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Do you refrigerate your ketchup?

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I know it's like waiting an hour after eating before swimming... it's just one of those things we just buy into and accept it. Well no more I tell you!! No more!! I will not accept the word of the previous generation as the gospel! Sometimes you just have to challenge the status quo!!!

Good God, man! If you don't wait an hour, you'll get cramps and drown! Please say you'll wait.


The ketchup-in-the-refrigerator-thing puzzles me though - your best roadside diners and restaurants leave it right there on the tables, removing it only to refill the plastic squeeze bottles, and no one ever gets sick from good diner food. Like Phil said, there's enough salt - and vinegar - in there to preserve anything.

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Good God, man! If you don't wait an hour, you'll get cramps and drown! Please say you'll wait.


The ketchup-in-the-refrigerator-thing puzzles me though - your best roadside diners and restaurants leave it right there on the tables, removing it only to refill the plastic squeeze bottles, and no one ever gets sick from good diner food. Like Phil said, there's enough salt - and vinegar - in there to preserve anything.

go ahead and continue to play Russian roulette....


From the source itself:


Should ketchup be refrigerated?

Because it is a very acidic product, ketchup does not spoil easily. Once opened, in order to maintain the product's quality more effectively, we do suggest that ketchup (and any other processed food) be refrigerated after opening because refrigeration retards spoilage.




Good God man...what more do you need?!?!?!?!?

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Good God, man! If you don't wait an hour, you'll get cramps and drown! Please say you'll wait.


The ketchup-in-the-refrigerator-thing puzzles me though - your best roadside diners and restaurants leave it right there on the tables, removing it only to refill the plastic squeeze bottles, and no one ever gets sick from good diner food. Like Phil said, there's enough salt - and vinegar - in there to preserve anything.


Diners and restaurants will go through a bottle much faster than the typical household though.

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you are totally !@#$ed.


I know ain't it great? :thumbdown:


Good God, man! If you don't wait an hour, you'll get cramps and drown! Please say you'll wait.


Oh hell no! I might run with scissors this weekend and drink beer WELL after it's born on date! I'm gonna fight the system. Stick it to the man. Make a stand. (Where's my Public Enemy CDs?) It's time to fight the power!!


I HATE bread in the fridge.


Ugh, my wife insists on that in the summer, says it keep longer, but I can't stand it either.

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Nope. Don't refrigerate the regular yellow mustard either. Never have. Nothing worse than a cold condiment on a hot burger or dog.


Wanna bet? Stick yer rubbers in the fridge for 30 minutes before use and tell me it aint worse.




I choose to modify my previous statement.


Nothing worse to eat than a cold condiment on a hot burger or dog.


Seriously folks....I'm 33 years old and have spent every one of those years eating non-refrigerated ketchup and yellow mustard.



Catsup on the other hand.....


Look you're arguing over spelling. You can both be right if you call it a condomint.



Condiments in the fridge, along with the bread, but keep the stick of butter out so it's soft to spread.


:P Your poetry, it's, it's so Vogon.




Thats the spirit!!! I am thinking about doing the same. Some good points on both sides but there is enough salt in ketchup to mitigate any spoilage issues. I also agree with the poster about cold condiments on a warm burger or fries.


But you're sacrificing flavor man!! Flavor!! :devil:



I know ain't it great? :thumbdown:




Oh hell no! I might run with scissors this weekend and drink beer WELL after it's born on date! I'm gonna fight the system. Stick it to the man. Make a stand. (Where's my Public Enemy CDs?) It's time to fight the power!!




Ugh, my wife insists on that in the summer, says it keep longer, but I can't stand it either.


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Diners and restaurants will go through a bottle much faster than the typical household though.





Umm many restaurants do what is called "marrying" the bottles. They pour the contents from one bottle into another. Other restaurants will simply have a big bag that they fill the bottles with.

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Where is that FU emoticon when I need it?!? :thumbdown:


I just pick my battles, bread in the fridge isn't one of those worth engaging over... Well my wife tells me to pick my battles I mean. :devil:


Right then, you pick the battles worth winning. She does let you know which one's right? It gets so confusing when I am unsure which battles I can win. :rolleyes:

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go ahead and continue to play Russian roulette....


From the source itself:


Should ketchup be refrigerated?

Because it is a very acidic product, ketchup does not spoil easily. Once opened, in order to maintain the product's quality more effectively, we do suggest that ketchup (and any other processed food) be refrigerated after opening because refrigeration retards spoilage.




Good God man...what more do you need?!?!?!?!?


If it were a serious concern don't you think that the manufacturer would feel compelled to put a warning or refrigeration notice on the bottle? After this thread they probably will but is that not just another example of the gov protecting you? Start putting your canned goods in the fridge. Put that bottle of corn oil in there. For Gods sake they will probably start suggesting that we put our beer in there.

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Where is that FU emoticon when I need it?!? :thumbdown:


I just pick my battles, bread in the fridge isn't one of those worth engaging over... Well my wife tells me to pick my battles I mean. :devil:


I guess the only thing I have to say about that is...NAILED IT!! :P



Right then, you pick the battles worth winning. She does let you know which one's right? It gets so confusing when I am unsure which battles I can win. :rolleyes:


It depends on whether she's on the rag or not. If she's on the rag, DON'T EVEN TRY.



If it were a serious concern don't you think that the manufacturer would feel compelled to put a warning or refrigeration notice on the bottle? After this thread they probably will but is that not just another example of the gov protecting you? Start putting your canned goods in the fridge. Put that bottle of corn oil in there. For Gods sake they will probably start suggesting that we put our beer in there.


You seem to have a rather inflated opinion of the importance of this board. I doubt members of the Bills don't even read this.






Unless they need a good laugh. :devil:

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go ahead and continue to play Russian roulette....


From the source itself:


Should ketchup be refrigerated?

Because it is a very acidic product, ketchup does not spoil easily. Once opened, in order to maintain the product's quality more effectively, we do suggest that ketchup (and any other processed food) be refrigerated after opening because refrigeration retards spoilage.




Good God man...what more do you need?!?!?!?!?



Heinz? Heinz? Where have I heard that word before? Oh, thats right! Heinz Field. I will definitely tale advice from them. Bastards :thumbdown::devil::rolleyes:

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Nope. Don't refrigerate the regular yellow mustard either. Never have. Nothing worse than a cold condiment on a hot burger or dog.

Then why would you have to keep your hot side hot and your cool side cool. The stupid thing with the McDLT as it was called is that they marketed that hot/cool concept, and then put the thing in a heating bin.


I refrigerate my Kepotch as my kid used to call it. It preserves the flavor. My mother-in-law doesn't refrigerate her's. If you want to be like her, be my guest.

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Then why would you have to keep your hot side hot and your cool side cool. The stupid thing with the McDLT as it was called is that they marketed that hot/cool concept, and then put the thing in a heating bin.


I refrigerate my Kepotch as my kid used to call it. It preserves the flavor. My mother-in-law doesn't refrigerate her's. If you want to be like her, be my guest.






You know we married their furture twin in their daughter!

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Mustard and ketchup should be in the fridge after opening. Ketchup won't spoil if you leave it out, but I just think it tastes better.


OTOH, at one of the courts I practice in, one of the back rooms has the same 12 bottles of salad dressing out on top of the refrigerator all the time. And most of the dressings are milk-based, like ranch and blue cheese.


That's just wrong and I'm not touching them. :thumbsup:

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