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Everything posted by coltrane34

  1. It's not cherry picking. There are more of these than the inverse: Black and brown men are voting for Trump in historic numbers for a GOP candidate.
  2. Polls are wrong. They're lies. Independents are breaking 3:1 for Trump in PA. If they're doing that in PA there's no way they're not doing that in FL.
  3. Again, the only way you can get there is if you assume massive numbers of Rs are going to vote D. That's not how it works. Not when he was breaking records for primary turnout for an incumbent. And Is are not breaking for Biden. You've been had. Keep dreaming. Florida was gone on Saturday for your team. Texas was gone last month. Georgia was never in play, nor was Iowa. They conned you all.
  4. I've been a lurker here for 5 years. Watching people like you run off the high quality posters is why I'm posting today. You're going to lose badly today, it's going to be a joy to watch. And I'll be here to laugh at you the entire time
  5. Yet he's claimed for months that it's a lock for Biden. He's hedging now, like always, so he can later claim "I was close! You just don't understand how statistics work!" He's a fraud. Trump's on pace to win Florida by 2-5% which is an increase from 2016. You can try to avoid this reality, but it's coming. They'll call the state tonight too.
  6. Has nothing to do with who's POTUS. If you're so confident, how about a friendly bet on today's outcome?
  7. Does he sound confident? Or like he's about to be exposed again as a fraud? 'Cause it's the latter.
  8. We do know how he's doing based on voted returned in IEV. You just don't like what those numbers show.
  9. This place chased away all its good contributors so this guy could take center stage. And he couldn't even last 20 minutes with a real intellect across from him What a shithole this place has become.
  10. You expect Broward county to be red? So... this is your first election then I take it? How's he doing in MIAMI DADE? (right, he's setting records)
  11. You're proving you don't know either. The GOP just took the lead and Trump is underperforming? This is what happens when you hold Nate Silver and Dave Wasserman up as anything more than modern day PT Barnums. This isn't fear. This is dancing in the endzone.
  12. You're demonstrating that you don't have the first clue what you're looking at.
  13. What's silly is that you've had four years to adjust and you haven't. Now it's going to hurt today and the next four years -- and you'll have no one to blame but yourself.
  14. Projection in this thread is a sight to behold.
  15. Dodge and weave! And yes... one side is a cult This isn't the sound of someone who's on a winning side. Or a sane side. But Gary sure does have nice eyes.
  16. I'm watching real numbers, sorry. Enjoy the meltdown coming in about 8 hours. It'll be wall to wall like last time. And I'll be laughing the whole time because you should have seen this coming.
  17. Trump is superstitious and a former athlete. You remember how he was in 2016 on election day? I do. He was the same.
  18. GA is not going Biden. It was never in play. That's part of the trick. GA is only about the senate (which is in play). PA is only in play because of the chance of cheating. Even w that I expect Trump to win PA by a comfy margin.
  19. You're literally watching Biden lose in real time right now. He's getting trounced but you're still clinging to your narrative. Never change, TB. You're a funny fool.
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