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Chiefs Settle with Britt Reid's Crash Victim


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15 hours ago, RoyBatty is alive said:

What goes through his mind after a life dedicated to football that has helped ruin his two kids.


This is a pretty hefty accusation coming from someone who I'm sure has never spoken a word to the Andy Reid.  

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16 hours ago, RoyBatty is alive said:

Let or force the two time loser Britt Reid to pay as much of the bill as possible at least until his prison term starts.

For all the success and money in Andy Reid life, I wouldn't change his life for mine for anything.

What goes through his mind after a life dedicated to football that has helped ruin his two kids.


Are you a parent?


I'm a parent.  My kid is in college now and I know a number of other parents.  Most of them work.  Many of them work long hours, where the kid doesn't get as much parental time as would probably be optimal - and that's actually more true of low end jobs where both parents work and sometimes 2 jobs just to make ends meet, as much or more than high end jobs. 


Parents will always blame themselves for what their kids do or don't do, but that by the time a kid is in HS, even Jr High, it's scary how little influence the parents have. 


For example, there are studies that a narcotic prescription after wisdom tooth extraction places teens at high risk for opiod abuse.  We were basically guilt-tripped into accepting and filling such a prescription (I did not know that at the time) by our kid's oral surgeon "why would you want your kid to suffer unnecessary excruciating pain?".  Similarly narcotic prescriptions given for sports injuries.   Parents wind up hosting drinking parties they don't know about where they buy soda and pizza and the kids bring in white rum in Dasani bottles.


I know families with tragedies where anyone in the world would say "those parents were good, involved, caring parents who tried their best to raise healthy kids".   I know families I think are awful - multiple divorces and remarriages, bad values, turmoil, where the kids are sweet, caring, and responsible.


Is it probable that Reid was more married to football and parenting his players than to his sons while they were growing up, probably so, but not knowing the details of who he was as a father and parent I'm not going to point a finger.


I believe Reid has 3 other kids who are fine.

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16 hours ago, Hapless Bills Fan said:


It is more than that, per the linked article:


Since that's the girl's attorney, I assume long-term financial stability means just that.  The attorney knows she will have long term brain damage, may require assistance her entire life, and may never be able to hold a job or care for herself.


Sounds like the Chiefs did the right thing, assuming the attorney knows his business and wouldn't settle for being low-balled

KC has to know how horribly this would play out for them in court.


Why would the Chiefs be going to court over this?

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9 minutes ago, White Linen said:

Why would the Chiefs be going to court over this?


They won't be, now that they've settled.


Was this a general question?  Lawyers always look around for the deepest pockets to target.  Britt Reid worked for the Chiefs, and was leaving the Chiefs facility that day driving a truck that was potentially a perk of employment there.  Of course the Chiefs would be sued, except that they headed it off by settling.

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9 hours ago, Hapless Bills Fan said:



I don't know the answer to your questions.


I do know that even without actual legal liability, litigation is expensive - both in terms of lawyer's fees, and in terms of public relations.  Having your coach's DUI son permanently disable a young child is not a good look for "The Shield".  The NFL may have told the Chiefs "make this go away quietly"


And then of course, Reid had two prior convictions for "driving under the influence of a controlled substance" in PA.  The warrant mentioned "multiple DUI contacts" whatever that means (arrests where charges weren't filed?).  It's not impossible that there's evidence people on the team knew he was drinking in the facility and leaving drunk on prior occasions, if not that evening.


Just my opinion, but as with Rugg, when someone does something as horridly irresponsible as Britt Reid did, what are the odds that they didn't do this before? 





He's definitely done it before.


"The Shield" (Jerry, Terry, Bobby, Danny, etc) has never been insistent on teams making the horrible actions (too many to list) of its players "go away", so I doubt they pressured the Hunts to give.  They probably came to the conclusion/decision on their own.  The cost of litigation would have been a fraction of what they just committed to.  I bet they had a medical expert review the child's case who painted then Hunts a fairly optimistic picture for recovery, i.e.: not a big payout in total.

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