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[Early SUW] Coolest car you ever drove?


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I've got 2


1980 Corvette - my boss' car when I worked at Arby's as an 18 year old. Had to drive to a different Arby's to pick up some ketchup when we ran out.


1988 BMW M5 - My Pop and I took it for a test drive. Got it up to about 115 mph in 4th gear on a back road. The poor salesman was white as a sheet in the back. :D

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I've got 2


1980 Corvette - my boss' car when I worked at Arby's as an 18 year old.  Had to drive to a different Arby's to pick up some ketchup when we ran out.


1988 BMW M5 - My Pop and I took it for a test drive.  Got it up to about 115 mph in 4th gear on a back road.  The poor salesman was white as a sheet in the back. :D




My 1st Car was a 65 Mustang...It was SO sweet, and the Chicks dug it! :P

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hey jay...maybe this has been addressed...don't feel like searching...but what's with the Rubeo? Character entity support problem?



re: cars, i drove my friend Jeff's bmw 328i for a day back in 1996. It was, shall we say, nice.


i've never been a big 'spend a lot on a car' guy...but if doing so represented a small % of my income, my car would be a BMW.

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My brother-in-law and his 3 brothers own Jegs. Yeah, Troy Coughlin. Some of you may have heard of him on ESPN Drag Racing. His little brother Jeg is more famous and a better racer.


Anyway, I married his wife's sister, so technically, he's my brother-in-law.


I got to take his Mercedes Benz CL600 out for a spin one day. It's got a V-12 in it. When you put it into reverse, the side view mirrors tilt downward. What a machine. All black, and as bad as it gets. After I drove it, I looked it up on the internet and almost stevestojan myself when I found out it's over $120K!





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hey jay...maybe this has been addressed...don't feel like searching...but what's with the Rubeo? Character entity support problem?



When SDS moved the membership data from one server to another the character sets got garbled and it came out that way. I've decided I kinda like it...

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