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As far as I'm concerned, TD had a playoff team

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With the long knifes out for Tom 'Ole Whitey' Donahoe, most of the bitching besides the Henry thingy seems to be 'he has yet to get the Bills to the playoffs, his tenure is a failure'. As far as I'm concered Donahoe got the Bills to the playoffs last year.


-Jacksonville -Clements knocks down a pass instead of going for an INT- playoffs, don't need the Steeler game


-Oakland -Henry doesn't trip over his feet/hash mark -playoffs, don't need the Steeler game


-1st Jets game we lost 16-14. A skosh more effort from either the offense or the defense- playoffs, don't need the Steeler game


still, with all that and starting out 0-4, Buffalo plays like a team possessed the last half of the season, winning 6 in a row. Pittsburgh becomes our playoff game for all extents and purposes. We all know what happened- Clements muffs a punt, **Bledsoe plays like his SUV is idling outside the stadium waiting to take him back to Montana, defense can't stop the backup to the backup runningback when it matters,etc.


Last season was a playoff season in all but name. Sure I'd much rather get to the playoffs for real, and I think we will real soon, but to post that TD's tenure is a failure because Buffalo hasn't yet played a playoff game under him is selling him pretty short.


**No Bledsoe's were sacked while making this post

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I like the way people keep looking at Bflo's drafts (which have been pretty good IMO), but they ignore the FA and UDFA acquisitions:







Bledsoe (at the time the best QB available)



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As I've said many times on this board, those people who are bitching and moaning about TD are the same people who will be crying to have him back when he's gone. TD is going to get the job done. When he has a setback, he corrects it. The guy has stocked our roster with some pretty good talent, and now it's just a matter of the talent capitalizing on their success from last year.

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Last season was a playoff season in all but name.



Do they give out rings for that???

Last season was a WINNING season, not a playoff season.

TD has done a good job bringing in talent and getting a good head coach, which is what a quality GM is supposed to do, but now I don't think anything short of the postseason is acceptable this season.

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Yeah Donahoe can only do so much. At some point it's up to the coaches and especially the players to take that next step. Donahoe has built a team that has no business not being a playoff team. It's not his fault that the team didn't live up to its potential.

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Totally agree. A GM can only do so much getting the players. A coach can only do so much with the players he has been given. The players can only do so much with the teammates they are given. To me, the teammates let the coach and GM down a little more than the others. The coaches didnt perfrom as well in the first half because they were new and needed time and they let the players and the GM down a little but that can be expected. To me, TD did his job the best of the three.

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As I've said many times on this board, those people who are bitching and moaning about TD are the same people who will be crying to have him back when he's gone.



Personally, I'm waiting for the "TD's in the final year of his contract...we're doomed!" thread. :lol:

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When he stops trying to build the best team he possibly can and is just mailing in the effort. I have yet to see that from him.



OK, fair enough. May I ask another question?


Let's say you have a job (which you do). Let's say you're paid to make widgets. Now you've been working on the job for four years and have yet to make a widget that works. Do you think your employer would keep giving you another chance without questioning what you're doing?

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OK, fair enough. May I ask another question?


Let's say you have a job (which you do). Let's say you're paid to make widgets. Now you've been working on the job for four years and have yet to make a widget that works. Do you think your employer would keep giving you another chance without questioning what you're doing?


The widget almost worked last year ----- I'll give TD credit for at least posting a winning season and getting Mularkey in there.

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OK, fair enough. May I ask another question?


Let's say you have a job (which you do). Let's say you're paid to make widgets. Now you've been working on the job for four years and have yet to make a widget that works. Do you think your employer would keep giving you another chance without questioning what you're doing?


If you're creating a new widget using uncertain projections as to the quality of the parts, then yes, as long as the boss has seen marked improvement from your R&D.


I'm of the opinion that Bflo has shown marked improvement over the last several years. The team is in a much better state now than it was when Butler left, and they are very close to being elite.

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If ifs and buts...


Serious question: At what point will YOU consider Donohoe kaput?



Nothing he has done so far has made me think that he isn't the best GM that the Bills could get at this time. Something you have to remember is that change for the sake of change isn't always the best strategy.

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If ifs and buts...


Serious question: At what point will YOU consider Donohoe kaput?


I'm not sure if you were addressing this to me, but since we haven't had a good argument in a while, I'll take a shot at it lol.....


I think you have to look at the big picture when it comes to the GM. TD brings a lot to the table, and even though it's been a slower process than we fans would like, this team is in good shape and showing some real positive signs of realizing their potential. I love how resourceful TD is. He makes good decisions much more often than he makes bad ones. And most of his 'bad' ones looked pretty damn good to a lot of us at the time. I understand that it's frustrating that we haven't been in the playoffs since TD's been here. I am as big of a Bills fan as anyone else.


All GMs make decisions that don't work out. To some it happens at first; to others it happens down the road during their tenure. Unfortunately two of TDs earliest decisions - Bledsoe and Greggo - did not work out. We've cut bait and moved on to what appears to be greener pastures. In the process, TD has added talent to the rest of the roster that also looks solid. I've never met TD, I'm not related to him, and I don't make any money by singing his praises. I just can't help but feel the guy is the right man for the job, and as soon as all his hard work comes together we're all going to be loving the result.

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OK, fair enough. May I ask another question?


Let's say you have a job (which you do). Let's say you're paid to make widgets. Now you've been working on the job for four years and have yet to make a widget that works. Do you think your employer would keep giving you another chance without questioning what you're doing?



Define "working." Last I checked, we've been selling out nearly every game. From a business point of view, the widget is working just fine.



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OK, fair enough. May I ask another question?


Let's say you have a job (which you do). Let's say you're paid to make widgets. Now you've been working on the job for four years and have yet to make a widget that works. Do you think your employer would keep giving you another chance without questioning what you're doing?



you missed a major point...you are paid to make widgets, but when you took the job, you had a warehouse and a scrap heap of parts, and were told you needed to build a widget factory before you could even think of making widgets...


and TD has made one hell of a factory...some fine tuning here and there, and we'll be cranking out the widgets for a long time...

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Personally, I'm waiting for the "TD's in the final year of his contract...we're doomed!"  thread.  :lol:



lol, so true....I hadn't even thought of that.....I bet the TD bashers will look at him in a bit of a different light when faced with the prospect of watching him walk out the door.....whether they admit it or not.

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they are very close to being elite.



:lol: Wowsers. that's a bold statement. Hope you're right, but until I see them beat a Pittsburgh, NE or Philly, I'm not quite ready to go there.


They're certainly in better shape financially, but talent-wise, they're pretty much the same IMO, especially on offense.

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OK, fair enough. May I ask another question?


Let's say you have a job (which you do). Let's say you're paid to make widgets. Now you've been working on the job for four years and have yet to make a widget that works. Do you think your employer would keep giving you another chance without questioning what you're doing?



Terrible analogy. Constructing a winning football team is hardly akin to being able to put Tab A into Slot B. Are you telling me TD hasn't put talent on this football team?

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Define "working."  Last I checked, we've been selling out nearly every game.  From a business point of view, the widget is working just fine.





The team is the widget, and the widget's stated function could be said to be winning playoff games. Let's face it: if the team doesn't win, it's not going to be having full stadiums every week.


Not even in Buffalo.

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