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Time To Take OJ Simpson

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Oh boy ...


Our society is funny. Not funny "hah, hah' but funny f'd up. If some news or sportscaster or even athelete makes an off color or anti pc statement he or she is fired. Cut off from their lively hood and publicly scrutinized and humiliated. This guys slits two peoples throat. Ends their lives. The worst thing anyone can do in their life and he still is forgiven. "Sure leave his name up on the wall. Who gives a **** what atrocities he has done outside of the precious NFL." He carried the rock for the mighty Bills and achieved glory thats all that really matters. POS deserves a bullet in his head with the stupid wall name ground up and tossed on his grave for a little extra "F U"

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Our society is funny. Not funny "hah, hah' but funny f'd up. If some news or sportscaster or even athelete  makes an off color or anti pc statement he or she is fired. Cut off from their lively hood and publicly scrutinized and humiliated.  This guys slits two peoples throat. Ends their lives. The worst thing anyone can do in their life and he still is forgiven. "Sure leave his name up on the wall. Who gives a **** what atrocities he has done outside of the precious NFL." He carried the rock for the mighty Bills and achieved glory thats all that really matters. POS deserves a bullet in his head with the stupid wall name ground up and tossed on his grave for a little extra "F U"



Right. And when he dies (I believe), he will be judged. If you DONT believe that then consider this.


The wall of fame is for FOOTBALL. Not for the community. What he did outside of the stadium should not touch what he did INSIDE the stadium. He WAS a great player and IS deserving of the wall of fame ... if Neil Armstrong goes on to kill a person should we say that he was NOT the first person on the moon ... I know its extreme but Armstrong WAS what he WAS, and OJ WAS, what he WAS on the field.


Now if their is some "oustanding person" wall of fame that he is on, then YES ... he should be taken off of that one.

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i have stood by the OJ accomplishments on the field and hoped against hope that OJ was really not guilty...but I gotta agree with you here...this is a big "black guy" on the bills organization and needs to be removed :D


Talk about a total disgrace. It sickens me that this guy is even associated with the city of Buffalo. I saw a topic being posted a few days back about his new book (never viewed it though) so my bad if someone already brought this up.


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Right. And when he dies (I believe), he will be judged. If you DONT believe that then consider this.


The wall of fame is for FOOTBALL. Not for the community. What he did outside of the stadium should not touch what he did INSIDE the stadium. He WAS a great player and IS deserving of the wall of fame ... if Neil Armstrong goes on to kill a person should we say that he was NOT the first person on the moon ... I know its extreme but Armstrong WAS what he WAS, and OJ WAS, what he WAS on the field.


Now if their is some "oustanding person" wall of fame that he is on, then YES ... he should be taken off of that one.


No, your reasoning is not "extreme" - it's extremely convoluted! I can't believe I have to rebut such circumlocution, but I guess I must.


If Neil Armstrong sneaks up behind an unsuspecting young woman who also happens to be the mother of his children and - in the most cowardly fashion and under the cloak of darkness - subdues her and slashes her throat and leaves her bleeding on a cold sidewalk to die, then uses his 150-pound size advantage to overpower and kill someone who came to her defense...well yeah, he's still Neil Armstrong - of course he still walked on the moon - but I'm not gonna be naming any streets after the worthless piece of human garbage!!!!



What Dante said. The Brentwood Butcher's records will always be in the books - we don't have publicly honor this cold-blooded murderer at our stadium, nor should we.

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No, your reasoning is not "extreme" - it's extremely convoluted!  I can't believe I have to rebut such circumlocution, but I guess I must.


If Neil Armstrong sneaks up behind an unsuspecting young woman who also happens to be the mother of his children and - in the most cowardly fashion and under the cloak of darkness - subdues her and slashes her throat and leaves her bleeding on a cold sidewalk to die, then uses his 150-pound size advantage to overpower and kill someone who came to her defense...well yeah, he's still Neil Armstrong - of course he still walked on the moon - but I'm not gonna be naming any streets after the worthless piece of human garbage!!!!

What Dante said.  The Brentwood Butcher's records will always be in the books - we don't have publicly honor this cold-blooded murderer at our stadium, nor should we.



You will certainly never hear me say that the murders were not horrible and disgusting ... im saying that I believe the Wall Of Fame should be kept to ON FIELD accomplishments ... besides he is NOT GUILTY according to US courts.

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You will certainly never hear me say that the murders were not horrible and disgusting ... im saying that I believe the Wall Of Fame should be kept to ON FIELD accomplishments ... besides he is NOT GUILTY according to US courts.


Actually, I believe he was found GUILTY in US court - not guilty in LA court - but I get your drift.


I guess we disagree - the Wall of Fame is for on-field accomplishments, but where our opinions diverge is that if someone commits an act so callous, so brazen, so heinous, and so cowardly, well his records are still in the books and that's enough.


I don't want to see a plaque paying homage to the piece of shlt.

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Actually, I believe he was found GUILTY in US court -  not guilty in LA court - but I get your drift. 


I guess we disagree - the Wall of Fame is for on-field accomplishments, but where our opinions diverge is that if someone commits an act so callous, so brazen, so heinous, and so cowardly, well his records are still in the books and that's enough.


I don't want to see a plaque paying homage to the piece of shlt.



Fed, County, State .. whatever you want to say. He was found guilty in civil.

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You will certainly never hear me say that the murders were not horrible and disgusting ... im saying that I believe the Wall Of Fame should be kept to ON FIELD accomplishments ... besides he is NOT GUILTY according to US courts.


I guess the thing is daquixers is that some things transcend the court jesters accomplishments that are todays NFL players. Think about it. In the grand scheme of things the NFL, and OJ are only trivial entertainment to help us pass our leisure time. Nothing more. They deserve no more benefit of the doubt than you or I. Murdering someone is reality. Bills are amusement. I, as a long time Bills fan, am ashamed every time I see the Bills referenced in a OJ piece on TV. Honestly, I really wish he was never a Bill but maybe a Raider or Cowboy. Maybe the Niners can put his name up on their wall.

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You will certainly never hear me say that the murders were not horrible and disgusting ... im saying that I believe the Wall Of Fame should be kept to ON FIELD accomplishments ... besides he is NOT GUILTY according to US courts.




Not guilty according to LA county court in a criminal trial based on charges of the Penal law system of california.


Found against in a civil trial however, I don't think they refer to the loser in the civil trial as being found "guilty" so you are correct.


Whether he did it or not is only known by him or the real killer. The whole damn trial was tainted by the media and the shoddy work of the police. (I'll even admit that the LAPD botched that one up big time) I've learned over the past few years to care very little about big media events, unless one wants to go through every minute of every court transcript then there is no way we can consider ourselves truly informed.

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its a Jime Rome thing...i believe he was talking to joe monatana..and rome made the comment that "insert incident here" was a black eye on the league...montana responded that he really did not think it was a race issue....rome milked that for a long time...and that was just my salute to that...no harm at all intended in that post




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They should march OJ to the fifty yard line and let 80,000 people throw rocks and beer cans at him until he is dead. Then they should use the carcass to feed animals at the zoo, possibly the pigs if there are any. Then they should take his name off of the Wall and add Henry Jones.

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They should march OJ to the fifty yard line and let 80,000 people throw rocks and beer cans at him until he is dead.  Then they should use the carcass to feed animals at the zoo, possibly the pigs if there are any.  Then they should take his name off of the Wall and add Henry Jones.







Take his name down he is a disgrace to Buffalo.

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They should march OJ to the fifty yard line and let 80,000 people throw rocks and beer cans at him until he is dead.  Then they should use the carcass to feed animals at the zoo, possibly the pigs if there are any.  Then they should take his name off of the Wall and add Henry Jones.


Just when I've become so apoplectic over the issue that I can no longer articulate my emotions, along comes someone with far more eloquence than I could hope to summon.


Thank you. Well said.

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