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OT: Just moved in with my girlfriend

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Keep good Hygiene... mating time is not only reserved for when you are planning on seeing her, but now ALL the TIME... be prepared! Also, keep hair out of the sink and don't buy her laundry detergent for your one month anniversary.

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I assume you think she's the one, if you're making the step of moving-in with her. In the past people said that people who lived together had a higher divorce rate if they got married, but I think a "trial run" is probably the best idea in these times.


That being said, my advice is: don't sweat the small stuff. Things each of you do will annoy eachother, but if you talk about it, you can work it out. Also, remember to leave the toilet seat down. For some reason, women don't like wet ass, and are either too lazy to put it down themselves, or as my wife likes to claim it's for the (blue-moon) occasions on which she has to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night and just plops her fanny straight onto the john without checking to see if the seat is down or not (it's happened, and believe me, it's FRIGGIN' HILARIOUS!).


Good luck. It won't be easy, but nothing worthwhile ever is.

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ALT + F4 is your friend.


Seriously, lock down your computer, pda and phone. Grant her user rights. Use the excuse that its your computer and you don't want it to get messed up.


Leave one single dish in the sink.


toilet seat up.


use her conditioner.


use her facial cleanser.


order PPV


go out shopping alone and not tell her where you're going/what you're buying.

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For some reason, women don't like wet ass, and are either too lazy to put it down themselves, or as my wife likes to claim it's for the (blue-moon) occasions on which she has to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night and just plops her fanny straight onto the john without checking to see if the seat is down or not (it's happened, and believe me, it's FRIGGIN' HILARIOUS!).


I never understood this...women complain they will fall in cuz they sit without looking...when i get up to take a piss, i havent had a problem pissing on the seat cover (so long as i am sober), because i look before go! Men dont have a problem looking, so why do women?

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Keep the advice coming...i'm (23) moving in with my girlfriend in august...so i'm in the same position as you mcthrillis...




Mostly really great advice. Good luck to you raimus! its both exciting and scary. And yes i do think this is the one, this girl is cool enough to allow me to turn the second bedroom into the Bills memorabillia room. Shes a keeper.

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have lived with my gf since 2002, got married in 2004... Free time is a must. Love is great, but you still need to be yourself. The honeymoon period will wear off, find things to do togethe rin common i.e tennis, movies, biking, poker, bills games whatever... Communication is huge, try to prevent grudges from forming, communicate about the sheet that bothers one another. Most important is compromise compromise compromise. In addition, its not a matter of whether you fight, but how you fight. Keep that in mind... Fighting, disagreements are normal, but the way in which you argue separates a healthy relationship from an unhealthy one. Good luck, and enjoy... Sex eventually becomes less frequent, as the challenge is no longer there

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I never understood this...women complain they will fall in cuz they sit without looking...when i get up to take a piss, i havent had a problem pissing on the seat cover (so long as i am sober), because i look before go! Men dont have a problem looking, so why do women?



Yeah, I hear you. I made a compromise with my wife; we always leave the seat AND the seat cover down. That way we BOTH have to lift something to use it.



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NEVER,NEVER,NEVER go to bed mad at each other.


No matter what that kiss goodnight and the I love you or pleasant dreams is so comforting. You never know when you will not be able to say it again.

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NEVER,NEVER,NEVER go to bed mad at each other.


No matter what that kiss goodnight and the I love you or pleasant dreams is so comforting.  You never know when you will not be able to say it again.


But you live soooooooo far away. :(

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Talk when you're home. I don't know your schedules, but a lot of young adults work long hours. Make the time you have together count.


I agree with the post about money. Keep separate accounts. Put the utilities and lease in one person's name. This isn't just to prepare for a cleaner breakup. The majority of relationship-ending problems are directly related to money. You greatly increase your chances of making it if you BOTH have a clear, joint understanding of each half's financial responsibilities.


Lastly, just don't lie. It will make everything so much easier in the long run.

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Good luck.


I've lived with my wife for the better part of 8 years now.


What I've learned:


1) Make her dinner a couple times a week. You'd be amazed how far that can take you.


2) Don't be an ass. Help with the chores.


3) You MUST MUST MUST MUST MUST keep one night reserved to do something by yourself. There's no law that states you need to be around each other 24/7. Same goes for her. This was a lesson learned the hard way, so heed the advice, young man.


Do these three things and your existence will be A LOT happier.

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Im a 22 year old guy and i just moved in with my girlfriend (who by the way is just as big a bills fan as I am).  We have an apartment together for the first time and I was wondering from the brilliant people on this board, how to keep this good thing going as long as possible.


(BTW I would appreciate all the pessamists with your dissenting views of marriage and living with the opposite sex to not be a buzz kill and sit this post out)



OK, Happily married for 13 years, loving life, but, I'll respect your wishes. If you ever change your mind and want serious relationship advice, let me know

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Im a 22 year old guy and i just moved in with my girlfriend (who by the way is just as big a bills fan as I am).  We have an apartment together for the first time and I was wondering from the brilliant people on this board, how to keep this good thing going as long as possible.


(BTW I would appreciate all the pessamists with your dissenting views of marriage and living with the opposite sex to not be a buzz kill and sit this post out)



Respect each other's indivuality and space. It's ok for her to have girl time and you to have guy time. You don't have to be up each other's ass every minute of the day. It's not a personal attack on the other if either of you needs some alone time.


You don't have to think exactly alike, so don't spend a lot of energy attempting to convince each over the likes, dislikes, perceptions of some trivial matter of taste or preference.


Pick your battles and don't sweat the small stuff. Laugh at yourselves. Compromise. Be honest.


Get the financial stuff out of the way immediately. Figure out a budget and how it's going to be administered. Get it straight from the get-go who is responsible for what chores and duties. Will you be solely responsible for some things and her for others? Will you alternate chores on a weekly basis? Who's going to do the cooking? Who will clean it up? Etc....


What about holidays? Does she go her way and you go yours? Talk about this as well.


That's my 2 cents. It's worked for me for 20+ years.

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To the young man: Damn, man. Do not move in with this girL, I repeat, Do not move in with this girl. You're to young. Sorry to say that, but you are. You're to young, dont do it.


I dont think its a matter of age, as much as it is a matter of maturity. Seems that you've gone too far to turn back now. For survival, do your tasks and dont expect her to do hers. This is no longer a "roomate I'm sleeping with" situation, so if she leaves dirty clothes laying around, you get it. If she leaves dirty dishes, you clean them. Sure, you can leave them for her, but then she's going to b*tch, and thats the last thing you want when you no longer have your own escape room.


Last words of advice, you're trapped now, so don't let arguments get out of hand.

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I dont think its a matter of age, as much as it is a matter of maturity. Seems that you've gone too far to turn back now. For survival, do your tasks and dont expect her to do hers. This is no longer a "roomate I'm sleeping with" situation, so if she leaves dirty clothes laying around, you get it. If she leaves dirty dishes, you clean them. Sure, you can leave them for her, but then she's going to b*tch, and thats the last thing you want when you no longer have your own escape room.


Last words of advice, you're trapped now, so don't let arguments get out of hand.



That's what I was trying to say, but in a nicer way.



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layout who pays what in terms of rent, utilities.. ect.


TIME APART. she might want to spend every second of every day together, but find a way to get away from time to time.


befor when you were not living together, you still had that time apart.


no man alive can take that much time with another person.

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