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Another American Disgrace


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Some loser named Raven Sanders protesting and hating the United States after backing into a silver medal in shotput it or hog calling. Not sure.    How disgraceful.  So much hate against the USA.  Probably in it for the money. Too bad she’s so hideous to look at.  Nobody would sponsor the troll.  What a mess.  Demented Biden promoting anti-American hate.  We are at an all time low.  What a mess.  

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41 minutes ago, Irv said:

Some loser named Raven Sanders protesting and hating the United States after backing into a silver medal in shotput it or hog calling. Not sure.    How disgraceful.  So much hate against the USA.  Probably in it for the money. Too bad she’s so hideous to look at.  Nobody would sponsor the troll.  What a mess.  Demented Biden promoting anti-American hate.  We are at an all time low.  What a mess.  

Irv, when you recognize that some people are just the way they are, for whatever reason they are what they are, it makes life more enjoyable. 

It is, however, slightly ironic that whatever protests take place occur in Japan, a country with the stated goal of enslaving the world in its own brand of sadistic and barbaric subjugation just 80 short years or so ago.   Doubly ironic?  The line in the sand against that oppressive regime came by way of sacrifice of men and women under the flag she turned away from.  Life is complicated. 

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Glad to see proud Americans stepping up and winning despite all the quitters and anti-Americans. Hopefully the quitters and anti-Americans go back under the rocks.  What a mess.  Demented Biden promoting anti-American hate.  Mess.  

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