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The Handling of Losman By The Bills Organization

Mark VI

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Lets Recap:


TD cuts Bledsoe because he can see we can only go so far with him with his multiple shortcomings. In the meantime, he's ignored upgrading the Offensive Line with real Quality and depth for about 3 years. So Losman, who hasn't earned anything, is immediately given the starting nod without any competition. The Line still can't block, the playcalling is the worst in memory and Montana in his prime wouldn't win 6 games on this team.


The Vets, who actually think they are a 9-10 win team, do not like the fact JP hasn't earned his job ( not his decision ) and react once Losman struggles out of the gate. Mularkey wilts like a 2 day rose and puts noodle arm career backup in to save his job...er....win a couple games. We beat Miami and the Jets at home to fool everyone into thinking we have something. Then Holcomb play like crap against KC at home and gets knocked out with 0 points on the scoreboard. Losman comes in and throws 2 TD's to win the game.


From that point on, no matter what any Vet had to say, this should have been his team and Holcomb should never have played again, unless Losman was injured..and I mean actually injured.. We had NOTHING to lose, except more games... which we did anyhow.


The worst handling of a young NFL QB in recent memory.


So now we have the hot pockets calling for Leinart,Vince Young,Rivers,Neil Young...anyone they've ever heard of on ESPN or MTV.


Losman could be ANYTHING right now, boom or bust.. but we'll NEVER know if we don't give him a fair shake. When he went back in against KC, he looked like a much better QB with his accuracy, poise and reads.


Let him have a competion with Holcomb going into the summer. That should be over in 2 weeks, if not 2 days, with JP the clear winner.


Meanwhile, we have real, not imagined, issues with other units on our team. The OL, DL and hiring the right OC,DC come to mind. A vet WR to possibly replace Moulds, an actual NFL TE, IDing a CB to possibly replace Clements are other concerns on a long list.


QB isn't an issue because we need to see what we actaully have in JP behind a credible OL with some good playcalling. Throwing him under the bus at this juncture is pure lunacy. If he bombs, we can make a move next year. We will actually KNOW something then about his ability to be our starting QB without constantly being yanked by a coach with no backbone. :P I think Marv can help Mularkey figure that one out.


Ok, I'm done here. Onto the next imagined crisis...

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I agree with all of this.


- Losman shouldn't have gotten the nod without a QB competition UNLESS the bills were resigned to the fact that this was a year where we were not going to do anything.


- I agreed with Holcomb coming in after Losman struggled early


- I thought JPL should have stayed in after the KC game


- Why on earth did we not try harder to bring in better OL with a rookie QB.....there WERE guys out there



And now we have a QB in JPL who may not trust this franchise any more......it looked to me that he WAS improving week by week.....we cant expect a rook to show marked improvement EVERY time he steps on the field......it has to be guaged as a hole.


Lets have the QB competition....Holcomb is NOT going to win that....lets get this OL in shape......I think JPL will be much better next year.

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- Why on earth did we not try harder to bring in better OL with a rookie QB.....there WERE guys out there



For the same reason we didn't upgrade the offensive line when we brought in a lead-footed veteran QB a few years earlier and let him get killed: the Bills want to play a certain style of game without regard to actually having the personnel to do it.

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QB isn't an issue because we need to see what we actaully have in JP behind a credible OL with some good playcalling. Throwing him under the bus at this juncture is pure lunacy. If he bombs, we can make a move next year. We will actually KNOW something then about his ability to be our starting QB without constantly being yanked by a coach with no backbone.  :)  I think Marv can help Mularkey figure that one out.

Ok, I'm done here. Onto the next imagined crisis...




Right, because Marv handled the Todd Collins situation so well...




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No matter how JP was handled this past season.... he will have a chance to earn his job in camp this summer. If he is any kind of a promising player, he will take his 8 games (or whatever it was?), learn from it, and be a much better QB this coming camp. We should see a quantum leap in terms of his abilities from last season to 2006

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I agree Mark - I was FURIOUS JP did not play in the final game UNLESS it is revealed he was hurt - but how could that be if he was "probable"???


I am relaxed assuming the Bills will do two things this offseason:


1:) Sign topnotch linemen in FA - (Why? I think ralph will open his wallet WIDE to do so)

2:) Draft Linemen early


Hey mark and John from Hemet, chime in - Is it true the frnachise charge for CB's has dropped to $5 mil in 2006. Does this not make it a slamdunk that Clements will be franchised? If so, would you keep him for one year at that price or trade him? If trade, would you accept less than a 1st rounder?


My answers: Franchise him and only trade him if 1st rounder. Also, sign him to 5-year deal if it amounts to around 5 mil per year cap hit (or less early and more late).




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Open competition in training camp is the only way to go. But bring in another veteren QB that mayl be released this off season, someone like Aaron Brooks. JP needs more competition than Mr. 500, Kelly Holcomb.


I'd actually love to see us bring in Joey Harrington, if he'd come cheap. I think he was miscast as a West Coast QB, and could thrive given the right circumstances. At worst he's a #3 with plenty of starting experience. At best, he fulfills his original promise as a QB.

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My concern, Mark, is that Losman was praised for his offseason preparations. He worked out, and studied film, and worked out, and studied film, and made a massive emotional and physical effort to be ready for his opportunity. With a crappy Oline, he failed and was pulled WAY too prematurely.


I guess my question is: what's his incentive for busting his ass AGAIN this whole offseason, only to have to now compete for a job against a guy who already took the job away from him? And to come back to a coach who didn't think twice about pulling him?


There is no confidence there on behalf of the coaches, and consequently no confidence on behalf of JP that if he DOES step up, he won't be benched in a NY minute.


!@#$ed up situation.

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I'd actually love to see us bring in Joey Harrington, if he'd come cheap.  I think he was miscast as a West Coast QB, and could thrive given the right circumstances.  At worst he's a #3 with plenty of starting experience.  At best, he fulfills his original promise as a QB.



Harrington is capable. I think a venue change is in order - the Lions IMO have some decent talent, but a nutty front office and coaching ups and downs haven't helped. I guess that sounds familiar... :P

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My concern, Mark, is that Losman was praised for his offseason preparations. He worked out, and studied film, and worked out, and studied film, and made a massive emotional and physical effort to be ready for his opportunity. With a crappy Oline, he failed and was pulled WAY too prematurely.


I guess my question is: what's his incentive for busting his ass AGAIN this whole offseason, only to have to now compete for a job against a guy who already took the job away from him? And to come back to a coach who didn't think twice about pulling him?


There is no confidence there on behalf of the coaches, and consequently no confidence on behalf of JP that if he DOES step up, he won't be benched in a NY minute.


!@#$ed up situation.



It still ticks me off that he was pulled in the Atlanta and New Orleans games. He needed to be given every opportunity to pull out those wins or take his lumps. Eli Manning was given those opportunities and he has pulled off some amazing wins for the Giants in the forth quarter. The sad part of this is that his teamates were not on board once he started playing like a rookie. Instead of rallying around him they took entire games off in the hopes that Holcomb would replace him. The most startling qualities of the Buffalo Bills is that they're a team that's weak minded and directionless. They have no idea of what the concept "playing like a team" means. They all (coaches and players) looked for someone to blame thier p*ss poor performances on and Losman was the oh so convenient target. Unless Malarkey can pull a rabbit out of his *ss and make this team pull together and run through walls for each other this team will no doubt have a coaching change in mid season. This scenario is so coming it's not even funny.

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My concern, Mark, is that Losman was praised for his offseason preparations. He worked out, and studied film, and worked out, and studied film, and made a massive emotional and physical effort to be ready for his opportunity. With a crappy Oline, he failed and was pulled WAY too prematurely.


I guess my question is: what's his incentive for busting his ass AGAIN this whole offseason, only to have to now compete for a job against a guy who already took the job away from him? And to come back to a coach who didn't think twice about pulling him?


There is no confidence there on behalf of the coaches, and consequently no confidence on behalf of JP that if he DOES step up, he won't be benched in a NY minute.


!@#$ed up situation.


It is, but his incentive is to be better than he was last year, win over his teammates and be an NFL quarterback. If he doesn't do it here, it's going to be a lot harder for him to do it elsewhere. Presuming this front office is going to do something about the line, the competition will help JP focus and he will come out on top. And JP winning this kind of competition would almost mean more to his teammates than to him personally. He is by far the more talented prospect. Time for him to put it all together and let it all hang out.


He knows no experience in the offseason, even if he's busting his ass, can compete with his on-field experience. Now he has a whole offseason to reflect on this season's experiences. I think he's going to rebound.

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It is, but his incentive is to be better than he was last year, win over his teammates and be an NFL quarterback.  If he doesn't do it here, it's going to be a lot harder for him to do it elsewhere.  Presuming this front office is going to do something about the line, the competition will help JP focus and he will come out on top.  And JP winning this kind of competition would almost mean more to his teammates than to him personally.  He is by far the more talented prospect.  Time for him to put it all together and let it all hang out.


He knows no experience in the offseason, even if he's busting his ass, can compete with his on-field experience.  Now he has a whole offseason to reflect on this season's experiences.  I think he's going to rebound.


I agree, I think JP will come back strong next year. The Bills really need to strengthen the defense and take the pressure off the offense. Against SD and Oakland the offense could have put up 40 and still lose. Plus we still need to build up the O-line. I hope Marv knew what he was getting into, this is not an overnight fix!!!

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The sad part of this is that his teamates were not on board once he started playing like a rookie. Instead of rallying around him they took entire games off in the hopes that Holcomb would replace him. The most startling qualities of the Buffalo Bills is that they're a team that's weak minded and directionless.



This is spot on, good work.

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Open competition in training camp is the only way to go.  But bring in another veteren QB that mayl be released this off season, someone like Aaron Brooks.  JP needs more competition than Mr. 500, Kelly Holcomb.



Aaron Brooks is Mr. 200, a big step down.

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Aaron Brooks is Mr. 200, a big step down.


I didn't say that i wanted Aaron Brooks in camp next year, i said a veteran like Aaron Brooks. But AB has 120 pass TD's and 13 rushing TD's in his career, but he does have 84 int's. on the other hand KH has 37 pass TD's and 1 rush TD with 37 INT's. so YES i want another veteran QB in camp, but it doesn't have to be AB.

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