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Tiger Woods swears on the golf course


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So you'd be cool with people screaming at you while trying to get a close up look at some cool fish and/or target shooting?




if they can scream at me underwater more power to them. I wear hearing protection at the range.

How do you equate the click of probably a digital camera with a scream?

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if they can scream at me underwater more power to them. I wear hearing protection at the range.

How do you equate the click of probably a digital camera with a scream?


Well...you brought up the football analogy.


Different sports have different levels of fan interaction. You have to be quiet at tennis matches too. Golf does require a higher level of concentration and precise physical motion compared to most other sports. Plus there is a parity issue. If everyone is being distracted, that's not such a big deal. But if he's the only one, it's a disadvantage.

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Well...you brought up the football analogy.


Different sports have different levels of fan interaction. You have to be quiet at tennis matches too. Golf does require a higher level of concentration and precise physical motion compared to most other sports. Plus there is a parity issue. If everyone is being distracted, that's not such a big deal. But if he's the only one, it's a disadvantage.

Plus I believe earplugs would be outside influence and not be permitted in golf.

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OOOOOOOOh you've asailed my manhood "never played football".


what an inane statement. No I dont play golf, I scuba dive and target shoot. Yes I have played football and coached it as well.


Tiger is a prima donna like most pro atheletes. If he is disturbed by the click of a camera he is somewhat less than focused.


All I said was "You've clearly never, ever, golfed before"


I was right.


And Tiger woods is the furthest thing from a prima donna professional sports has right now.


I wasn't calling out your manhood, I only mentioned football because you did first. Quit being so defensive and go upload some of the pictures you took of the coral reef.

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That's the great thing about golf....I can do the exact same thing as the best player in the world: shank my drive into the water and yell "Mother !@#$er!!" :beer:



btw...for those who haven't been to Carmel/Pebble Beach/Monterey, do yourself a favor and go for a visit. What an awesome place.

Has a friend play Pebble several years ago. I have never played the course, but been to the area on two occasions. Matter of fact, found out my wife was pregnant with my son while we were at Carmel, but i digress.


Has a friend play Pebble several years ago. Friend walked off the course after I think hole 16 as we was at that point 7 hrs in. Said something to the effect of everyboday takes pictures all day long, and the pace was just brutal. Think sterotypes here if you will, but said it was EVERYONE.


Also, the day he played was almost 100% Asian tourists playing, and they insisted on playing 100% by the rules. So, he said he saw a group in front of them, while he was on the same tee, hit like a total of 13 tee shots as they kept trying to drive the water or something

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Has a friend play Pebble several years ago. I have never played the course, but been to the area on two occasions. Matter of fact, found out my wife was pregnant with my son while we were at Carmel, but i digress.


Has a friend play Pebble several years ago. Friend walked off the course after I think hole 16 as we was at that point 7 hrs in. Said something to the effect of everyboday takes pictures all day long, and the pace was just brutal. Think sterotypes here if you will, but said it was EVERYONE.


Also, the day he played was almost 100% Asian tourists playing, and they insisted on playing 100% by the rules. So, he said he saw a group in front of them, while he was on the same tee, hit like a total of 13 tee shots as they kept trying to drive the water or something

I was last out at Peeble in 2002...like you never played it, but had to go see it. It's a shrine like Fenway, Lambeau, Augusta, etc.


What amazed me is that you could walk up to the 18th green, stand on it, and take all the pictures you want...no one was out there to keep you off the course, except for the players.


I think it's up around $250 to play a round...so, for me, that's about a buck a shot, which isn't a bad price. :beer:

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if they can scream at me underwater more power to them. I wear hearing protection at the range.

How do you equate the click of probably a digital camera with a scream?

I'll side with stojan on this one. You've clearly never played golf and therefore don't understand the issue. That doesn't make you a bad person or a "kitty" -- but it also means you should perhaps not be so glib in criticizing a professional athlete for something you know nothing about.

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I was last out at Peeble in 2002...like you never played it, but had to go see it. It's a shrine like Fenway, Lambeau, Augusta, etc.


What amazed me is that you could walk up to the 18th green, stand on it, and take all the pictures you want...no one was out there to keep you off the course, except for the players.


I think it's up around $250 to play a round...so, for me, that's about a buck a shot, which isn't a bad price. :beer:

it is $375 now for non-hotel guests, $350 for those that are. So for me more like $4 a shot.


Now, with the dollar being what it is...draw your own conclusions

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What amazed me is that you could walk up to the 18th green, stand on it, and take all the pictures you want...no one was out there to keep you off the course, except for the players.


That's insane. You can get way better pictures on the 17 mile drive.

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it is $375 now for non-hotel guests, $350 for those that are. So for me more like $4 a shot.


Now, with the dollar being what it is...draw your own conclusions


A few random thoughts. 1. At the price per shot level I would certainly get my money worth. 2. Why does a digital camera need to click? 3. The reason it is called golf is because the words S*** and F*** were already taken

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Aren't you in the Richmond area? Where do you play?

For the most part I play at RCC..not the greatest course in the area, but thats where i be a memeber as its right down the street and CCV no likee us Yankess!!!!


Public, i play Hunting Hawk and Independance, love them both and both within 15 minutes of the house

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Swearing on the course is nothing new for Tiger; and anyone snapping pictures in someone's back swing deserves to have their fking neck broken.




He's a very likable guy. Most people in his position would act like their sh-- didn't stink. By all accounts he's a regular guy; busts balls with the other tour players, accomodating to the media and fans, plays hards, gracious winner and hates to lose. And who are you going to root for instead -- Phil? Vijay? That punk-ass Sabatini? Meh.


I'd really like to see him make a run at the Grand Slam this year.


I have never met the guy, but I know some people who do. By all accounts, both Tiger and his wife are two of the nicest people you would ever want to meet.

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For the most part I play at RCC..not the greatest course in the area, but thats where i be a memeber as its right down the street and CCV no likee us Yankess!!!!


Public, i play Hunting Hawk and Independance, love them both and both within 15 minutes of the house

I missed my chance to play at Independance last year. My daughter played there with school and I was going to go early and get out before them, but too busy at work. It's a fairly long drive but hear its nice. What about Mataponni, you try that yet? I hear it's great, but again no time.


I don't know how much I'll play elsewhere, I joined the base course this year. Real cheap and now I can walk when I play rather than be forced to use a cart. Might help me lose a few pounds.

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