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(OT) Review: Episode III Revenge of the Sith

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Did anyone notice that Padme (sp?) was still pregnant at her funeral?  Interesting addition to the plot tie in. 


I have to agree with others though, the last half hour of the movie was clearly the best and clearly made you feel like you felt at the end of ROTJ.  I just wish it wasn't over :)



I did think that her belly still looked kinda full......hmmm....I wonder about that.


And yeah, I think part of why a lot of us will have our emotions triggered by this film - particularly the end, like you said - is because it's all over.

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I did think that her belly still looked kinda full......hmmm....I wonder about that.


And yeah, I think part of why a lot of us will have our emotions triggered by this film - particularly the end, like you said - is because it's all over.



When I left the film I felt somewhat dissappointed and unfinished. I was looking for a sort of closure on the storyline and I just didn't get it. When you look Episode 3 in the context of all 6 it's a perfect fit. Visually it was stunning and the storyline tie in's were perfect even if they were rather fast.


I find myself wishing that they'd redo 4,5 & 6. With today's graphics it would be just sick! Only problem is that the characters/actors in the first trilogy were fantastic. I think Hamil nailed the character of Luke and Ford IS Han Solo.


Sad that it's over and I'm not even a huge fan.

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Lucas says you should watch them straight through from I-VI, but the more I think about it the more I agree with your point.

In my opinion, the entire Luke/Vader duel in TESB becomes WAY more powerful when you now Vader's true identity.


So you lose the 10 second shock of the "I am your father" revelation, but you gain 10 minutes of tension when you know that the duel is father VS. son, and only one of them knows.

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Did anyone notice that Padme (sp?) was still pregnant at her funeral?  Interesting addition to the plot tie in.

In the screenplay, Yoda states that Padme should be made to appear pregnant for her funeral so that the Sith won't know that the children were born. Did this line not make the final edit (I don't know yet as I'm seeing it tomorrow)?

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In the screenplay, Yoda states that Padme should be made to appear pregnant for her funeral so that the Sith won't know that the children were born.  Did this line not make the final edit (I don't know yet as I'm seeing it tomorrow)?


Okay, that makes sense.....and no, there was no dialogue during that scene.


By the way, I have a hunch you're going to love this film. I'm actually going again for the second time today in about an hour :)

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Okay, that makes sense.....and no, there was no dialogue during that scene.

Do you mean the funeral scene itself? If so, the dialogue I was referring to comes earlier, aboard Bail Organa's ship:




BAIL ORGANA, YODA, and OBI-WAN sit around a conference table.


YODA: Pregnant, she must still appear. Hidden, safe, the children must be kept.


OBI-WAN: We must take them somewhere the Sith will not sense their presence.


YODA: Split up, they should be.

Again, I don't know if it's in there, but that's where it'd be.


By the way, I have a hunch you're going to love this film. I'm actually going again for the second time today in about an hour  :)

I'm so spoiled for this movie, I knew it'd be awesome in Summer of '03. ;) I'll probably like it even more than most since the Emperor is my favorite character in the saga (which is also why I like ROTJ more than most do, Ewoks be damned).


Good thinking on the multiple viewings. I'm seeing it late tomorrow and then again on Saturday. :lol::P;)


(EDIT: Glad you like the avatar, BillnutinHouston :) )

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Do you mean the funeral scene itself?  If so, the dialogue I was referring to comes earlier, aboard Bail Organa's ship:

Again, I don't know if it's in there, but that's where it'd be.

I'm so spoiled for this movie, I knew it'd be awesome in Summer of '03. ;)  I'll probably like it even more than most since the Emperor is my favorite character in the saga (which is also why I like ROTJ more than most do, Ewoks be damned).


Good thinking on the multiple viewings.  I'm seeing it late tomorrow and then again on Saturday. :)  :lol:  :P


(EDIT:  Glad you like the avatar, BillnutinHouston ;) )



Hmmm...I do remember the scene where Yoda, Ben, and Organa were sitting around the table..I'll have to pay closer attention to it tonight.


Dude, if the emperor is your favorite character, you'll be all over this thing. The guy steals the show. McDiarmid is amazing......one minute he has you thinking he's some helpless, frail Chancellor being bullied by the Jedi, and the next he's the most evil sumbitch you can ever imagine. The scenes with him and Yoda are classic.


I actually wouldn't worry about being spoiled for the film. Those of us who have been in love with this stuff for years and years already knew most of the plot points anyway. It takes very little away from the actual presentation. It is so visually, dramatically, and emotionally effective that knowing what's going to happen barely makes a difference. If I remember correctly, you liked the first two prequels. I would be very surprised if you didn't come out of the theater tomorrow night LOVING this one. I haven't been this excited about SW since the anticipation of 'Phantom Menace'.


I'm outta here.....I've got a date with a place that is far, far away :)

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Dude, if the emperor is your favorite character, you'll be all over this thing. The guy steals the show. McDiarmid is amazing......one minute he has you thinking he's some helpless, frail Chancellor being bullied by the Jedi, and the next he's the most evil sumbitch you can ever imagine. The scenes with him and Yoda are classic.



I thought it was super cool when he just shot lightning out of his fingers in ROTJ for a couple of minutes, and now he's fighting in TWO lightsaber battles! Too cool.


I actually wouldn't worry about being spoiled for the film. Those of us who have been in love with this stuff for years and years already knew most of the plot points anyway. It takes very little away from the actual presentation. It is so visually, dramatically, and emotionally effective that knowing what's going to happen barely makes a difference.

Good point. This was the first one I got spoiled on, because I already knew the plot. I'm certain that my spoilage will not detract from my experience at all. Reading it and seeing it are two completely different animals.


If I remember correctly, you liked the first two prequels. I would be very surprised if you didn't come out of the theater tomorrow night LOVING this one. I haven't been this excited about SW since the anticipation of 'Phantom Menace'.

Yeah, I very much enjoy the prequels. I'm kind of extreme in that I don't really prefer any of the movies over the others. My favorite depends on what mood I'm in. I watched TPM the other day and got a kick out of it. Generally, If it's Star Wars, I like it, so I know I'll love ROTS.


I'm outta here.....I've got a date with a place that is far, far away  :P

Have fun! :lol: Can't wait to be doing the same thing tomorrow.

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Revenge of the Sith is simply the best movie I've ever seen. I walked away from that movie with the same feeling I had as a kid walking away from Star Wars IV A New Hope in the 70's as a kid.


You really could throw out all the special effects in this one, and it wouldnt matter at all. The character development, plotline development, and buiold up of suspense is phenomenol- it actually diverts your attention from the fact that you have already seen the next movie.


I could watch it 100 times and it never would get old

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I thought it was excellent too but I'm not quite ready to put it ahead of the original Star Wars or The Empire Strikes Back.



Amazing how relevant they have made 30 year old characters....too bad that type of creativity is pretty much dead in hollywood these days

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pretentious overt propaganda if you ask me.  Flame away.......


How come? Please explain. I hate movies that try to push a agenda or political point of view. Thats why I though "Team America" was great. It was the anti Hollywood elitest flick.

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How come? Please explain. I hate movies that try to push a agenda or political point of view. Thats why I though "Team America" was great. It was the anti Hollywood elitest flick.


I am not big into Star Wars so do not know the whole story. To me it appeared that Lucas tried to create some paralell to GW and American foreign policy to the Stiths. Not even in a clever way- very overt.....Michael Moore loves this film I am certain

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I am not big into Star Wars so do not know the whole story.  To me it appeared that Lucas tried to create some paralell to GW and American foreign policy to the Stiths.  Not even in a clever way- very overt.....Michael Moore loves this film I am certain


Can't Hollywood be satisfied with making lots of bank? They have to push thier personal politcal point of view? So unprofessional. But what the hell do I care. I havent been into Star Wars since I was 15 because the series pretty much jumped the shark when it went Sesame Street with all the Yoda puppet crap. Needless to say I wont go to see this one either(unless wifey and kid force me to go this weekend or something) :)

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Can't Hollywood be satisfied with making lots of bank? They have to push thier personal politcal point of view? So unprofessional. But what the hell do I care. I havent been into Star Wars since I was 15 because the series pretty much jumped the shark when it went Sesame Street with all the Yoda puppet crap. Needless to say I wont go to see this one either(unless wifey and kid force me to go this weekend or something)  :)


Hollywood sucks! I have Team America #1 on my Netflix list(America !@#$ yeah!). Check out my homepage on my profile. Give me substance over style anyday

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