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How does the all knowing Mort know Buffalo didn't try to re-sign these guys 2 years ago? Two years ago they would have been cheap, and players like McGahee and Clements (and their agents) are smart enough to realize that they possibly (barring injury) could break the bank if they just play out their contract and go with the high bidder.

Oh, and to who ever posted that Donahoe couldn't pick a coach if his life depended on it; didn't he hire Bill Cowher; or did the Rooney's?

P.S. - Mort is a homo.

He couldn't pick a coach for us, which hurt him a lot more then his ablity to find talent or manage.

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Perhaps not 100% of every thought of his is tied to ballwashing TD. The automatic dainsay of everything Mort says because he is friends with Donohoe is incredibly stupid. Not that Mort is such a great reporter, he's not. He's as accurate as the next guy, which means about 20% of the time. But people here make fools of themselves IMO to just discredit everything he says. If Mort said that Lee Evans is quickly becoming one of the top wideouts in the league would it be solely because he's ballwashing TD?



Amen! What is the obsession everyone has with "ballwashing" around here?

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I'm not disputing the validity of what he's saying. Lots of teams try and follow this strategy and aren't successful in locking up everybody. We've even followed this strategy with players like McGee and Schobel, and probably tried unannounced to us with others. The way I read his comments implied it was some sort of Bills error that led us to these circumstances. That if we dealt with these contracts two years ago we wouldn’t be in this position. It came off like that because of the context he's used in previous chat sessions regarding our team. If it was a general comment regarding the strategy all teams should use then so be it. I just don't find similar league lessons explained when he discusses the rest of the teams. The Bills and our fans have a clear inferiority complex but this is one of the examples where I actually believe a writer has an agenda with us, and it's not a positive one.

Fair enough. I really don't see his comments that way at all. I think that's just being paranoid. And like someone else said, if he is complaining about them not doing it two years ago that is a slam at TD and not Marv and Jauron. Maybe he has it in for the Bills and Bills fans, I just don't think so. He sure was absolutely right about the Moulds situation last year. And frankly, I don't think a majority of the things he has said about the Bills have really been disproven.

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Joe, nyc: Hey Mort great stuff is usual, whats going on with willis McGahee? theres a lot of rumblings in buffalo he wants out?


SportsNation Chris Mortensen: He does not want out. You know, if he hadn't missed three games with broken ribs against some soft rushing defenses, he probably would have had 1,200-1,300 yards. He has a year left on his contract and he would like to get extended. They would be wise to do it. But I think Ralph Wilson Jr. is having a tough time with the cash outlay on his other free agents like Fletcher, Clements, Kelsay...that's why you sign these guys two years before their contracts expire.




Andy (Rochester, NY): Mort, is London Fletcher-Baker worth trying to sign again? I can see him helping out the Bills the next couple years, but he is getting up there in age. Is there any chance the Bills cut Takeo (who hasn't been himself since his achilles injury) to make room for Fletcher?


SportsNation Chris Mortensen: I'd sign him. He's like Zach Thomas - shows no signs of slowing down.



Chris M is just hilarious. All of TD's choices are MUST RESIGNs and there are always concerns with the owner, not the player. Amazing.

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You guys just don't get it. Mort knows TD was kept from re-signing all his stars because Ralph's too cheap to open up the wallet enough to begin 6 months of contract negotiations in the proper time frame i.e., 2 1/2 years before their 3 year contract is up.

Marv's too stupid and senile to realize he should have begun these negotiations at least two years ago.

But NO! He wasn't even thinking about it then. He was probably playing canasta and drinking iced tea.

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Look - Morts answers look pretty good to me. Very honest with no hidden agenda. Quit overreacting.


The truth is what he has said is spot on...


I also think that if the Bills are serious about making a playoff push, they will re-sign all of those players this off season.


WM - got to extend him now to avoid a bidding war. perfect timimg after a patchy season (not his fault injury wise, but still patchy).

CK - don't see why we wouldn't re-sign now.

LFB - got to get him done. Draftee replacement or otherwise. He's crucial.

NC - won't sign? Franchise him again.

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Look - Morts answers look pretty good to me. Very honest with no hidden agenda. Quit overreacting.


The truth is what he has said is spot on...


I also think that if the Bills are serious about making a playoff push, they will re-sign all of those players this off season.


WM - got to extend him now to avoid a bidding war. perfect timimg after a patchy season (not his fault injury wise, but still patchy).

CK - don't see why we wouldn't re-sign now.

LFB - got to get him done. Draftee replacement or otherwise. He's crucial.

NC - won't sign? Franchise him again.


Actually - I could see LFB being given the Transition Tag... assuming Nate gets a deal done or doesn't walk straight away. In which case, despite what ML said last time, you have to franchise Nate again.

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