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Evil, Evil, Fox News

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Republicans Steamroll Bankruptcy Law Through.


"It marks the second major change in law to benefit business since Republicans increased their House and Senate majorities in last fall's elections."


"Democrats were furious that the GOP leadership allowed none of the 35 amendments they had proposed earlier to be voted on. They particularly wanted provisions that would exempt from the new bankruptcy requirements military personnel returning from Iraq and Afghanistan, and people whose indebtedness is the result of financial identity theft."

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Why does this make Fox News Evil?


Also, why is it bad that people are to be held personally responsible for their actions?


As far as the two points you bring up, if someone can prove identity theft they would not be responsible, hence no need to file for bankruptcy. On the second the military already has protection from debt when serving in a combat zone, but are responsible to start making payments when they return home.

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Why does this make Fox News Evil?


Also, why is it bad that people are to be held personally responsible for their actions?


As far as the two points you bring up, if someone can prove identity theft they would not be responsible, hence no need to file for bankruptcy.  On the second the military already has protection from debt when serving in a combat zone, but are responsible to start making payments when they return home.


The Foxnews being evil part was sarcasm, as they reported the story fairly in this instance from what I can see.


The other arguments you make are debateable but not the point I was trying to make. Yesterday I was having lunch at one of the evil oil companies and some 'tarded liberal sat down at the table and started railing on Foxnews for all the quasi-valid reasons every "big box" news org is guilty of (they have Fox on all day in their cafeteria on a plasma screen). I let him finish and asked him what news station he usually watches. "CNN" was the rhetorical reply.



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Why does this make Fox News Evil?


Also, why is it bad that people are to be held personally responsible for their actions?




That I can agree on. The ramrodding (sp?) of legislation is what I have a problem with.

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Hey...this is a time of WAR!!! And if you're a good loyal American, you'll shut and take it up the sphincter!  :doh:  God Bless America!  (I'm parodying Bill O'Reilly here)




I agree with the sentiment that personal bankruptcy is out of control and that too many people use it to their advantage, so something along these lines is absolutely necessary. I'm not critical of the bill, simply lauding this particular article for being pretty balanced.


It's funny to me how up in arms the liberals get about FoxNews when their sources are at least as bad.

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It's funny to me how up in arms the liberals get about FoxNews when their sources are at least as bad.




True, but come on AD, it's at least as bad on the other side of things.

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True, but come on AD, it's at least as bad on the other side of things.


Not disagreeing but for some reason a large majority of those on the left can only recognize the bias of Fox, while giving a pass to their choice of daily news.


At least Fox will regularly have folks from both sides of the spectrum on - which to be quite honest doesn't matter at all to me because I don't watch it unless I'm at the evil oil company.


John Stewart did a good job on Crossfire.

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Why does this make Fox News Evil?


Also, why is it bad that people are to be held personally responsible for their actions?




I agree, so I believe that Mr Bush and hisGOP friends should be held responsible for the debt and the lives of several young men and women.

oh wait, that won't happen.

I figure if the riches people in America don't have to be held responsible, nor should I be!

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Also, why is it bad that people are to be held personally responsible for their actions?

I agree, so I believe that Mr Bush and hisGOP friends should be held responsible for the debt and the lives of several young men and women. 

oh wait, that won't happen.

I figure if the riches people in America don't have to be held responsible, nor should I be!


Yeah, you're right. They was no debt before the current administration took office. Oh, and don't let the fact that the richest people in the country pay a VERY disproportionate amount of the taxes or that 44% of Americans pay almost no taxes.



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I agree with the sentiment that personal bankruptcy is out of control and that too many people use it to their advantage, so something along these lines is absolutely necessary.  I'm not critical of the bill, simply lauding this particular article for being pretty balanced.


It's funny to me how up in arms the liberals get about FoxNews when their sources are at least as bad.



That's what personal bankruptcy is for! To give people a second chance who may have ran into financial hardship before. It's not "the easy way out" that some people make it out to be. it makes it infinitely harder to buy anything large (i.e. house, car) and stays on your record forever, even if it can't be counted against you after 7 years.


This law is bad, period.

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Not disagreeing but for some reason a large majority of those on the left can only recognize the bias of Fox, while giving a pass to their choice of daily news.


At least Fox will regularly have folks from both sides of the spectrum on - which to be quite honest doesn't matter at all to me because I don't watch it unless I'm at the evil oil company.


John Stewart did a good job on Crossfire.




Isn't crossfire on CNN?

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Isn't crossfire on CNN?



Yes. Stewart showed them up when he actually had something to say about how Tucker Carlson and his establishment-praising bowtie vs. an equally extremist person of the other side was "Hurting America!!!" JS was right. Carlson was let go a couple of months later and "Crossfire" format has been completely changed, when they even have it.

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Yes. Stewart showed them up when he actually had something to say about how Tucker Carlson and his establishment-praising bowtie vs. an equally extremist person of the other side was "Hurting America!!!" JS was right. Carlson was let go a couple of months later and "Crossfire" format has been completely changed, when they even have it.


Tis the rooster taking credit for the sun's rising. Crossfire was in part, in part, in part a victim of CNN's dwindling, nay, plummeting ratings. Stewart has a remarkably large following whom it turns out do not bother to vote for which Stewart is not responsible but it does speak to a kind of empty value to his product. After all Stewarts appearance and the resulting fame of his appearance on Crossfire was his most rememberable appearance. I find him hilarious. My question is the audience must be politically hip in order to get the joke but then the audience does not vote? Who was the other "host" Stewart skewered?

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