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Taser 01 / Lady with an attitude 00

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Is it wrong to have found that to be the funniest thing I've ever seen?




Ok, I am glad you said it first...I agree :w00t: heheheh



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No, that whiny dirtbag deserved it.


Just waiting for nozzlenut to jump on us for being "uncompassionate".


She would only care if that woman were a Muslim, which would make things completely different. :w00t:

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i know cops are shot with the tazer so they know how it feels and will use it more reasonably. jsut like being sprayed with mace so they know how it feels.


i think they should have attempted to arrest her first. and if she still resisted then tazed her. the guys acted like it was not to painful, but i bet to an unsuspecting chick on a cell phone it was freakin painful.


im sure she will try to sue. but they will find the cop had the right to use the tazer. i would still be PISSED though.



Come on. He told here at least 3 times to get out of the car. How many times do you tell your kids no before you punsh them?


She was being an obnoxious B word.


That's why no matter what don't piss off a cop or he'll tazer you. :w00t:

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Ok, I am glad you said it first...I agree :lol: heheheh







Pretty damn funny, even if the dying seal wail was a bit much. I had dinner at a friend's house last night and their 4 year old got upset and made herself cry for at least 15 minutes after she was really over whatever it was that set her off. The mental midget in this video appears to have about the same intellectual and emotional development.

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She deserved something, but I think hauling her out of the car and slapping cuffs on her would have been enough.  Zapping her with a TASER is sure to be a lawsuit.


life is very simple..obey the officers commands and you will not get tazered...seems simple to me...btw that video was great

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A couple of observations here......


- Yes she deserved it and yes it was funny

- I thought that the officer talking to her lost his cool a bit....you could here it in his voice

- I guess I have just watched too many COPS episodes where the cops sit there with a smile on their face while being called names that would make a sailor blush......


- Oh and yes it was funny...:w00t:

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A couple of observations here......


- Yes she deserved it and yes it was funny

- I thought that the officer talking to her lost his cool a bit....you could here it in his voice

- I guess I have just watched too many COPS episodes where the cops sit there with a smile on their face while being called names that would make a sailor blush......


- Oh and yes it was funny...:w00t:



Hell, he shoulda billy-clubbed her. She only broke like six or seven laws including:



Driving with a suspended license

broken tail light

cracked windshield

resisting arrest

assault on an officer


Yep, shoulda clubbed her. But I guess a taser'll do :lol:

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That means the cop has to put himself in physcial danger before being allowed to use the taser?  And then if they use sufficient physical force on her to protect themsevles they get called on for "brutality".   That's complete b.s.   The cops were 100% right.


i never said they were worng. just that i would be pissed if a cop just walked up and tazed me (which is what the chick probubly thaught to her self). (but i wouldnt be so freakin stupid to tell a cop that im on the phone).


also, where did the "brutality" thing come from. i didnt say that.


but, IMO, noone likes being arrested, or handcuffed, or taken to the ground. so when people see a cop do that, they dont like it. but thats they way it has to be done. but im also sure the girl is calling her lawyer when she got to jail.


have you ever seen that video of a 6 ft 5, 300 pound black dude refusing to get on the ground. and like 3 white cops were just wackin away with there nightsticks and he wouldnt go down. at first i was pissed. "damn racist cops" then i asked myself, what else could they have done? shot the guy? makes you think.


but any time a bitchy woman is tazared its funny. :w00t:

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Hell, he shoulda billy-clubbed her. She only broke like six or seven laws including:



Driving with a suspended license

broken tail light

cracked windshield

resisting arrest

assault on an officer


Yep, shoulda clubbed her. But I guess a taser'll do :w00t:


Couldn't agree more. Can you imagine how her kids - if she has any - act? They would definitely be the kind that teachers should be allowed to kick the s*** out of, but of course are no longer allowed.

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When I first saw the cop get out of his car I thought for sure he was going to be some over zealous cop, but she was totally rude and deserved it. Hell, he's still probably your typical meat head cop, but he probably did her a favor by tazing her instead of wrestling her to the ground

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Good stuff. I think that once the cop found out she had a suspended license (and possibly other crimes that she had on record?) it raised his seriousness to another level. I imagine there's more dirt on that woman than just what we heard on the clip.

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No, that whiny dirtbag deserved it.


Just waiting for nozzlenut to jump on us for being "uncompassionate".



OMFG --- I dont know who "nozzlenut" is, But that was friggin funny. I am not sure why, exactly, but it was.


BTW- I have VERY little compassion for lawbreakers. If your going to break the law, dont fight the arrest....

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OMFG --- I dont know who "nozzlenut" is, But that was friggin funny. I am not sure why, exactly, but it was.


BTW- I have VERY little compassion for lawbreakers. If your going to break the law, dont fight the arrest....



I'll leave the outing of nozzlenut to someone else, thanks. :w00t:

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Not being a cop I don't know, but I imagine tazing someone is a lot better than wrestling them to the ground and slapping cuffs on them.  I'm not worried about the person being arrested I'm worried about the police officer.  This woman had an attitude a mile high and needed to have it adjusted.



Not being a cop, I would agree with you. I will never understand why people think it is a good idea to give a cop shi$....just do what they say and be quick about it. If I was a cop, I would not want to have to reach into a car and get someone out like that. The cop does not know if there is a REAL reason why this person does not want to get up and get out of the car. Perhaps they are sitting on a gun or a knife. I do not want to stick half my body in there to find out. That is why when they tell you to get out of the car....you MUST get out of the car without delay.


Not only did she get what she deserved, the cop even was polite enough to tell her what was going to happen to her if she did not get out of the car. before he actually did it. Cops don't get much nicer than that.....at least not where I live. Hell, if that was the LAPD, they would just shot her!!!

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That Beeyotch deserved it. At least most cops have video of their stops and arrests. It would have been a little overdone if it was just a speeding ticket, but with the suspended license, etc, they were well within their right to taser her ass.


Actually once she started wailing, I believe it should have been within their rights to shoot her and put her out of her misery. :w00t:

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Not being a cop, I would agree with you.  I will never understand why people think it is a good idea to give a cop shi$....just do what they say and be quick about it.  If I was a cop, I would not want to have to reach into a car and get someone out like that.  The cop does not know if there is a REAL reason why this person does not want to get up and get out of the car.  Perhaps they are sitting on a gun or a knife.  I do not want to stick half my body in there to find out.  That is why when they tell you to get out of the car....you MUST get out of the car without delay.


Not only did she get what she deserved, the cop even was polite enough to tell her what was going to happen to her if she did not get out of the car. before he actually did it.  Cops don't get much nicer than that.....at least not where I live.  Hell, if that was the LAPD, they would just shot her!!!




How long before Jessie Jackson and his group get the law suites out.

White Cop, Black Lady.

I am so glad they got it on tape so everyone can see watch a BIOTCH she was.


I wonder who her lawyer is?

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