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OT: Just moved in with my girlfriend

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Yeah, I hear you.  I made a compromise with my wife; we always leave the seat AND the seat cover down.  That way we BOTH have to lift something to use it.

I've started putting the seat cover down before I flush because I've heard that the swirling of the toilet sends water droplets flying everywhere (ewwww!). So she too has to lift something, although for a different reason.

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The best advice I can offer, especially being in a job that takes me away from home a lot is to MAINTAIN TRUST! Have your time to do your own things as was said earlier in the thread. Let her have girls night out and you have guys nights out too. You have to be able to trust each other for anything to work.


(the seperate bank account thing is important too)

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I never understood this...women complain they will fall in cuz they sit without looking...when i get up to take a piss, i havent had a problem pissing on the seat cover (so long as i am sober), because i look before go! Men dont have a problem looking, so why do women?




I thought my wife was nuts until I started hearing similar toilet seat stories. I was recently reviewing some house plans and noticed that 2 of the bathrooms were to have urinals installed beside the comode. I called the guy who was building the house to find out what that was all about. Turns out he and his wife had been going through the toilet seat debate for years. This was going to be his last house and he didn't care about market value/perception or any other factors - he wanted the toilet argument ended and was putting urinals in his master and guest baths.


What it all boils down to is that women wait until the last minute to take a leak and are always in a huge hurry. They're forever pissing in their panties. I also think "the seat is up" is one more thing they can B word about - a minor use for their limited power.


Give 'em the stupid toilet seat thing. I have to ask myself, why does a toilet have a lid if it's supposed to be up, but the seat down? After thinking about it for a second, the answer is abvious - it's for when guests come. But that's a whole 'nother topic about women's thinking.

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Some advice I got from a friend to pass along:



How to treat a Woman


It is not difficult to make a woman happy. A man only needs to be:


1. A friend


2. A companion


3. A lover


4. A brother


5. A father


6. A master


7. A chef


8. An electrician


9. A carpenter


10. A plumber


11. A mechanic


12. A decorator


13. A stylist


14. A sexologist


15. A gynaecologist


16. A psychologist


17. A pest exterminator


18. A psychiatrist


19. A healer


20. A good listener


21. An organiser


22. A good father


23. Very clean


24. Sympathetic


25. Athletic


26. Warm


27. Attentive


28. Gallant


29. Intelligent


30. Funny


31. Creative


32. Tender


33. Strong


34. Understanding


35. Tolerant


36. Prudent


37. Ambitious


38. Capable


39. Courageous


40. Determined


41. True


42. Dependable


43. Passionate





44. Give her compliments regularly


45. Love shopping


46. Be honest


47. Be very rich


48. Not stress her out


49. Not look at other girls




50. Give her lots of attention, but expect little yourself


51. Give her lots of time, especially time for herself


52. Give her lots of space, never worrying about where she goes


53. It is very important that you never forget:


* Birthdays


* Anniversaries


* Arrangements she makes







1. Shag him


2. Leave him in peace

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Here's what i did in my old apartment and my brand new house: I took one bedroom, put all my bills/sabres memorabilia in it. Set up the computer/home network, tv, ps2, directv receiver, my fishtank, and stereo. It's my room, with my stuff. I have a 19" tv in here, as opposed to the 36" downstairs, but you damn well better be sure that i'll be watching the bills in this room, with the door shut, and plenty of beer. Moral of the story: don't buy into the myth that you have to do everything with her at all times. You need time for yourself in space for yourself. Whether it be the garage, kitchen, bathroom, or in my case, the extra bedroom, you need your own space where she's the guest. She's got her own space and i know not to !@#$ with it, just like she knows not to !@#$ with mine.


You can keep your money seperate, use proper toilet etiquite (btw, i keep the lids closed too. that saves the argument, plus it makes the toilets look nicer) even get away for a while, but if you don't have your own place in your house, you won't last more than a week.

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If she gains 10 or more pounds in the next year, get out. She's getting too comfortable and isn't willing to work on her looks. If you accept it, she'll never get back to her old playing weight. If you gain 10 or more pounds and she says something about it, get out. If you can't be comfortable, then what's the point?

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If you get into a fight or an argument....never leave the house. stay mad as hell if you want to, but don't ever be the one that leaves. (even if it is for an hour....don't leave) You are giving up "leadership potential" if you do. And ladies...like it or not, you want the man to be a leader.


if your girlfriend has male friends, tell her they are not allowed in your home if you are not there. Doesn't matter if the guy stars in the TV show "Queer Eye For The Straight Guy" (if you get my meaning)....it is a bad practice, and you too should never be home alone with a female friend or a female friend of hers. If she wants male friends....tell her to go to the Post Office.


don't ever let her think you are lazy. be neat, clean, and keep things in their place at all times. it doesn't take much effort.


make decisions on things together. for example: if you paint a bathroom, or if you do (against the wise suggestions of others on this board) buy something together...run it by one another.


know that she is not your mother. don't expect her to mother you.


i think the "date night" thing is overrated. i mean...it isn't like you two have been married for 10 years and have 3 little kids. i think it is more important to have one night where you don't have the TV on. Spend that night talking....about anything. (if that makes it a date...so be it.)


be honest with things about her that rub you the wrong way. if she has a habit of not putting hair care products away in the bathroom....tell her. don't let the little things bust you up....but don't let them fester either.


do you have offstreet parking? if so and there is only one spot,....you do know that that spot belongs to her right? In the winter...you have to be the one to sling the shovel....not her.



OK...now what you don't want to hear:


Be a man. Make a committment.....Marry her.

Too many people use the excuse that they want to live together because they want to make sure things are "right". That is a bunch of crap. If she wasn't the right one, you wouldn't be living with her either. You will have differences with anyone you marry. differecnes are good. if everyone was the same it would be boring. Husbands and Wives give up on their marriages way too easily because of offences against one another....and having said that:


Here is the best tip i can give you. This is what my pastor told me before i got married. Think of the worst offense your girlfriend could ever commit against you,....and forgive her for it now...before it ever happens. That offense may never come....but you need to know in advance that you have it within you to forgive. If you can't,... end it now, and move on.

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I moved in with my wife when she was 17 I was 18. Now I'm 28 she's 27.


Just remember it's her way or it's her way. Don't bother trying to get your way because women ALWAYS get you back. And in a few months when she's making little suggestions about things and you run off and do them realize then that your life is over and you are now a slave to the cooch.



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Just remember it's her way or it's her way.






One of the few little nuggets of wisdom I've gleaned from my otherwise remote father is that one should strive for "Peace in the Household."


It's amazing, and I never thought I'd say this, but I understand my father more and more each day and the grudge I held against him for so long is gradually disappearing.

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One of the few little nuggets of wisdom I've gleaned from my otherwise remote father is that one should strive for "Peace in the Household."


It's amazing, and I never thought I'd say this, but I understand my father more and more each day and the grudge I held against him for so long is gradually disappearing.

As the Germans say, "too soon old, too late smart."

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Just remember it's her way or it's her way.


Give up all hope of having any say in the decorating process.


Denis Leary, a smart man, once said: "Guys, if you live with a woman, even if you're not married to her, get this straight: give up any idea of being a part of the interior decoration.... Your sports mirrors, your beer mirrors, put them in storage, somewhere where you can visit it every now and then. I've been to Wayne Gretzky's house, he's got five MVP trophies, you know where they are? They're in the garage!"

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Give up all hope of having any say in the decorating process.


Denis Leary, a smart man, once said: "Guys, if you live with a woman, even if you're not married to her, get this straight: give up any idea of being a part of the interior decoration.... Your sports mirrors, your beer mirrors, put them in storage, somewhere where you can visit it every now and then. I've been to Wayne Gretzky's house, he's got five MVP trophies, you know where they are? They're in the garage!"


Not to mention his suggestion for a successful marriage...STAY THE F--- AWAY FROM EACH OTHER!

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