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Everything posted by coltrane34

  1. Because you can check them for yourself by going to the state pages. This isn't difficult. They show their work. The "experts" don't because their models and methods are proprietary.
  2. Because I can see the numbers for myself and vet them. Unlike you can do with polls. A sure sign you've lost an argument: wildly switch topics! Come on, you're better than that.
  3. Uh oh... Twitter nobodies with facts are better than established people who are paid to lie.
  4. Can you with any of the polling data you're a slave to? Nope, you can't. (Mine are coming from state websites -- they're there for you to vet)
  5. Correct. There's never been an election where Florida and Ohio go more to the right than the previous election and PA, MI, GA, WI didn't follow suit. This is a marker that it's over. Ah, you're right. It was SoTier. I confuse you two. Wonder why? PSA: Exit polls are about to be made available for the first time today in the early states. The smart play is to ignore them as people have been lying to pollsters for over a year now, they're not going to suddenly start telling the truth now.
  6. Nothing like the peaceful resistance of a leftist facing a big ol' L right in the face. Four years of wasted anger and time chasing fake stories led you here. If you're mad, be mad at yourself for falling for it.
  7. But... your maps claimed they'd be blue! Now who's scared, bro?
  8. You still think Florida is in play? STILL? Never let it be said you're not loyal.
  9. Better question: will the left accept the loss today unlike they did in 2016? Or are we in for four more years of tinfoil hat conspiracy nonsense?
  10. Meanwhile: The man is unable to speak, let alone lead. AZ going, going, GONE. Joe never had a chance to win really. It was always a mirage. And this is a bad sign for MN: Gee, if only this could have been predicted!
  11. CLOWN SHOW ALERT: You'll get better information sticking your finger in a light socket and having a near death experience than you will listening to a guy who's a proven fraud.
  12. Things that have been evident for a week+ -- but when you're a slave to the polls (HA!) you're going to be surprised.
  13. Florida and AZ have the best early numbers, which is why they're being used. But what's happening there (trump landslides) is national. Another loser: Luntz is going to be wrong again. Trump leads all these states by comfortable margins.
  14. Things that anyone could have figured out for themselves if they just unplugged from the matrix. Who will learn their lesson this time around here?
  15. Quick math lesson, Biden can't break 300 without TX, FL, and AZ. So... lots of self own in this thread already.
  16. Check your maps, then cringe at how they fooled you (again).
  17. Notice that all these states were double digits leads for Biden just a week ago per Nate Silver and others. Time to wake up, folks. The polling industry is hot trash. It's fake, designed to promote narratives not inform.
  18. ********************************** More white supremacists... They thought HATE would be a better campaign than HOPE. Fear is all they have to sell, and the country isn't buying. Sorry, Joe!
  19. Youth turnout and college turnout are all waaaaay down this cycle. It's going to bite Biden -- but karma is sweet.
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