone through with it.


The good news in my case is that before I had the surgery done, I researched the hell out of my doctor and had the procedure done by a guy with impeccable credentials. In fact, he is frequently used for expert opinions on other surgeons' hatchet jobs.


If you're going to do it, DO NOT go to one of the high volume places. There is no such thing as an "easy" eye surgery.

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