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Everything posted by coltrane34

  1. There's a man/woman with a working brain on their shoulders. Agreed. Yup.
  2. It's really not -- but it'll be too close for comfort for the left.
  3. He's won Florida. I don't need to convince anyone. It's over. And... AZ So much for suburban voters fleeing Trump.
  4. I'm here to watch the car wreck and to watch you collapse in on yourself like a dying star. It's going to be hilarious
  5. We will. And I'll be accepting your apology and returning the favor with a toast of a beer
  6. Red mirage eh? I think we've hit all the talking points so far. Good luck. You're going to need it.
  7. Stop there. You don't think. Your posting history proves this.
  8. Correct. It makes a big difference. Pretending it doesn't is just a way to lie to yourself and make yourself feel better about the beating that's ongoing right now. Those are things nervous pollsters say right before the floor drops out from under them.
  9. What's the difference between 18 and now? Trump wasn't on the ballot. That changes everything.
  10. So when Nate Silver is proven wrong tonight, will you admit you were had? Or will you claim it was an anomaly?
  11. Reputable by whose definition? The media? Who got all of 2016 wrong? Nate Silver who's a proven fraud? Just plug your ears and wait for your media masters to tell you what to think I guess... that's one way to go about today Dems still got tricks:
  12. @BillsEnthusiast told you It's only going to become more evident Florida is gone. It was gone awhile ago.
  13. Miami Dade Hispanic vote is going for Trump. That's what these numbers aren't showing. Just watch... This isn't what someone who's winning says...
  14. It's election day. The whole country is MAGA land today, sorry. I'm just giving you the chance to be a few hours ahead of the curve so you can spare yourself some shock and surprise. The media and national polling industry has been gaslighting you for over a year now. They're the ones you will be mad at later tonight or tomorrow. Again, Wasserman is lying through his teeth. He's not a good analyst, he's a fraud:
  15. You have to assume every R votes R and every D votes D and split Is. That's the only honest way to do it. Predicting crossover is folly.
  16. CO won't go red. It'll just be closer than expected. Same with NY and CA. Add those "closer than expected" blue states together and you'll see Trump take a serious run at the popular vote. And it is a gotcha, because Nate Silver has AZ being blue. He's wrong. Without AZ and FL, Biden has to sweep the rust belt to have a path to 270. Joe's pathway just narrowed to one. Trump's just expanded.
  17. Baris is the one who's saying 3:1 breaks for Is in PA. He's the best in the business and he says Trump's going to win.
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