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(OT) Review: Episode III Revenge of the Sith

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lol....for a cruel joke, Lucas could have killed him off in Ep.III, and then add him to the Yoda, Ben, Anakin ghost scene at the end of ROTJ lol





I'm surprised that Lucas let him live. Afterall, he's not in anymore episodes. :blink:

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I'm curious what everyone thought about the ending. I am glad that they showed the scene of Vader, Palpatine, and Tarkin at the Death Star and that they showed the twins getting brought to their new homes, but it felt like they tried to squeeze everything in at the last minute. And personally, I would have ended it with Vader and Palpatine at the Death Star and shown Luke go to his new home right before that.

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Anyone wonder why it takes amost 20 years to build the first death star, then the 2nd one is built (operational) between episode iv and episode vi



New technology. Look at the difference between the ships and weapons in Episode II, III....and Episodes IV and V.


It could also be because the 2nd Death Star is never fully complete. I dunno.

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New technology.  Look at the difference between the ships and weapons in Episode II, III....and Episodes IV and V.


It could also be because the 2nd Death Star is never fully complete.  I dunno.


I don't buy that. Bail Organa's ship at the end of Ep III, is the same ship at the beginning of Ep IV.

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I saw the movie this afternoon with the wife as she surprised me by sending the kids to the grandparents, made lunch reservations prior to the movie, and looked up movie times. I knew I married her for a reason!


And I think there were more than a few inconsistencies that lead me to believe that Lucas went one story at a time and mapped-out the first trilogy well, but didn't have a detailed idea of what was going to happen in the new trilogy until it came time to write them. Then he had to contort things to fit the original trilogy. I think that Obi Wan should have been training Luke all along, and that they would have never given him the "Skywalker" surname if they were truly trying to hide him.

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Anyone wonder why it takes amost 20 years to build the first death star, then the 2nd one is built (operational) between episode iv and episode vi



Well, first of all, how do we know when the first Death Star was completed? Second, the Death Star is not something that is being put together out in the open. Even though Palpatine establishes the Empire, there is still a senate right up until Ep.IV. So who's to say that the construction on the first one wasn't much slower due to the fact that it had to be carried out in secret.

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I saw the movie this afternoon with the wife as she surprised me by sending the kids to the grandparents, made lunch reservations prior to the movie, and looked up movie times.  I knew I married her for a reason!


And I think there were more than a few inconsistencies that lead me to believe that Lucas went one story at a time and mapped-out the first trilogy well, but didn't have a detailed idea of what was going to happen in the new trilogy until it came time to write them.  Then he had to contort things to fit the original trilogy.  I think that Obi Wan should have been training Luke all along, and that they would have never given him the "Skywalker" surname if they were truly trying to hide him.


Whoa.....does your wife have a sister? :P


I'm surprised that you feel that way about the two trilogies. In fact, I usually find that people who didn't like the first two prequels at all (and were established SW fans to some degree) didn't really focus on all the stuff going on in the background. To me, that's what made the first two enjoyable, even though I feel Ep.III was significantly better. Palpatine begins laying the ground work for both the establishment of the Empire and the conversion of Anakin way back in Episode I. It's easy to get caught up in all the Jar-Jar and pod race stuff and look at the film as poorly done....but I think when you view it in context of the entire series and pay attention to the carrying out of Palpatine's plan, it's pretty interesting. That's just my $.02 :blink:


So you gonna hook me up or what? lol

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just got back from Episode III (and a bit of drinkin afterwards :P)


haven't read any of this thread before because i didn't want to spoil it and not reading it now, bceause like i said there's been a bit of drinkin afterwards ;)




the lightsabre battles were kickass. and the "you were the chosen one, you were my brother" climax was very well done


unlike the other prequels there was actually some kind of plot and build up to anakin's turn to the dark side. and unlike the other prequels there were more positives than negatives to focus on


my biggest disappointment was the scene where the mechanical Vadar was born and the Emperor breaks some bad news and then Vadar goes Frankenstein and rips his restraints off. he just looked more like a little kid throwing a tantrum than the ubercool Dark Lord of the Sith


there were a couple other "little" things that geeks like me pick out. but even with those its still one hella kickass movie


easily the best of the prequel trilogy and i'd even put it ahead of RotJ


oh, and Natalie Portman :blink:

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oh, and Natalie Portman :blink:



I totally agree....She is so amazingly hot that I can barely stand it. I don't know that I've ever seen her look better than she did with those long, curly locks :P

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Well, first of all, how do we know when the first Death Star was completed? Second, the Death Star is not something that is being put together out in the open. Even though Palpatine establishes the Empire, there is still a senate right up until Ep.IV. So who's to say that the construction on the first one wasn't much slower due to the fact that it had to be carried out in secret.


Well, I just watched EP IV again, and the Death Star is not completed (tested) until then. You don't have to defend every little inconsistency to death. I've loved Star Wars since I saw it at age 7 in 1977, but it's not perfect. Somehow I don't think Palpatine would be too concerned about building it. He could have called it a big space station, not a Death Star if he wanted to hide it.

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Well, I just watched EP IV again, and the Death Star is not completed (tested) until then.    You don't have to defend every little inconsistency to death.  I've loved Star Wars since I saw it at age 7 in 1977, but it's not perfect.  Somehow I don't think Palpatine would be too concerned about building it.  He could have called it a big space station, not a Death Star if he wanted to hide it.



Well, in all honesty, I don't even think about most of this stuff until people point it out to begin with lol. As you said, it's not perfect, and I don't know why anyone would expect it to be. When you consider the fact that these movies span a time period of nearly thirty years, I think George does a pretty good job of getting them to mesh. I guess that when I watch them, I'm watching them to enjoy them for what they are.....not point out all the things I can find that don't add up.

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I saw Episode III last nite, and I had to say that the experience of this one was incredible. I'm just a little young to be at the theaters for 4-6, but this was the best experience I had at any of the first three.


IMHO, I would think that it would be great to have the 4th-6th movies remade in the next 10-15 years. I think the CGI would help intensify the quality of the stories, provided that they stuck to the way of those stories were before. I know a few may want to leave it as it is, but I beleive that when watching all six together the technology difference between 3 and 4 (in terms of filmmaking) takes away from 4 and so on with 5+6.

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Episode III in my opinion was the 4th best star wars episode. Sure the action was good, but in a way so much action gets boring. Its the same old dual lightsaber although the anakin obi wan fight was great. Something that bothered me however was Obi wan sucks nuts at fighting, he always gets his ass kicked in lightsaber fights and the only one time he fought well was against darth maul. How does someone like Obi wan beat anakin when he got schooled by Dooku on a double team? I felt that they shouldnt have made Obi wan such a tool in the second and beginning of the third episode so that he would have been reasonable for him to be able to beat anakin in the final dual.



Good Action. Good story. Ocasional poor lines and some stiff acting sometimes as well in my opinion.

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Whoa.....does your wife have a sister?  :P


I'm surprised that you feel that way about the two trilogies. In fact, I usually find that people who didn't like the first two prequels at all (and were established SW fans to some degree) didn't really focus on all the stuff going on in the background. To me, that's what made the first two enjoyable, even though I feel Ep.III was significantly better. Palpatine begins laying the ground work for both the establishment of the Empire and the conversion of Anakin way back in Episode I. It's easy to get caught up in all the Jar-Jar and pod race stuff and look at the film as poorly done....but I think when you view it in context of the entire series and pay attention to the carrying out of Palpatine's plan, it's pretty interesting. That's just my $.02 :blink:

Overall I liked the storyline. I don't know if I believe that the Emperor had designs on Anakin since his birth, but I do believe that he had a hand in the events in Anakin's life that made him want to turn to the Dark Side to a point. To have been able to orchestrate everything seems a little far-fetched and beyond the Emperor's powers, from what I saw in the prequels (i.e. if he could direct the flow of events, he wouldn't ever run into resistance). And I'll admit that the inconsistencies or conveniencies could be explained in that Lucas didn't have enough time to include explanations/needed scenes in this movie (like Padme appearing pregnant in her coffin, to throw-off the Sith, even though I chalked that up to just being fat from pregnancy). However I still think the original trilogy stands alone, and I plan on showing my boys that first, when they get to about 6 years old, because the characters are so much more real and developed, and the whole "I am your father" thing is what makes the trilogy. Seeing the new trilogy and going into the old trilogy knowing that Vader is Luke's father takes away from it, IMHO. And that way, you look at the new trilogy as a "how did he become Vader" type of thing.

So you gonna hook me up or what? lol

Sorry, she's an only-child. Too bad too because she's beautiful (my co-workers have told me that, BTW) and has attractive parents, so I'm sure her siblings would have been as well.

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