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Trading Spikes has advantages and disadvantages

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One advantage is that we are basically guarantees that we're going my boy Patrick Willis. Also we are going to get younger and faster one defense. Finally we're going to get our young players who played well last year (Ellison) in a starting role.


However, with every advantage there is a disadvantage. One that I see it that we are going to lost a great teacher for our players and we are goping to lose a lot of leadership on the defense. But I think that Crowell can handle being the leader on the defense seeing how he's been there the longest. I still think we have a chance to make the players with this young defense. We're faster and younger now.

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I think management viewed Takeo's leadership in a negative way after he bitched about the status of Vincent when they IR'd him. They saw him as undermining the youth movement in a rebuilding year & possibly a negative force if the team decides it needs one more year of rebuilding in 2007.


From the off season moves, the team is not looking at contending for the Super Bowl this year, hence it's still in rebuild mode.

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One advantage is that we are basically guaranting that we're going my boy Patrick Willis. Also we are going to get younger and faster one defense. Finally we're going to get our young players who played well last year (Ellison) in a starting role.


However, with every advantage there is a disadvantage. One that I see it that we are going to lost a great teacher for our players and we are goping to lose a lot of leadership on the defense. But I think that Crowell can handle being the leader on the defnse seeing how he's been there the longest.


How does this guarantee we are getting Willis? Willis is a MLB and what if a team ahead of us, the 49ers, select him?

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It doesn't have to be the Super Bowl but rebuild mode isn't acceptable either. This team needs to be in the play-offs this year as they build towards an even brighter future after. While Buffalo is purging players they will be not be idle or shy (at least I hope) in improving this roster for THIS year. I expect some big moves still ahead for us in the very near future ( draft, June 1st and/or trades, etc.).

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However, with every advantage there is a disadvantage. One that I see it that we are going to lost a great teacher for our players


Players play- especially superstar level ones.


They play coaches now a days a lot of money to actually coach.

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Guarantees that he will be our first pick. If he's not there, then get Okoye.


The only guaranteed 1st pick if he's there is Adrian Peterson.

I can easily see MarvModrak moving down and picking up Posluszny.

Start learning how to spell his name now. :devil:


Of course I'm probably wrong.

It's probably Timmons they covet. :D

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So then trading Spikes guarantees that the Bills draft Willis ... or Okoye ... or Hall ... or ... wait a second :D


Are you on a witch hunt or something??? You really don't want willis? I know what he meant and its kinda obvious that if willis is not there than we wont take him, and you are the one who baited him into giving you names of people we could draft if the one he said before was not there, so wtf is your point?? do you feel better now?? did your wife yell at you last night and you decide to take the fight onto tbd??

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Are you on a witch hunt or something??? You really don't want willis? I know what he meant and its kinda obvious that if willis is not there than we wont take him, and you are the one who baited him into giving you names of people we could draft if the one he said before was not there, so wtf is your point?? do you feel better now?? did your wife yell at you last night and you decide to take the fight onto tbd??


Yes. :D

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One advantage is that we are basically guarantees that we're going my boy Patrick Willis. Also we are going to get younger and faster one defense. Finally we're going to get our young players who played well last year (Ellison) in a starting role.


However, with every advantage there is a disadvantage. One that I see it that we are going to lost a great teacher for our players and we are goping to lose a lot of leadership on the defense. But I think that Crowell can handle being the leader on the defense seeing how he's been there the longest. I still think we have a chance to make the players with this young defense. We're faster and younger now.


Many of those who have excelled (or still think they can) make for very poor teachers. Where is it a given that Takeo would have been a great teacher? Where is it written that a "teacher" should make 4.6 Mil this year practicing the profession of enlightenment?

Had Takeo not blown up his achilles......never mind, it happened and....

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