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According to Pew Research, only 21 percent of Americans trust the government to do what is right. A recent Rasmussen poll found that 53 percent of voters agree with the Roger Stone statement that there is “a group of politicized thugs at the top of the FBI who are using the FBI … as Joe Biden‘s personal Gestapo.” The evidence is speaking to the public – and the public is starting to listen.


Why do Donald Trump’s poll numbers climb every time he’s indicted? It’s not because we’ve developed an affection for criminals. It’s because we don’t trust the allegations of a system run by criminals. We know that FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith tampered with evidence. We know that the FBI and Robert Mueller team investigated Trump for 3 years without a predicate – violating his due process rights. Why should we trust such an organization’s allegations about Donald Trump?

Public opinion on our federal criminal justice system is changing, and every piece of evidence that drops is adding to our understanding of the problem. We have not heard the DOJ’s death rattle yet, but its reckoning is approaching.


There will eventually be a tipping point, when the public will demand that a correction be made. The only mystery is when that tipping point will arrive, and what form the public demand will take. Overhaul of federal law enforcement has reached the point of serious debate. With each new piece of evidence, it inches closer to being an imperative.


In those crime shows I mentioned above, the criminals invariable leave more evidence when they try hide their crimes. That’s what we’re witnessing now. The DOJ is in too deep to turn back. It’s trying to cover its corruption, and the coverup is creating more evidence – like resisting congressional subpoenas and punishing



The problem is becoming more evident every day. It’s impossible to know how close we are to the tipping point, but the Hunter Biden plea deal has moved us a few inches closer.



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OH: So That’s Why Hunter Biden Got a Sweetheart Plea Deal When He Did.


 “Just days after Hunter Biden reached a sweetheart plea deal with his father’s Justice Department to avoid jail time for tax and gun crimes, the House Ways and Means Committee unveiled new testimony from IRS whistleblowers alleging roadblocks were set before them to ensure preferential treatment to President Joe Biden’s son.


What’s more, whistleblower testimony claims that the U.S. attorney overseeing the probe of Hunter’s alleged tax crimes had his attempts to charge hunter in 2022 denied.”



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6 hours ago, BillsFanNC said:

DOJ not at all interested in the big guy and who he might be?





Can you just imagine if it was Trump being in this same fiasco. Dems and the MSM's heads would be exploding.

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Wow - spot on:



How All of Our Core Institutions Lit Their Own Credibility on Fire


One thing the Biden Administration wants you to know is that it takes enforcing the law very seriously. It is a defender of the “rule of law,” we are told. It is especially devoted to the law when it comes to gun crimes supposedly. In fact, Biden’s DOJ proudly promotes its handling of gun cases on its website, as part of a much larger initiative, which is supposedly intended to combat gun violence.


They want you to believe that lying on federal gun forms is a very serious crime.


That's why, earlier this year, the ATF put out a statement entitled, "Federal Prosecutors Aggressively Pursuing Those Who Lie in Connection With Firearm Transactions." And it's why a few weeks ago, Democrats in Congress held hearings featuring anti-gun activists like Rob Wilcox.


That hearing was derailed, though, when a congressman asked Wilcox a simple and obvious question: Why isn't Hunter Biden going to prison, given that he lied on a federal form about his drug use and his Navy discharge, to obtain a firearm? Democrats in the hearing room didn't like that question.




By now, you've probably heard how the Biden DOJ managed to square this circle.


Yesterday, after a five-year criminal investigation, the DOJ announced that Hunter will not go to prison for a year for lying on a federal gun form. In fact, he won't even spend a day in prison. Instead, Hunter Biden will go into a "diversion" program.


That's remarkable not just because it's an obviously unfair result, but also because "diversion" programs like that — according to the DOJ's own guidelines — are unavailable to any defendant who has ever brandished a firearm while committing a felony. As National Review has reported, "publicly available videos" from Hunter Biden's laptop "show him brandishing the weapon while high on crack cocaine, which is also a felony."


Needless to say, Hunter Biden was never charged with brandishing his firearm or smoking crack. He also wasn't charged with reckless endangerment after his handgun wound up in a trash bin across the street from a high school, even though that seems like a pretty big public safety risk. Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) noted that prosecutors could have easily brought these cases, and probably many others: "Evidence supported other charges that would have rendered him presumptively ineligible for diversion." But the DOJ buried all of that.


The DOJ also let Hunter Biden off the hook on tax evasion. He's getting no jail time for failing to pay taxes for two years. Several former Assistant U.S. Attorneys — including Andrew Weissmann and Renato Mariotti — think that checks out. "These charges are rarely brought," Mariotti wrote on Twitter yesterday. He added, "If anything, it looks like Hunter Biden received harsh treatment."


It took all of five minutes for conservative writer Mike Cernovich to debunk that, by citing Renato Mariotti's own work — including the time Mariotti pursued a five-year prison sentence for defendants who failed to pay taxes on less than $2 million in income. And that wasn't an unusual case. The typical sentence for tax fraud offenders, according to the DOJ's own statistics, is over 16 months in prison. And these are often people who, unlike Hunter Biden, didn't abuse the public's trust by selling a politician's influence overseas.


We're not going to spend any more time on the hypocrisy that's on display in Hunter Biden's case. We're not going to go into how, on his first day in office, Joe Biden put a law partner of Hunter Biden's defense attorney in charge of the criminal division of the DOJ. We could spend all day talking about stuff like that. The special treatment couldn't be more obvious, so there's no point belaboring it.



What's really interesting is that if you dig a little deeper, this story is much bigger than Hunter Biden, and indeed it's much bigger than politics. And if you doubt that, watch this report from ABC's top Washington correspondent. Pay close attention to how the reporter contradicts himself in real time, apparently without realizing it:





If you can filter out the dumb talking points from "The View" lady, about how all of this totally vindicates the DOJ, then that's actually a fascinating clip. The senior Washington correspondent at ABC News begins by explaining there's no evidence whatsoever that the Biden family is corrupt. But he ends the segment by admitting there's something fishy about that fat diamond that somehow found its way from China into Hunter Biden's possession. Later he goes on to concede it's weird that Biden was making tens of thousands of dollars a month for a no-show job at a Ukrainian energy company, and selling his paintings for ludicrous sums of money to unknown foreign buyers, et cetera.


Put aside whatever you think of the politics of all this. Maybe you love Hunter Biden for some reason. Ask yourself this: What's the effect on millions of Americans watching a news report as incoherent and poorly conceived as that one? It's not just fraudulent reporting. It's obviously fraudulent reporting.


Even if you're a diehard Democrat, that has to resonate with you, for the wrong reasons. It's not just that the DOJ is cutting the president's son a break. What we're seeing — what's now undeniable — is that the media is apparently so inept that they can't even lie about it properly. Even ABC's highest-ranking correspondent in Washington just can't pull it off to save his life.


This gets to a much broader issue, which is a lot bigger than Hunter Biden — and that issue is the level of trust Americans have in the core institutions of this country. Every poll shows that trust is plummeting, and it's not hard to see why. Everywhere you look, you're being subjected to propaganda that would make North Korean state media blush.


They're treating you like you're a complete idiot. It's relentless. Just hours after the DOJ announced that Hunter Biden won't face any punishment for violating federal law, the Pentagon revealed yet another "accounting error," which means we get to spend $6 billion more in Ukraine. Imagine that.


And on top of that — also on the very same day that the DOJ announced Hunter Biden wouldn't go to prison — we learned that the plan is to put Donald Trump on trial prior to the 2024 election. How is CNN covering that? They ran this headline: "Another historic week in the investigation and prosecution of Donald Trump."


Contrast that with another CNN headline from this week, on the same kind of prosecution happening in Russia: "Russian opposition leader Navalny faces decades behind bars as new trial starts." Translation: it's good when we throw our opposition leaders in jail. It's bad when Russia does it.


If it's hard to believe anyone's falling for this anymore, that's because no one is falling for it anymore. Every major institution in this country now flaunts the "norms" they pretended for so long to care about. And that matters, because the "democratic system" that the left pretends to deeply cherish doesn't work if the people lose all trust and faith in the system itself. If nobody believes in any of this, it all falls apart. People notice when the authorities imprison good samaritans like Daniel Penny, even as arsonists and rapists go free. They notice when the DOJ sends a SWAT team to raid the home of a father who protected his child from an abortion clinic volunteer, while delaying investigations into attacks on Christian pregnancy centers.


—Matt Walsh blog 





Edited by Big Blitz
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Special Counsel Jack Smith said that he was aiming for a speedy trial for Donald Trump when he announced the criminal charges against the former president.


Even he must have been a little surprised, as the rest of us were, that Judge Aileen Cannon set the date for August 14.


Friday Smith requested the trial date be moved back to December 11.




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Who is lying? Merrick Garland or the whistleblowers?




“I’m not the deciding official.”


Those five words, allegedly from Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss, shocked IRS and FBI investigators in a meeting on October 22, 2022. This is because, in refusing to appoint a special counsel, Attorney Garland Merrick Garland had repeatedly assured the public and Congress that Weiss had total authority over his investigation.


IRS supervisory agent Gary A. Shapley Jr. told Congress he was so dismayed by Weiss’s statement and other admissions that he memorialized them in a communication to other team members.


Shapley and another whistleblower detail what they describe as a pattern of interference with their investigation of Hunter Biden, including the denial of searches, lines of questioning, and even attempted indictments. 


The only thing abundantly clear is that someone is lying. Either these whistleblowers are lying to Congress, or these Justice Department officials (including Garland) are lying







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