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Lawsuit: Teacher Makes Girl Unclog Toilet

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BONITA SPRINGS, Fla. Apr 8, 2005 — After a girl got sick in the bathroom of her kindergarten class, the teacher made her don rubber gloves and manually remove a clog from the toilet, according to a lawsuit filed by the girl's mother.


Lori Januska sued Bonita Springs Charter School this week after she said her 5-year-old daughter, Heather, clogged the toilet Sept. 22 and her teacher made her remove the clog as the entire class watched.


The suit said "a vulnerable 5-year-old was subjected to cruel, unusual and traumatic disciplinary actions which directly resulted in severe emotional distress, pain and suffering and mental distress." The girl suffers from an incurable gastrointestinal condition.


The suit, which seeks unspecified damages, claims the school staff was negligent in hiring an unqualified teacher.


School principal Pamela Franco and school district attorney Keith Martin declined comment on the suit.


Mark Levinsen, senior vice president of administration and human resources for Charter Schools USA, investigated the original complaint and said the teacher was disciplined.

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I blame the Janitors Union. They intimidated the teacher.


If the janitors' union was involved, they would have made the girl put the crap back in the toilet and clog it up again so they could earn triple time doing a job already done by a five-year-old. They would have the job done in five minutes, but charge for half a day. And that half a day would include a 20 minute break at 10 a.m. and an hour for lunch followed by another 20 minute break right after the hour was up.
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Mark Levinsen, senior vice president of administration and human resources for Charter Schools USA, investigated the original complaint and said the teacher was disciplined.




Disciplined???? WTF was the discipline??? Because if it was anything less than immediate termination, that is outrageous.


The child is FIVE YEARS OLD. Hello, McFly??? If any teacher did that to my five year kid, they would be explaining it to the business end of baseball bat.


I hope they win millions. :devil:

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Disciplined????  WTF was the discipline???  Because if it was anything less than immediate termination, that is outrageous.


The child is FIVE YEARS OLD.  Hello, McFly???  If any teacher did that to my five year kid, they would be explaining it to the business end of baseball bat. 


I hope they win millions.    :devil:



Agree 100%

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Disciplined????  WTF was the discipline???  Because if it was anything less than immediate termination, that is outrageous.


The child is FIVE YEARS OLD.  Hello, McFly???  If any teacher did that to my five year kid, they would be explaining it to the business end of baseball bat. 


I hope they win millions.    :devil:



Well said. This wasn't a teenager that stuffed rolls of toilet paper down the tube just to make a mess. This was a SICK FIVE YEAR OLD. Think about that. A five year old kid gets sick, gets yelled at, gets ordered to clean it up, and then has the entire class watch. Not only a sick child, but one with a KNOWN intestinal problem.


That seems almost sadistic if you ask me.


Another case of of the stupids.



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Disciplined????  WTF was the discipline???  Because if it was anything less than immediate termination, that is outrageous.


The child is FIVE YEARS OLD.  Hello, McFly???  If any teacher did that to my five year kid, they would be explaining it to the business end of baseball bat. 


I hope they win millions.    :lol:



I agree!!! :unsure:


Somebody should take a crow bar to that witch's knees. And these are people educating our kids!


Dear Lord! :devil:

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Unbelievable.  I hope the teacher and school district are both sued for every last dime they have,  and then some.


And that is why the school taxes would go up. If it was my kid, I'd rather get the teacher fired, and a written apology from the school board.

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I agree that the teacher was being unnecessarily cruel. I can't figure out what could have created the clog though, unless the girl used way too much toilet paper. If that becomes a habit, then the school might be justified in insisting the mother teach her kid how not to clog the toilet.

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Why has our country gotten to the point where everyone feels that a wrongful act committed in your direction entitles you to money? The point of criminal justice is to change the criminal and help the victim. Does money help here? No. Maybe a couple of sessions with a helpful child psychologist or counselor (pastor, maybe?) would help the poor girl. It was humiliating, she could use a hand over it. Money only helps Mom (& Dad, if there is one) forget it ever happened. Our legal system sometimes amounts to legalized blackmail.


Discipline the teacher according to what is reasonable. Should a person be blackballed out of their profession for a momentary lapse in judgment? No. What about if it indicates a long standing method of operating? Well, then find a new line of work.


These kinds of lawsuits are what make people like John Edwards have enough money to run for congress and VP, and trash our medical system causing insurance rates to go through the ceiling (not to mention the stratosphere).

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Why has our country gotten to the point where everyone feels that a wrongful act committed in your direction entitles you to money?


You should ask Ron Mexico's ex-girlfriend this question. And I say that will all seriousness, despite the Ron Mexico reference. The answer, I fear, can be found at the bottom of a bowl of chili right next to a severed index finger and traced back to a woman who throughout her life has sought to get compensation for all the ills in her life.


Oddly enough, all of these discussions come back to the lack of one fundamental need in this world: personal accountability. Yet again.

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Why has our country gotten to the point where everyone feels that a wrongful act committed in your direction entitles you to money?  The point of criminal justice is to change the criminal and help the victim.  Does money help here? No.  Maybe a couple of sessions with a helpful child psychologist or counselor (pastor, maybe?) would help the poor girl.  It was humiliating, she could use a hand over it.  Money only helps Mom (& Dad, if there is one) forget it ever happened.  Our legal system sometimes amounts to legalized blackmail.


Discipline the teacher according to what is reasonable.  Should a person be blackballed out of their profession for a momentary lapse in judgment?  No.  What about if it indicates a long standing method of operating?  Well, then find a new line of work.


These kinds of lawsuits are what make people like John Edwards have enough money to run for congress and VP, and trash our medical system causing insurance rates to go through the ceiling (not to mention the stratosphere).



Well said. It's not so much a legal system anymore as much as it's become the 'legal lottery'. I think many juries contribute to this problem because they get a momentary power trip for transfering so much $$$ from one party to another.

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Well said. It's not so much a legal system anymore as much as it's become the 'legal lottery'. I think many juries contribute to this problem because they get a momentary power trip for transfering so much $$$ from one party to another.


You know when Broom Hilda is making fun of lawsuits, it's pretty bad.
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From the teacher's reaction, I have to think that this kid must have done it again and again... the teacher called home... they cussed her out.... then the kid kept clogging the toilet again and again.


Then on one bad day, the teacher snapped and made the student try to unclog the toilet. (Not in front of the entire class and not by herself)


I bet the teacher was just trying to teach the student that it is disgusting and what the teacher has to go through.


I would be in complete support of the teacher... except that the kid is only 5 years old. A little too young to be helping the teacher unclog toilets I think.

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From the teacher's reaction, I have to think that this kid must have done it again and again... the teacher called home... they cussed her out.... then the kid kept clogging the toilet again and again.


Then on one bad day, the teacher snapped and made the student try to unclog the toilet.  (Not in front of the entire class and not by herself)


I bet the teacher was just trying to teach the student that it is disgusting and what the teacher has to go through.


I would be in complete support of the teacher... except that the kid is only 5 years old.  A little too young to be helping the teacher unclog toilets I think.



Right, that's the catch. I'd be in support of the teacher as well (I usually am, I realize how awful some parents are). A qualified teacher shouldn't do that to a 5 year old, though. The truth is somewhere in the middle.


My problem with lawsuits is that it's not an all-or-nothing proposition. Juries feel sorry for people.


Dad: "My Kid was embarrassed. I want eight million!"

Juror: "Eight million is a bit high... but they DESERVE something for their PAIN, how's two sound?"

Dad: "I'll take it."

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