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American CULTURAL Marxism: FINDING The Commie Left And Those Who Support Them (Useful Idiots)

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On August 5, Bian Zhongyun, the first vice principal of the Experimental High School Attached to Beijing Normal University, was beaten to death by a group of Red Guards —mostly her students—and became the first education worker in Beijing killed by the Red Guards.


She became the first victim of the Cultural Revolution in 1966 the early days of Beijing's "Red August", where she was beaten to death with wooden sticks by a group of students, led by local student Red Guard leader Song Binbin.[2] Prior to her death, Bian had been the party leader at the school. In March 1966, after an earthquake near Beijing, the school told students that they should run out of the classroom as soon as possible if another earthquake occurred. Some students asked Bian if they should carry the portrait of Mao in their classrooms. She did not answer the question directly, only repeated that they should run out of the classroom as soon as possible, and was therefore accused of opposing Chairman Mao.[3][4] Later, she was further denounced as a "counter-revolutionary revisionist" by Song's group of Red Guards


Binbin joined the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in April 1966 as a reserve member. She led a rebellion at Experimental High School which was attached to Beijing Normal University, in Beijing, China. Newspapers reported she took part in the beating of the deputy principal, Bian Zhongyun, to death in August 1966 with a wooden stick, and seriously injuring vice-principal Hu Zhitao. That night, Song Binbin and others reported the cause of Bian Zhongyun's death to Wu De, the second secretary of the Beijing Municipal Committee of the CCP at the Beijing Hotel.[3] Bian was the first teacher killed in the Cultural Revolution, and her slaying led to further killings by the Red Guards, and eventually over one million of the Guards gathered in Tiananmen Square, where Binbin famously pinned a red band on Mao Zedong's arm. Her pen name Song Yaowu was also given by Mao at that time. The scene was captured in a famous photograph, causing the Red August. On August 20, 1966, Guangming Daily published an article signed by Binbin under her pen name "Song Yaowu", "I Put a Red Armband on Chairman Mao", which was reprinted by People's Daily newspaper the next day.


And they end up being the useful idiots.


 In 2005, the daughter of Zhang Bojun, a prominent victim of the Cultural Revolution, wrote a book in which she finally named Deng Rong, the youngest daughter of Deng Xiaoping, as one of the perpetrators. In 2012, on his deathbed, Wang Jingyao finally confirmed that the students who delivered the final blow to his wife on 5 August 1966 included Liu Pingping, a daughter of Liu Shaoqi. Ironically, the Deng and Liu families would both become persecuted during the Cultural Revolution.


something about history repeating itself.  maybe why kids and people with the mentality of a teen are being targeted so hard?





Edited by Tommy Callahan
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1 hour ago, BillsFanNC said:

Always remember that they'll never come for you as long as you're on their side...





I disagree.


They will come for you eventually.



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Why?  The goal?


Schools are failing and many seem more worried about dei or lgbt than actual education.  And they continue to fall behind. 




In an ironic twist.  The same voices used to complain about any talk of religion in public schools, as it would push ideology onto the kids.  



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