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Non footbal. Need some help


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Hi Guys,


I know this is a little out there, but what animial has this kind of tail? I recently had a rat in my house over the summer...I know...nasty. But I don't think this is from a rat. I've been setting glue boards all over the f*gging house and this morning I found this tail in one of the glue boards. It seems whatever it is chewed its tail off to get free. So I'm wondering wtf this animal is.


I'm located in RI. I have a thought, but I think I'm reaching with it. So, if anyone cares to venture a guess or has some knowledge, it would be helpful and appreciated. I'm going out of my mind with this thing. It's been eating holes in the walls, it ate through a flexible metal dryer vent pipe...wires...paneling.


It's skeavy and pissing me off.


thanks, here is a link:


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Looks like a rats tail and with the fur I think it is...


Buy a rat trap (twice the size of a mousetrap)


Truefully I never understood why anyone would buy glue boards...they'll just take it with them anyways....


Get the rat trap, but you'd better take a hard look where their coming from and put some decon out there....


Good Luck.....





PS....whats that scratching under your bed???? :)

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That's what I was thinking at first (well, actually I was thinking of an opposum :) ), but on closer inspection it looks a little too small/short and deifinitely too hairy for that.

My guess is a big fat house rat.


phypon, do you have a pellet gun and are you married?-)

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Does it taste like rat?


Mmmmmmmmm rats rearry rearry good!

Recipe for ground rat meat and chili paste:





1/4 cup fish oil

1/4 cup vegetable oil

1-1/2 cups of dried red chili peppers

4 long green peppers

8 large bay leaves

1/2 cup holy basil leaf

1 tablespoon salt

4 chopped garlic cloves

4 small rats

Initial Preparation:



With a mortar and pestle place the 1-1/2 cups of dried red chili peppers, and begin to mash until a red paste is achieved. Add a tablespoon of water to make moist.

Chop garlic cloves.

Place bay leaves in a small bowl of water. Roll two bay leaves at a time and then thinly shred and place in dry dish. Do for all 8 leaves - two at a time.

Place holy basil leaves in a small bowl of water.

Dice long green peppers. Do small cross sections so look like wheels and place in dry dish.

Skin 4 small rats. Clean and place heart and liver in separate bowl.

Cooking preparations:



Place oil in a wok over an open flame and heat

Place small rats in a grate, and lightly cook over an open flame on both sides until medium cooked. Do not cook well done.

Mix red chili paste with hot oil and stir well.

Finely chop rats on a wood chopping block over and over until makes a smooth ground meat texture. Be sure to chop all the bones well.

Add chopped rat meat to the red chili paste and oil and stir well.

Add diced green peppers and stir well. Let cook for 5 minutes.

Add 1/2 tablespoon of salt.

Add whole liver and heart and sir in.

Add holy basil leaves to mixture and stir in well and let cook for another 5 minutes. Be sure not to burn the chili paste - add a little water if necessary to keep moist but not runny.

Add chopped garlic cloves

Add shredded bay leaves and stir in and cover and let simmer for 5 minutes or more to let all the flavors mix well.



Serve ground rat meat on an oval dish with livers and heart on the top. Circle with garnish of basil leaves and halves of lime. Serve with white rice. The flavor will be hot and tangy with a mild crunchy chew to it.

Perhaps we can get this added to the cookbook?

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That's what I was thinking at first (well, actually I was thinking of an opposum  :) ), but on closer inspection it looks a little too small/short and deifinitely too hairy for that.

My guess is a big fat house rat.


phypon, do you have a pellet gun and are you married?-)


Kinda hard to guage just how long the thing is without some other frame of reference. It is a hairy thing tho, ain't it?

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I checked Google Images and looked at muskrats. The tail does seem to resemble their tails. However, there is no real swampy area near where I live and I can't image it wanting to live in my house.


I'll post pics when I do catch this damn thing (if you want to see them that is).

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Hi Guys,


I know this is a little out there, but what animial has this kind of tail? I recently had a rat in my house over the summer...I know...nasty. But I don't think this is from a rat. I've been setting glue boards all over the f*gging house and this morning I found this tail in one of the glue boards. It seems whatever it is chewed its tail off to get free. So I'm wondering wtf this animal is.


I'm located in RI. I have a thought, but I think I'm reaching with it. So, if anyone cares to venture a guess or has some knowledge, it would be helpful and appreciated. I'm going out of my mind with this thing. It's been eating holes in the walls, it ate through a flexible metal dryer vent pipe...wires...paneling.


It's skeavy and pissing me off.


thanks, here is a link:



I don't mean to be alarmist, but did you ever see the movie "Alien"?


The good news is, whatever you have, the stojan left on the glue board indicates that you have scared it.

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Judging by the picture, I would say that is a small portion of a common rat's tail. It looks as though said rat grew weary of being attached to the trap and chewed off the little chunk to set him/herself free. Get the big ol' rat traps with the spring action. Dang I hate rats!

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