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Everything posted by coltrane34

  1. Maybe, but I have no problem giving blood to defend this country. But we should not disregard the lessons taught to us, with thinking like that we are not fighting for freedom we are killing for the fun of it. Does ethnic cleansing ring a bell?
  2. Ok we have turned into a nation of sadistic freaks. Sure many people deserve what they have comming to them, but to take enjoyment in the slaughtering of anyone for any reason is f*up. If this is what the leaders are saying imagine what the lowest marine thinks, is it now ok to torture, kill, or maim theese people because of how some of them treat women. That general is going to hell along with all of the "evil" people that he dispaches from this planet.
  3. Please tell me that he is not dumb enough to play in that game. Or at least that the coaching/medical staff is not stupid enoug to let him play. He has not even recovered fully from his injury. Come on wait a year until he is 100% at least.
  4. What are you people worried that he willl steal Bradies thunder? Who cares if it is during Superbowl Week. It gives the stupid analysts something to talk about instead of how bad jacksonville is. This whole week is so overblown maybe this is a good distraction from the massive wasting of money taking place in Jacksonville.
  5. It is not like Bledsoe has led the bills to the playoffs ever. So start eating now
  6. Oh yeah in a fat, red eyed, drunk kinda way. He gets all sorts of chicks at congressional functions.
  7. Yeah where are these standards leading politics? Pretty soon we won't care what our leaders do as long as they look good and apologise for their mistakes.
  8. Consider this: No Playoffs with Drew......What does a new quaterback matter? The worst that JP can do is the best that Bledsoe has proven....no playoffs=bad season, so what is the difference?
  9. Just because someone can play football does not translate to being a leader in this country. Brady's intelectual values have never been tested. Who cares if he has won some games, is that going to help him balance a budget or determine the best way to fix social security? Name recognition should no longer be the primary basis for getting into office in this country. What are all of our future leaders going to be groomed in Hollywood or the NFL? Maybe I will push for Vin Diesel the congressman. http://www.newsday.com/sports/columnists/n...orts-columnists
  10. It is obvious that there is no qb delima. Drew has done his best to solidify the fact that he will not be the qb here in buffalo. Get over it....If anyone elso had come into town with such a huge contract and performed soooo poorly they would be run out of town on a rail. Are you kidding, forget everyone else Bledsoe loses games, no excuse me he loses seasons. For three years he has been forcing this team to fight through his mistakes. Can you imagine being an opposing coach and comming into Buffalo? All you have to do is plan a sceme that takes advantage of Bledsoe's miscues ( at least five a game) and you have won. Bledsoe is the biggest weekness on this team and he will continue to roll over for opponents as long as he is in control. The Bills need some one who can move the chains, not a QB who feel that he must make every play. You could plug a number of free agents or JP into this situation, and just let them manage the game, nothing special, nothing flashy, just don't make mistakes. Oh yeah did I mention that Drew has one of the top three highest qb contracts in the league? Rip the bandaid off now and release us from his painful grip.
  11. ok here you go.... Drew Bledsoe lost the entire season for the bills. He did something in every loss to give the game to the opponent. Every win was caused by a minimalization of Drew's mistakes. He is the only player to make major mistakes and not be punnished for it. Remember Bobby shaw? Where is the retribution? He has the third highest qb contract in the league and he is at the bottom of the league in stats. Give it up he is over, you people have run so many good players out of Buffalo, Why do you have so much trouble getting rid of him? Where's Flutie? Wake up and smell the smoke comming from Drew's Bong it is over.
  12. Rome is haveing London Fletcher on his radio show thursday, to discuss the resurgance of the Buffalo Bills.
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