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More Moulds Stuff on KFFL


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Okay, it took some searching, but if they worded things correctly, the Bills were asking Moulds to take a 1.83 million dollar paycut. They also want to take out some of his incentive clauses. That doesn't seem like a lot, if he is scheduled to make 10.8 million, does it? Am I simplifying this too much? If I am understanding things, it really does just seem that Moulds just doerns not want to come back. I can't say that I totally blame him, but for his agent to be trying to make it sound like the Bills are treating him poorly is kind of petty. Any NFL player, and his agent, has got to know by now, when a guy signs a huge deal, he rarely gets the big money from the last year, or in Moulds case, two years.

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well Moulds actual salary I believe is a little over 6 million, but when you factor in bonuses his cap hit is 10 million. Either way it's still a lot of money. I hope something gets worked out. I cant say I blame him though. At this point in his career, he'll probably sacrifice the money to play for a contender. Most any pro athlete would tire easily of ever changing systems. I hope something gets worked out though

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well Moulds actual salary I believe is a little over 6 million, but when you factor in bonuses his cap hit is 10 million.  Either way it's still a lot of money.  I hope something gets worked out.  I cant say I blame him though. At this point in his career, he'll probably sacrifice the money to play for a contender. Most any pro athlete would tire easily of ever changing systems.  I hope something gets worked out though




Okay, that makes a little more sense. If the Bills asked him to take a paycut of 1.83 million, and eliminated the bonuses from his current contract, that would put his salary at closer to 4 million for the season. That is a bit bigger of a cut. However, does Moulds really think he is going to get much more than 4 million a year from another team? That is still a pretty nice salary, for someone who is aging, and whose numbers are in decline. Something tells me, cooler heads will prevail, and Moulds will end up staying. I guess we will find out soon enough.

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Any1 up for trading Moulds for Owens?


I don't believe we have to trade anyone for Owens as he isnot under contract to any team at this moment. Do we want to trade our "issues" with Moulds for a new bunch of "isues" with Owens??? Probably not, but then again who knows waht Levy / Jauron want.

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At this point in his career, he'll probably sacrifice the money to play for a contender. Most any pro athlete would tire easily of ever changing systems.  I hope something gets worked out though



Then that is what Moulds shoud say and walk away..

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Okay, that makes a little more sense.  If the Bills asked him to take a paycut of 1.83 million, and eliminated the bonuses from his current contract, that would put his salary at closer to 4 million for the season.  That is a bit bigger of a cut.  However, does Moulds really think he is going to get much more than 4 million a year from another team?  That is still a pretty nice salary, for someone who is aging, and whose numbers are in decline.  Something tells me, cooler heads will prevail, and Moulds will end up staying.  I guess we will find out soon enough.


Actually, according to Clump, who we can believe, Moulds salary is about 6.1 mil and he has a couple bonuses that are not signing bonuses (like a roster bonus for 1 mil and a workout bonus for 100K). So his "salary" for this year, money he is set to make but hasnt been paid yet, is about 7.2 mil. If we ask him to take a 1.83 mil cut, he still makes over 5 mil.

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Actually, according to Clump, who we can believe, Moulds salary is about 6.1 mil and he has a couple bonuses that are not signing bonuses (like a roster bonus for 1 mil and a workout bonus for 100K). So his "salary" for this year, money he is set to make but hasnt been paid yet, is about 7.2 mil. If we ask him to take a 1.83 mil cut, he still makes over 5 mil.




Moulds had to know, when he signed that deal, it would come to this. It virtually always does in these cases...unless he just wants to be somewhere else (which I could understand too), it doesn't seem to me that the Bills are really trying to low ball him all that badly....

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If I'm EM I want to go someplace else. With the QB problems here and the rebuilding that needs to be done he'll be lucky to see the playoffs again before he retires, much less entertain any thoughts of getting to a SB. If I were EM I would take a lot less money to play my last 2 to 3 years with a contender.


As a fan, it was nice but we can't afford to keep EM on the team at any cost. It is time to cut the strings and eat the cap money now. By the time this team is ready for the playoffs EM will be too old to contribute as a starting WR. Bring in the rook or young FA to replace him now and who will be ready to contribute to that SB run in 2008 - 2010.

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If I were EM I would take a lot less money to play my last 2 to 3 years with a contender.




Somehow, EM never gave me the impression as being an aggrieved Noble Spirit willing to sacrifice earthly goods in quest of the Holy Grail.


Knights errant seldom throw hissy-fits... :D

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If I'm EM I want to go someplace else.  With the QB problems here and the rebuilding that needs to be done he'll be lucky to see the playoffs again before he retires, much less entertain any thoughts of getting to a SB.  If I were EM I would take a lot less money to play my last 2 to 3 years with a contender.


As a fan, it was nice but we can't afford to keep EM on the team at any cost.  It is time to cut the strings and eat the cap money now.  By the time this team is ready for the playoffs EM will be too old to contribute as a starting WR.  Bring in the rook or young FA to replace him now and who will be ready to contribute to that SB run in 2008 - 2010.




I agree that I wouldn't fault Moulds for wanting to go somewhere else at this point, but I haven't seen any names come up that would be a good replacement for Moulds. Losing him, without replacing him with someone of equal abilities, could severly hamper the offense, and the development of whoever is our QB next season. Not to mention Lee Evans.


I think the Bills could afford him, if they wanted him badly enough. I also think he could live on 4-6 million (still more than anyone else will pay him I am

sure), if he really wanted to stay. It seems like he is being a little disingenuos.

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I'm assuming the Bills want him to take a 30% paycut (and WHY can Curtis Martin take a much bigger one?), which would drop his base salary from $6.09M ro $4.26M, and want him to forgo his other bonuses, which would end up being a $2.93M cut in pay/new money for this year. Again he'd still make $4.26M, and combined with the $26-28M he's already made the past 5 years, he'd be well over $30M for 6 years of the (huge) contract he signed. And that would make him one of the highest-paid WR's over that timespan.


I say cut him, especially if a new CBA can't be agreed-upon (and I think the Bills haven't cut him because they're waiting for the CBA to truly be dead). Teams will have to cut tons of players and the money won't be as plentiful, so Moulds can play for less on a team that might have a shot at winning the SB, but he's got a 1 in 32 chance of getting THAT right.

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