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[OT] Arrested for going topless in public!

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He probably has Turner's Syndrome, which is pretty sad. It's when you have XXY as your sex chromosomes (as opposed to XX for females and XY for males). Since the Y chromosome is the dominant allele, you're still male, but having two X chromosomes gives you female traits, such as enlarged breasts, lack of facial hair, high voice, etc.

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He probably has Turner's Syndrome, which is pretty sad. It's when you have XXY as your sex chromosomes (as opposed to XX for females and XY for males). Since the Y chromosome is the dominant allele, you're still male, but having two X chromosomes gives you female traits, such as enlarged breasts, lack of facial hair, high voice, etc.


Or maybe he just has Gregg Williams Syndrome where your WL record causes people to stare at your manboobs.
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He probably has Turner's Syndrome.



Or, he quite possibly has "I wanna look just like Tina Turner" Syndrome. :D


Sounds a bit flakey to me. Might very well be a she-male impersonator whatchamacallit being that he's tall and thin and all. Doesn't sound like a dumpy fat-ass to me.

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In 2001, court documents note, Mason was convicted of unauthorized use of property and placed on probation for six months, after spending 10 days in jail, for stealing library books.

Um.  Who steals library books?


i like how they dug that up, like it has some meaning in this case. he cant go topless, hes got man boobs, AND he stole library books.

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what if a man got breast implants. (like he wanted to be a woman), but didnt make the "complete change". would you want to see that?


i saw a guy get breast implants for a bet. (really nasty), (thank you Man Show).


i think he should have known better, even if its not technically illegal.

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i like how they dug that up, like it has some meaning in this case. he cant go topless, hes got man boobs, AND he stole library books.



Well, obviously with a record like that, this man is a terrible menace to society. Disgusting.


On a side note...in NYC, it's not illegal for women to be topless either. But what the police do is arrest the women for "creating a public disturbance."


Maybe that's what happened with this misunderstood young man. So many people stopped to laugh at this rack that he created a public disturbance. :ph34r:

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