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SI.com Cheapshots Early 90s Bills


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I read a lot more often than I post here (I think my last post explained how the Bills could STILL win the division after losing to the Fish?!? :lol: ), but I had to link to an SI.com article I just read about the Super Bowl. [sorry if it's already been discussed] http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/news?slug=cnns...cnnsi&type=lgns


At first, I found it amusing/ironic when I read:


The Seahawks have faced only one 3-4 formation all season, at home against Dallas in Week 7. The Seahawks won 13-10, but they needed a gift Drew Bledsoe interception to help them score 10 points in the game's last 40 seconds in avoiding defeat.


I wasn't so enthusiastic when I read the ending:


Ever wonder what happens to those commemorative conference championship and Super Bowl shirts and caps that get printed up but go unused by the losers of those games? Apparently they wind up being boxed up by the NFL and shipped off as a clothing donation to third-world countries.

As I imagine it, somewhere in Zimbabwe there's a whole bunch of people who appear to be absolutely nuts about those Buffalo Bills teams of the early '90s.


Stupid comments like this don't typically bother me anymore as a lifelong Bills fan, but this one pissed me off for some reason. It just seemed like a gratuitous shot. Am I the only one?!?

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I read a lot more often than I post here (I think my last post explained how the Bills could STILL win the division after losing to the Fish?!? :lol: ), but I had to link to an SI.com article I just read about the Super Bowl. [sorry if it's already been discussed]   http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/news?slug=cnns...cnnsi&type=lgns


At first, I found it amusing/ironic when I read:


The Seahawks have faced only one 3-4 formation all season, at home against Dallas in Week 7. The Seahawks won 13-10, but they needed a gift Drew Bledsoe interception to help them score 10 points in the game's last 40 seconds in avoiding defeat.


I wasn't so enthusiastic when I read the ending:


  Ever wonder what happens to those commemorative conference championship and Super Bowl shirts and caps that get printed up but go unused by the losers of those games? Apparently they wind up being boxed up by the NFL and shipped off as a clothing donation to third-world countries.

  As I imagine it, somewhere in Zimbabwe there's a whole bunch of people who appear to be absolutely nuts about those Buffalo Bills teams of the early '90s.


Stupid comments like this don't typically bother me anymore as a lifelong Bills fan, but this one pissed me off for some reason. It just seemed like a gratuitous shot. Am I the only one?!?




On ESPN, on NFL LIVE, they were comparing the Payton Manning Colts to the 90's Bills Super Bowl teams. Before that, it was the Eagles, who, at that point, had not ever made it to the Super Bowl. I have really grown to despise some of the Sports Illustrated writers (Rick Reilly comes to mind) as much as most of ESPN. They all just want to be clever and smug all of the time. Manning and the Colts have never even sniffed a Super Bowl.


I don't really get too pissed off about this stuff anymore (when dumb ass Cowboys fans alway raz me, because the Bills lost "3 in a row", I don't bother to correct them) when it comes from idiot sports fans. When it comes from supposed journalists though, they lose any credibility with me...not that they would care....

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You might be... :lol:  Shouldn't you be working right now? :D



You caught me Campy. :)


I've been checking various legal/ political blogs for work lately, so I kind of unofficially added Two Bills Drive to my list. I usually check what you and Ramius say (among others) to get informed, reasoned opinion on the Bills, not just the-sky-is-falling-because-we-didn't-hire-Sherman babble. It's almost scary how much I agree w/ Ramius about the Bills; you'd think I went to high school with the guy and he was the best man in my wedding or something.

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I thought they were destroyed. I have heard people have tried to get them as a collectors item but they can't because they have to be destroyed




I'm pretty sure the article is accurate. My buddy was doing some volunteer work in Mexico over X-mas break and he said he saw a younger kid rocking a Bills Super Bowl Champions t-shirt. He immediately thought of me and went to get his camera to take a pic and saw that he had forgot it that day.

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It's almost scary how much I agree w/ Ramius about the Bills; you'd think I went to high school with the guy and he was the best man in my wedding or something.


That's wierd man, wierd.



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On ESPN, on NFL LIVE, they were comparing the Payton Manning Colts to the 90's Bills Super Bowl teams.  Before that, it was the Eagles, who, at that point, had not ever made it to the Super Bowl.  I have really grown to despise some of the Sports Illustrated writers (Rick Reilly comes to mind) as much as most of ESPN.  They all just want to be clever and smug all of the time.  Manning and the Colts have never even sniffed a Super Bowl.

Sports Illustrated has become so irrelevant in the internet age, thanks to free sports news everywhere, and especially because of morons like Reilly. This hack was trying to convince everyone that the only reason the Bills went to 4 SB's is because it was the worst era of football in the AFC during that timeperiod. Of course idiot boy never bothered to check the Bills' record against NFC teams during that time. And I'm sure it all relates to him being snubbed by one of the Bills, probably Kelly.

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I think you are over-reacting. That doesn't seem malicious. I once saw a woman in Oakland at a Pak n Sav in a slummy part of town wearing a Buffalo Bills Super Bowl Champion sweatshirt. I am pretty sure they give them out to lower income people as well.

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I think you are over-reacting. That doesn't seem malicious. I once saw a woman in Oakland at a Pak n Sav in a slummy part of town wearing a Buffalo Bills Super Bowl Champion sweatshirt. I am pretty sure they give them out to lower income people as well.



That was ME and San Jose is NOT a lower income area you SF snob!

(just kidding of course)

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The comment is a recycled comment.  I couldn't tell you where, but I KNOW I've read that before.  So not only does the article's writer come out with the unnecessary cheap shot, but he's a plagarist as well.


I read that years ago, also.

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I'm not saying that the writer was malicious (unless he's a Fins, Jets, Pats, or Cowboys fan). I guess I just think that referring to the Bills Super Bowl losses 12-15 years later to make a joke is like reverting to "I know you are but what am I" or "Your Mama": it may make you sound witty among 4th-graders (and even some NFL fans) but shows a lack of originality/ current knowledge recognized by more informed fans.


How about "somewhere in Zimbabwe there's a whole bunch of people who appear to be absolutely nuts about the 2001-2003 NFC Champion Philadelphia Eagles"?

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The writer is jealous because we have fans around the world and other teams dont. :lol: Does it matter if the people from zimbabawe know what football is or who the hell the bills are? No. But they are wearing Bills stuff and thats what counts. :)

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The writer is jealous because we have fans around the world and other teams dont. :lol: Does it matter if the people from zimbabawe know what football is or who the hell the bills are? No. But they are wearing Bills stuff and thats what counts. :)



Well, at least Tom Donahoe can no longer take credit for any "Buffalo Bills - AFC East Division champions" or "Buffalo Bills - Hey, We Finally Won (Or Appeared In) A Playoff Game" shirts that may have accidentally made their way to our less fortunate brethren around the globe over the past few years....

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