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(OT) Review: Episode III Revenge of the Sith

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Don't even talk to me about Jar Jar.  My conscious mind has blocked all memory of him.


The worst part by far about Revenge of the Sith, I though, was that Jar Jar lived.


You know having met you, I can understand your hatred for Jar Jar. You act and sound just like him. :doh:

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Don't even talk to me about Jar Jar.  My conscious mind has blocked all memory of him.


The worst part by far about Revenge of the Sith, I though, was that Jar Jar lived.



I was shocked that Lucas didn't find some way to kill him off. Afterall, he's not in any of the other Episodes. There's no point of keeping him. :doh:

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Unfortunately in this discussion, Mark Hamill was the only actor that was a main focus in three movies.  JarJar was a secondary character in one movie, support in another, and barely there in a third.  Jake Lloyd was a major focus in one movie.  His quantity of bad-watchable acting more than makes up for a little bit of horrendous acting.


But again, SW is not about Oscar winning acting.  It's about a story.  A modern day legend/myth.  A story about rising, falling and redemption.


If you go by screen time, Jar Jar was second only to Qui-Gon Jinn in Phantom Menace.


Yes, that means there was more Jar Jar than Obi-Wan in that movie.

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I wouldn't say that Mark Hamill's acting was good per se, but for me the true test of an actor's ability is making me care about his character. And I think that Hamill's approach in ROTJ was to portray quiet reserve because he had hatred and anger, but knew that those were paths to the dark side. And no one ever said Star Wars was supposed to be Shakespeare.

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My opinion is that Sidious killed her in the force and lied to Vader essentially to close the deal and make sure that he was his minion forever. Just as the entire epic of 6 movies was simply the story of Anakin (his rise, fall, and redemption), the prequels are the story of Palpatine as the puppet master. Everything that happened, came about because he had his hands all over it.


But how could Sidious have killed her? He had no knowledge of luke and leia as demonstrated in IV-VI.


I think Phlegous created Anankin to replace Sidious, Sidious found out about it and killed him. Sidious did not learn how to use the force to mess with the midichlorians, else luke and leia would never have happened.


Also, Padme proved in I and II that she was a fighter. She would not just give up, she'd fight for Anakin, using the twins to turn him back. I thought that her death "Perfectly healthy and losing the will to live" was teribly done. That was the pivotal fulcrum for the whole story and I thinbk he blew it.


The rest of the storytelling was awesome, the effects awesome. The movie itself, terrific. But c'mon, you can't blow the essential climax of the first 3 movies.


What does everyone else think? Am I missing something?

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heres a couple of notes i thought of while getting caught up in the thread...


YODA's COVER - its in the books and in the storyline, but not so much in the films...on dagobah, there is an immense dark side presence of some long gone sith lord...the cave where Luke battles "himself" in Empire is the center of this dark side presence...yoda is so close to this dark presence that it basically disguises him from the emperor and vader, so they cant sense him...


LIGHTNING - this is just specualtion, but its possible that the dark jedi can sometime lose control of their lightning storm...2 examples, first in RotSith, palpatine loses control (temporarily) when fighting Mace...this explains the why mace kept reflecting it back, and think about RotJedi, when palpatine is hitting Luke with the lightning on the Death Star, and Vader picks him up to toss him down the shaft, he keeps spraying lightning everywhere, when he should have stopped...to me it looks as if me may lose some control of it at times...

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But how could Sidious have killed her?  He had no knowledge of luke and leia as demonstrated in IV-VI.


I think Phlegous created Anankin to replace Sidious, Sidious found out about it and killed him.  Sidious did not learn how to use the force to mess with the midichlorians, else luke and leia would never have happened.


Also, Padme proved in I and II that she was a fighter.  She would not just give up, she'd fight for Anakin, using the twins to turn him back.  I thought that her death "Perfectly healthy and losing the will to live" was teribly done.  That was the pivotal fulcrum for the whole story and I thinbk he blew it. 


The rest of the storytelling was awesome, the effects awesome.  The movie itself, terrific.  But c'mon, you can't blow the essential climax of the first 3 movies.


What does everyone else think?  Am I missing something?


Why does Sidious need to know about Luke & Leia in order to kill Padme in the force? I'm confused by that statement. Maybe if he killed her, he would have known about the births? Is that what you're saying? I think that requires even more conjecture than my statement -- although, they're both opinions and could both be wrong! :doh:

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How could he have killed Padme? The only possible way is with the midicholrian manipulation. And if he is that strong in the force, then how could he have not sensed that Padme had already given birth to twins, both very strong in the force? I don't think that he did kill Padme.


I think the assumption has to be that because Anakin turned, she died of a broken heart. Thats what Lucas wanted us to believe. My point is that it doesn't fit at all with her character from I and II. The Padme from I and II would have used the twins to turn Anakin back.

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heres a couple of notes i thought of while getting caught up in the thread...


YODA's COVER - its in the books and in the storyline, but not so much in the films...on dagobah, there is an immense dark side presence of some long gone sith lord...the cave where Luke battles "himself" in Empire is the center of this dark side presence...yoda is so close to this dark presence that it basically disguises him from the emperor and vader, so they cant sense him...


LIGHTNING - this is just specualtion, but its possible that the dark jedi can sometime lose control of their lightning storm...2 examples, first in RotSith, palpatine loses control (temporarily) when fighting Mace...this explains the why mace kept reflecting it back, and think about RotJedi, when palpatine is hitting Luke with the lightning on the Death Star, and Vader picks him up to toss him down the shaft, he keeps spraying lightning everywhere, when he should have stopped...to me it looks as if me may lose some control of it at times...






Much of the dialog has been changed in script revisions and the like. If you read the official book version authorized by Lucas, it does actually bring the point up. In the scene with the Emperor in ROTJ, the Emperor mentions that they knew all about Yoda, and that he was on Dagobah but he was helpless and impotent and could do nothing to stop them....




See my above post for the reason Yoda was allowed to remain undisturbed on Dagobah. As it was described, the dark side cave was just that, a place where the dark side was concentrated.


The force lightning can be blocked by saber or the force, it just depends how serious the dark side power user is about frying someone. Case in point, ROTJ, the Emperor is not just wildly spraying lightning everywhere. Watch the scene again, he's nailing Vader with direct hits to the chest with the death bolts...

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There was not a Jedi strong enough to defeat Palpatine...that is how powerful the Sith Lord had become. Yoda couldn't do it...Mace couldn't. Not even Luke. The only one would could do it was Vader.



So, Lone Star, now you see that evil will always triumph because good is dumb.

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I know a man who believes that SpaceBalls as a movie is better written, has a better story, better acting, better everything than SW -- of course, he's never seen a Star Wars movie, but loves Mel Brooks.

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I know a man who believes that SpaceBalls as a movie is better written, has a better story, better acting, better everything than SW -- of course, he's never seen a Star Wars movie, but loves Mel Brooks.



Acting and writing, he's probably right.


Apparently, Carrie Fisher had a hard time delivering some of her lines without laughing in the first movie, because she thought the dialog was so hokey.

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Acting and writing, he's probably right.


Apparently, Carrie Fisher had a hard time delivering some of her lines without laughing in the first movie, because she thought the dialog was so hokey.



Bet she didn't think it was hokey when she cashed her million-dollar check for ESB. :w00t:

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Bet she didn't think it was hokey when she cashed her million-dollar check for ESB. :w00t:



Actually the rumor (which was never refuted by the actress herself) is that during Empire filming, she was so high on Marijuana that she couldn't remember her lines. Watch the scene where the Falcon is hiding out in the space slug cave, the part where the cave moves and Leia is thrown into Solo. The part where she is saying "Captain, being held by you isn't quite enough to get me excited" you can clearly see Harrison Ford mouthing her lines to her....

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But how could Sidious have killed her?  He had no knowledge of luke and leia as demonstrated in IV-VI.


I think Phlegous created Anankin to replace Sidious, Sidious found out about it and killed him.  Sidious did not learn how to use the force to mess with the midichlorians, else luke and leia would never have happened.


Also, Padme proved in I and II that she was a fighter.  She would not just give up, she'd fight for Anakin, using the twins to turn him back.  I thought that her death "Perfectly healthy and losing the will to live" was teribly done.  That was the pivotal fulcrum for the whole story and I thinbk he blew it. 


The rest of the storytelling was awesome, the effects awesome.  The movie itself, terrific.  But c'mon, you can't blow the essential climax of the first 3 movies.


What does everyone else think?  Am I missing something?



If this is awesome storytelling in this day and age, then several people are rolling over in their graves. It had the special effects that everyone expected to see-to the point that the the first 20 minutes of the movie rolled by without any plot, or any dialogue. "Jedi Knight" or not, those two guys shouldn't have lasted 30 seconds in an environment fully surveilled and filled with enemy combatants...OK, it's a movie-but for crying out loud, make it somewhat interesting and suspensefull. And, taking over the entire government? If it were THAT damn easy to do, I would have done it years ago. And, how do you explain the entire damn armed forces waiting on a code word from Mr Bad guy to wipe out all the JEDI knights-and in spite of their "force" no one had a frigging clue? I saw enough plot holes to drive a tank battalion through.

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