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Fulfilling a Promise But Was There a Plan .

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18 minutes ago, Over 29 years of fanhood said:

🚁 đŸ’”Â 


Not sure what the first one is referring to, but the 2nd one is why they "values" part doesn't make a difference to the majority of them.

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"People are the new dope." Mexican cartels are seizing on Biden's lax border policies to run multimillion-dollar human trafficking scheme and are using families as DECOYS to smuggle single adults and drugs from elsewhere


by Ben Ashford


Ruthless Mexican cartels are exploiting Joe Biden's relaxed immigration stance to turn people trafficking into a billion-dollar racket 'worth more than dope', a DailyMail.com investigation can reveal. [SNIP] A slew of experts and well-placed law enforcement sources have told DailyMail.com, however, that notorious drug gangs including the Gulf Cartel and Los Zetas are seizing upon the reforms to ratchet up human trafficking operations. As one source told us: 'The cartels have realized that under Biden there is serious money to be made from people trafficking without any of the distribution issues you face with narcotics. People are the new dope.'



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On 3/21/2021 at 11:37 AM, Doc said:


How didn't it work?  Why is there suddenly a crisis at the border now that Joey is President with the wall unchanged from when Trump left office?


And how do you propose addressing the problem at the source?  How do you make other countries better so that people aren't looking to leave in droves?

Nuke ‘em!😜

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CHARLES LIPSON: Baghdad Bob at the Southern Border. 



"If the problem at press briefings is deceit, the problem at the southern border is far worse.


The hard truth is that there isn’t just one crisis, there are three — all intertwined and mutually reinforcing.


One is the humanitarian disaster on the border and in Mexico, where migrants pay criminal gangs to lead them north from Central America. En route, they are exploited, some horrendously: raped, robbed, starved, left to die in the desert, or drowned trying to swim across the Rio Grande. The carnage is horrific.”


It’s a crisis by design.



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ROGER SIMON: Biden’s Border Policy: Virtue Signaling for Dummies.


TIME OUT: Let’s be real and put that euphemistic desecration of the English language “undocumented workers” to rest. The people crossing the border are illegal aliens, no quotes.


Any country that allows both legal and illegal immigration is creating chaos, authorizing and encouraging crime, and really major crime at that.


We have just learned from Tucson Border Patrol Chief Roy Villareal, retired this December after thirty years on the force, that “criminal organizations trafficking women, children, families and single adults over the U.S.-Mexico border earned as much as $14 million a day.” [bold mine]


Think about the people involved with that, the human suffering it entails, not to mention the 15,000 children, if that’s even the correct number, evidently enticed by the administration and wearing Biden t-shirts, being housed in cages until they can find a Motel 6 or similar to put them in. Besides the massive disorganization this indicates on the part of the administration, imagine the futures these kids will have. Dickens already wrote it.


So what is the administration doing about all this? We don’t know because they won’t allow the media to see, not even their complaisant mainstream pals. (I thought Biden promised the most transparent administration ever. Oh well


Instead, in the grand tradition of Susan “Benghazi” Rice, they sent out Department of Homeland Security Chief Alejandro Mayorkas to lie about the situation on the Sunday shows, reassuring us the border is “closed” and whatever problems exist are, needless to say, Trump’s fault.


But it’s not just the border. All Biden policies can be reduced to a form of virtue signaling.






But invariably with painful real-world outcomes: Photos Leaked by Texas Democrat Reveal Inside of Overcrowded, Makeshift Border Patrol Facility.






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12 hours ago, B-Man said:

"People are the new dope." Mexican cartels are seizing on Biden's lax border policies to run multimillion-dollar human trafficking scheme and are using families as DECOYS to smuggle single adults and drugs from elsewhere


by Ben Ashford


Ruthless Mexican cartels are exploiting Joe Biden's relaxed immigration stance to turn people trafficking into a billion-dollar racket 'worth more than dope', a DailyMail.com investigation can reveal. [SNIP] A slew of experts and well-placed law enforcement sources have told DailyMail.com, however, that notorious drug gangs including the Gulf Cartel and Los Zetas are seizing upon the reforms to ratchet up human trafficking operations. As one source told us: 'The cartels have realized that under Biden there is serious money to be made from people trafficking without any of the distribution issues you face with narcotics. People are the new dope.'



So that’s what they meant when suggesting the prior administration needed to better help the Mexican economy. 

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