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See, I TOLD YOU all we should get some Colon-Blow (or something similar, which is what this product seems to be):


"Most people who eat the standard American 'goo and glue' diet have about 5-10 pounds of matter stored in the colon. It's said that, according to the autopsy, John Wayne had 40 pounds of impacted fecal matter in his body at death. Elvis reportedly had 60 pounds."




Ok, guys, a WOMAN wrote this in to the site, as a testimonial:

I do not feel miserable. I am not bloated. Neither are the other two in my house. We all have more energy, clearer complexions and are having awesome adventures in the bathroom, which, I might add, we share with one another to compare notes. My tummy is flatter, and I don't have that sensation of something flipping in my tummy (what I thought was gas). I've lost 13 pounds. I sleep MUCH BETTER than I have in years. My diagnosed ulcer seems to be gone. I'm not searching for worms, but have had some eliminations that I regret not taking a picture of, cuz you wouldn't believe it just by hearing it!!!



Oh my God! The Testimonials on this site are too much!:



Even as a child my whole family would cheer if I’d have one bowel movement a week.


Yes, I too have passed some awful things. Just yesterday, I passed something that looked exactly like the colonic plaque


“I experience anywhere from 14-20 bowel

movements per week”

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"Most people who eat the standard American 'goo and glue' diet have about 5-10 pounds of matter stored in the colon. It's said that, according to the autopsy, John Wayne had 40 pounds of impacted fecal matter in his body at death. Elvis reportedly had 60 pounds."



This is total stevestojan.

Your intestine sloughs off it's lining constantly. That is why you get sick from chemo-the lining is getting killed off. Eat corn-it comes out the next day. The food going through your intestine helps abrade the dead cells off the lining and eliminates them. There isn't a place for all this stuff to be impacted. John Wayne died from lung cancer and was almost skeletal when he died. He appeared on the Oscars within 6 months of his death and was skin and bones.

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I've heard also that these types of super-cleansing colonix things can be harmful. Specifically, I have heard that the Elvis / John Wayne 40 lbs. of impacted material thing is just an urban legend.


It's important to note that the article linked to here is Selling Something.


Anybody know some real objective scientific lowdown on this issue? Are these things really good for you?

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“My name is Annie and I just had to give you a status report. I am 23 years old and have had constipational and acne problems all my life. I am on day 4 of your program and I feel tons better already. I have not noticed anything really weird come out of me yet, but I am sure that there will be. My mother used to be happy if I had a bowel movement once every two weeks, and now I am going 3 to 5 times a day. I have noticed that the stool is very healthy and normal looking rather than the usual black as coal. So far it has worked wondrously for me… My energy is that of a normal 23 year old's. I have always been a lethargic person. I have hated being a lethargic person and always wondered what was wrong with me. Now I think I know. We have spent so much money over the years on acne medication. My mother has always thought it had something to do with my constipation, but my doctor said she was wrong. Now I have noticed a huge difference in my skin and my overall health and it has only been 4 days! God bless you all for creating something like this that would help people!


– Annie Snowden, Aug 07, 2004 (See Annie’s update below)




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Joey from Tonawanda writes:


After reading the testimonials for Colonix, I decided what the hell, I'll give it a try.

I'd been feeling bloated and lazy, plus Art at the job mentioned that I looked a little sallow. I don't know what the f@#$ that means, so I told him to get back up on his forklift before I brained him with a tire iron...but needless to say I was worried. The ditzy broad who mentioned her adventures in the bathroom hit the nail on the head. I finished the whole Sunday edition of the News...twice, ripped through a twelve pack of Charmin, and almost missed the 1pm kickoff. Good thing my brother-in-law left his extra TV and extension cords over here when his wife kicked him out, or I woulda been screwed. By the way, moving a TV into the can is right up there with screening in your garage. what a great idea! Back to my review...Did I feel better? Hell no! By Monday morning I felt like someone took a belt sander to my @ss and now....when one of the boys drops a bomb, I can't return fire. Is that what sallow means? Anyways, let me tell you sometin'. Save yourself the cash and by a 6pack of Genny Pounders. You'll get the same effect and a buzz to boot.

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Joey from Tonawanda writes:


After reading the testimonials for Colonix, I decided what the hell, I'll give it a try.

I'd been feeling bloated and lazy, plus Art at the job mentioned that I looked a little sallow. I don't know what the f@#$ that means, so I told him to get back up on his forklift before I brained him with a tire iron...but needless to say I was worried. The ditzy broad who mentioned her adventures in the bathroom hit the nail on the head. I finished the whole Sunday edition of the News...twice, ripped through a twelve pack of Charmin, and almost missed the 1pm kickoff. Good thing my brother-in-law left his extra TV and extension cords over here when his wife kicked him out, or I woulda been screwed. By the way, moving a TV into the can is right up there with screening in your garage. what a great idea! Back to my review...Did I feel better? Hell no! By Monday morning I felt like someone took a belt sander to my @ss and now....when one of the boys drops a bomb, I can't return fire. Is that what sallow means? Anyways, let me tell you sometin'. Save yourself the cash and by a 6pack of Genny Pounders. You'll get the same effect and a buzz to boot.




That is the funniest thing i have EVER read on here... holy crap, im dying at work here... as soon as i saw "Joey from Tonawanda" i knew it was gonna be good.



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