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OT: Just moved in with my girlfriend

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I've started putting the seat cover down before I flush because I've heard that the swirling of the toilet sends water droplets flying everywhere (ewwww!).  So she too has to lift something, although for a different reason.


You're exactly right. I watched something on this on Discovery a few years back where they used infra red cameras and showed just what happens when you flush your toilet with the lid up. If any of you ever catch that show I assure you will never flush with the lid up again.

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At the risk of sounding corny...


You have to be "best friends" as well as her bonk toy. Figure out what you like to do together and do it. That means not just Bils games. What does she like? Home decoration? Flower shows? Basket weaving? Find out and then YOU get into it as well!


No one said it would be easy.



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No one said it would be easy.


And its not, but it can be done. I'm fortunate that when my girl moved in, I still had roomates (Ramius included) and that created a nifty buffer zone for us. I had a buddy to run to to catch baseball and PS2 with, and that left her to her alone to, kept her occupied, and she didnt bug me cause she knew I was with my buddy.

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I'll step in here and note that I while I have no practical advice, my dad always said, "Son, I don't care what you do as you as you please your mother." He got that advice from his father. This tells me that these two strong men had but one main purpose in life: Keeping their ladies happy.


Take from that what you will.

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Oh my Fezmid.  You could have and probably should have just let that one slide. :(



I could have, but you know someone else would've jumped in with the exact same comment. ;)



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You're exactly right. I watched something on this on Discovery a few years back where they used infra red cameras and showed just what happens when you flush your toilet with the lid up. If any of you ever catch that show I assure you will never flush with the lid up again.


I saw something like that a few years back - it was so gross when you realize what builds up all over the walls. :(

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I've been married 40 years. A couple of them were actually pretty happy. No, just kidding. Here's my advice:


Become best friends.


Keep separate checking accounts.


Take joint vacations.


If you have a choice of having kids or dogs, take the dogs.

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I'm sure you are already aware of the mysterious nature of the famale monthly mood cycle. But now that you are in close proximity, you must be very careful. Always respect its horrible power. And please, please, for your own safety's sake, never refer to your girlfriend's period out loud as "BJ week."

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Get the financial stuff out of the way immediately. Figure out a budget and how it's going to be administered. Get it straight from the get-go who is responsible for what chores and duties. Will you be solely responsible for some things and her for others? Will you alternate chores on a weekly basis? Who's going to do the cooking? Who will clean it up? Etc....


...get it in writing, sign it and file it away for when there is a disagreement. It can always be amended, but why have it a matter for an argument in 6 months? "But you said..." :(


If you cannot talk things out openly, honestly, and with love - RUN AWAY!!!

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I'm sure you are already aware of the mysterious nature of the famale monthly mood cycle.  But now that you are in close proximity, you must be very careful.  Always respect its horrible power. And please, please, for your own safety's sake, never refer to your girlfriend's period out loud as "BJ week."




and be prepared for that first time she asks you to go to the store to buy her "stuff".

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I never understood this...women complain they will fall in cuz they sit without looking...when i get up to take a piss, i havent had a problem pissing on the seat cover (so long as i am sober), because i look before go! Men dont have a problem looking, so why do women?


before i started living with my fiance, i always left the seat up (i have no sisters, just a brother so we never put the seat down at home...mom never complained)...once at my fiance's friend's house, i went to the bathroom and left the seat up, about half an hour later, i heard a scream...her friend had fallen right into the toilet...this was an all girl home where the dad was outnumber 4 to 1...

note: laughing is not the best response in a situation like that


i've been living with my fiance since 2002...we got engaged in 2003 and will be getting married next month...life is pretty good i've gotta say...but i'm also a pretty laid back and easy to please person...my only complaint is the frequency of "action" has decreased incredibly since we first moved in together...if i were to do a line graph of it for you, it'd look like a space shuttle took off, flew mightily for a few years, then all of a sudden decided to ditch all of its engines, throw out all the cargo, plummet towards the ground and then become a hang glider


oh yeah...you wanted advice...don't laugh if she falls in the toilet...and don't fart on her while she's eating in the kitchen

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oh yeah...you wanted advice...don't laugh if she falls in the toilet...and don't fart on her while she's eating in the kitchen


Also a good idea not to fart when she's going down on you.


Brodie: Tell me, did you ever fart in front of her?

T.S.: No, why do you ask?

Brodie: I never farted in front of Renee. Last week, I let one slip and today she dumps me.

T.S.: Renee's not the shallow type. You're not insinuating...

Brodie: She was going down on me at the time.

T.S.: [Retches]

Brodie: What can I say, I was feeling relaxed, when I feel relaxed I squirt.

T.S.: If all she did was dump you, you got off light.

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