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2020 Election is officially Trump vs Biden

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So, How Do They Dump Biden?

by Kurt Schlichter


Original Article


As the Democrat presidential campaign degenerates into “Weekend at Gropey’s,” a question arises: Assuming the Dems and their media minions somehow drag that rickety, basement-dwelling weirdo across the finish line, how do they get rid of him post-inauguration? Clearly, he would be a figurehead as Dr. Demento – sorry, Dr. Jill – and Kamala Harris joust for control before a backdrop of scheming pinko puppetmasters. But sooner or later, probably sooner, the Dem elite is going to try to put him out to pasture. How could they pull it off? And can they? Let’s see…


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Joe Biden Is No Moderate. 


“As Peter Beinart put it in The Atlantic, ‘Despite embracing an agenda that is further to the left than that of any Democratic nominee in decades, [Biden has] avoided the specific policy proposals and catchphrases that Republicans find easiest to attack. As a result, he appears more centrist than he actually is.’


Beinart is correct about where Biden’s agenda sits on the policy spectrum, but he is wrong about Biden avoiding specific proposals. In fact, it would be difficult to present his positions on social policy issues as further to the left than he has presented them himself (or has allowed them to be presented on his behalf) on his campaign website. Biden carefully describes his proposals in coded language and in less-than-obvious places, and a compliant press allows him to avoid discussing them on the stump. But the website sets forth policies that are unambiguously extreme.”

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12 hours ago, B-Man said:

So, How Do They Dump Biden?

by Kurt Schlichter

Original Article



Interesting article about who is actually running for President, K. Harris or Jill Biden.  After Woodrow Wilson's stroke, the 25th Amendment was not invoked, and Mrs. Wilson is thought to have functioned as the first female President for the remainder of the term.


"Kamala Harris is... already talking about “a Harris Administration.” If I were Dr. Jill Biden,... I’d ...hire a taster. Now, am I saying that Kamala Harris would physically harm Joe Biden? Let’s just say that I’d rather gulp down Ruth Gordon’s smoothies in Rosemary’s Baby than roll those dice. 

Regardless, (Harris) will want be rid of him. The 25th Amendment is the most obvious play. And, frankly, it would be legit, since he is manifestly incompetent, not that stuff like facts and truth matter in modern politics. 

The 25th Amendment, one of the rare parts of the Constitution that Democrats like."





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