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For everyone upset about our "biggest rival" playing

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Where were all the die-hard Bills fans then?


It was only 6 months ago but how soon we forget. Dolphins in December? Our most hated traditional rival? Yawn! It's too cold. Let some other jamoke buy tickets. I'll watch it on TV!


The people who work for the Bills can't win. I can see them thinking "We had trouble selling the Dolphins game last year...let's move it to Toronto so the fans don't have to freeze watching some inept team!" Oh, but now according to these die hards this is the first sign of the apocalypse! "Fish in Toronto? Why not stick a dagger in my heart?!?!"


The hypocrisy, and downright insanity, on this board, and on WGR would be hilarious if it weren't so freakin' sad. Step off the ledge and take a good look at this schedule. This is one of the best schedules we've had in years. We're poised for the playoffs. But Woe-is-Me Buffalo has to find the cloud in the silver lining to prove the world is against them.



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Last home Miami game I didn't attend, Marino was still their QB.




Last year. I went to 5 other games and didn't go to the Miami game because they are terrible. I won't dare try and guess your age <_< , but I definitely thing there is an age thing going on with Bills' fans here. I'm 27 and most people around my age don't care about the Fins. I grew up with the Bills always beating them. Things probably would be a lot different if I lived through the 70s. But to me, the Jets and Pats are much bigger rivals. IMO, we gave our less attractive home game to Toronto to make the most the most money. That's a win-win.

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I agree with what your saying man, but most of the people that are complaining about it and taking offense to it are indeed the ones who actually show up to those late, winter games and support the team because although we might be out of the playoff race we still HATE the Dolphins and that will never change. But like you are saying it is true that we can't even sell that game out and now all of a sudden the world is coming to an end.

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Last year. I went to 5 other games and didn't go to the Miami game because they are terrible. I won't dare try and guess your age <_< , but I definitely thing there is an age thing going on with Bills' fans here. I'm 27 and most people around my age don't care about the Fins. I grew up with the Bills always beating them. Things probably would be a lot different if I lived through the 70s. But to me, the Jets and Pats are much bigger rivals. IMO, we gave our less attractive home game to Toronto to make the most the most money. That's a win-win.


I am 23 myself, but I take pleasure in pounding the Fish. Even if you weren't a fan in the 70s and 80s, it's a Bills fan's duty to dislike the Fins whether it makes sense or not. The only team I'd take more pleasure in beating is the Patriots. And, well, I still think about the "31-0" pretty much on a daily basis. That's coming up on five years now. I'm hungry to beat the Pats.

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Last year. I went to 5 other games and didn't go to the Miami game because they are terrible. I won't dare try and guess your age <_< , but I definitely thing there is an age thing going on with Bills' fans here. I'm 27 and most people around my age don't care about the Fins. I grew up with the Bills always beating them. Things probably would be a lot different if I lived through the 70s. But to me, the Jets and Pats are much bigger rivals. IMO, we gave our less attractive home game to Toronto to make the most the most money. That's a win-win.


Being only 24 I agree with this. Hey anytime you beat a divisional rival fantastic, but I'm just ethiopian type starving to beat the pats. I'm an out of town fan, but I try to get to a game a year up there, and yearly @ the meadowlands against the jets. I do take more pleasure in beating the jets, then this terrible miami team. Beating Miami just doesn't do it for me anymore. I find it sickening, the way the bills rolled over and wanted the pats to rub their bellies last year. Just the dream of beating that team sustains my football interest.

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Honestly, I understand the gripe about a December game against Miami being sent to Toronto, but look at it another way: if the league had to give one game to Toronto, is it so bad that it's the game against the worst team in the league, by far, last season?


I can hear the Toronto fans. "Great, we get one game and they give us the freaking 1-15 Dolphins??"

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Last home Miami game I didn't attend, Marino was still their QB.





I gave my tickets away last year. The Miami rivalry has been dead since Jimmy Johnson left. Maybe if these 2 teams ever got their act together & actually played a meaningfull game late in the year, it could be rekindled. But right now to be honest with you, out of all the teams on the schedule, Miami is the least team I want to see this year. You got to remember with the new schedule format, we will not see Seatle or SF @ the Ralph for quite sometime after this year. I have been a season ticket holder for 12 years & went to my first Miami game in 1987.

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Im 28, and was raised the right way. to hate the miami dolphins no matter what. frankly, theyre horrible year last year was one of the funnest parts of an NFL season i can remember. i love watching them fail. i love when people like ricky williams and nick saban sabotage the team. i love watching as whatever QB they throw to the lions ends up crying on the sideline. i was initially shocked when i saw it was the toronto game.


but the more i think and read about it, the less of a big deal it becomes. miami stinks, itll still be cold in toronto, buffalo couldnt sell the game out last year, whatever.

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Honestly, I understand the gripe about a December game against Miami being sent to Toronto, but look at it another way: if the league had to give one game to Toronto, is it so bad that it's the game against the worst team in the league, by far, last season?


I can hear the Toronto fans. "Great, we get one game and they give us the freaking 1-15 Dolphins??"

I have been to every Miami game for the last 15 years and I agree. We Bills fans would be naive to think that there would not be at least one divisional game played in Toronto in the next 5 years. It's not like the Bills organization has any say in what game the league picks for Toronto. The whole Toronto thing sucks big time to begin with, but if we have to give up one game, at least it's against a weak Miami team this year. And if the Bills are improved from last year (I believe they are), home field advantage should not be factor. GO BILLS!!!!

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