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USS Nimitz Tic Tac UFO Encounter


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This probably came up in the "UFO Found on Ocean Floor" thread but it deserves its own thread IMO.


Has anyone else been following this?  I'm curious what others think about this.


It's not easy to explain and impossible to dismiss! 




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18 minutes ago, LeGOATski said:

Dude's got the Lego DB7 on his desk.



Ha.  I noticed that too, along with the F-18 model of course.


His VFA-41 Black Aces flight helmet is totally cool.



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6 hours ago, Nextmanup said:

This probably came up in the "UFO Found on Ocean Floor" thread but it deserves its own thread IMO.


Has anyone else been following this?  I'm curious what others think about this.


It's not easy to explain and impossible to dismiss! 


I have a lot of thoughts on this... ?


The reality of this technology is undeniable, even if the origin of it is unknown and hotly contested. It's very interesting to me that there has been an about face on the entire subject matter by the DoD and USN specifically over the past 12 months, with the floodgates really opening the past 2 months. The following comes from one of the sources listed below, and really cuts to the bone of it: 


The main revelation is that technology exists that is capable of performing flying maneuvers that shatter our perceptions of propulsion, flight controls, material science, and even physics. Let me underline this again for you, the Nimitzencounter with the Tic Tac proved that exotic technology that is widely thought of as the domain of science fiction actually exists. It is real. It isn't the result of altered perception, someone's lucid dream, a stray weather balloon, or swamp gas. Someone or something has crossed the technological Rubicon and has obtained what some would call the Holy Grail of aerospace engineering. 

This reality is very hard to process for many. There is always an out for some in the form of claiming an odd impromptu conspiracy or some hollow explanation that doesn't pass muster beyond the first paragraph, but in the end, it happened. As uncomfortable as that fact is, it's reality. So, we need to use this event as a lodestar going forward when it comes to evaluating and contemplating what is possible and where truth actually lies.


Since the late 40s, the stance of the US government, and the USN in particular, has been to downplay, discredit, ignore, or otherwise dismiss the (numerous) sightings by credible pilots and trained personnel. And now, within the past year, that's been thrown out the window. No longer denying these encounters happened, the USN and DoD have said they're real, ongoing, and a matter of (obvious) interest to those tasked with defending our skies. 


So, the first question that comes to mind for me when these stories are now are seemingly being covered in every MSM outlet and cable news show -- not in jest or to close a lame segment, but given serious consideration -- is why now? What's changed? 


There are many reasonable ways to approach answering that -- starting with the fact we are entering a period in history where the folks who had originally been tasked with studying this phenomenon, and keeping it secret for reasons of national security, are no longer breathing. They won't be held accountable for the choices they made, right or wrong, to keep what would undoubtedly be the biggest secret in history from the people. With that generation gone, it becomes easier to loosen the lips and try a new approach which offers some level of disclosure to the people. 


Which brings me to the second question in my head about this story after why now, and that's what is the actual end game? If there's been a change in policy, and there seemingly has been, to what end? Are we going to be let in on the whole shebang? Unlikely. Or will we only be let in on a small part, one which can be controlled and monetized -- like "new" technology which will usher in a new age... for a price? 


Because that's the thing with this whole story so far: no one is saying, or even speculating, that these craft are extra terrestrial in origin. It's just an admission that they're real, and here, and being seen in areas traditionally used for USN test flights and training -- meaning, maybe they're our craft using classified technology which the USN/DoD is preparing to unveil to the world at large. 


Going back to the above quote -- if that's indeed the play, to spectacularly reveal new human engineered technology that shatters our understanding of what's possible propulsion wise and physics wise -- that kind of game changing technology would be so spectacular that most people wouldn't bother with asking anything more about how it was developed, how long they've had it locked away under classifications for military purposes... it would buy another decade or more before having to divulge anything more about advanced intelligences from whom we "borrowed" a trick or two, or perhaps were instructed by. By then another generation of secret keepers will have gone on to their great reward, putting even more distance between the current gate keepers and the original sin of the truth embargo regarding this subject area. 


... So, yeah. A lot of thoughts. Even more than that, but it's a start for now.  :) :beer: 


Additional sources worth the time: 






Edited by Deranged Rhino
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Is there actual video of the crazy maneuvers they talk about? (Going to hypersonic speed almost instantly; dropping from 80K ft and stopping almost instantly; etc)


The "Gimbal" video doesn't show it, from what I've seen. It shows what looks like a drone making what seem to be very pedestrian maneuvers.

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48 minutes ago, LeGOATski said:

Is there actual video of the crazy maneuvers they talk about? (Going to hypersonic speed almost instantly; dropping from 80K ft and stopping almost instantly; etc)


The "Gimbal" video doesn't show it, from what I've seen. It shows what looks like a drone making what seem to be very pedestrian maneuvers.


There are several additional ones released through Tom Delonge’s Academy To The Stars Program (Or whatever they’re calling it). I’ll link some  tomorrow if I can find them online. But the best stuff, the pilots who got close enough to see them w their own eyes rather than through FLIR cam, has not been released that I know of. 

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1 hour ago, Boca BIlls said:

They have a TV show on this.


They do -- which is highly problematic for me personally. The people and institutions behind this "disclosure" are the very same people and institutions who have been profiting from keeping it a secret from humanity for several decades. That they're coming out now, with a TV project and book projects to cash in on it, while still limiting the disclosure, speaks to motivation for me. 


Tom Delonge might be on the level, but he surrounded himself with the worst elements of this cover-up: the CIA, DARPA, and the Podestas.

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11 hours ago, LeGOATski said:



I guess that video does show some crazy maneuvers before it gets cut off. Gotta read their explanation of the display indicators.

Where's Sherpa when we need him!? 


I think he could help us make heads or tails of some of the HUD/FLIR stuff in these videos.


The key here is that there are literally dozens, if not hundreds of people on a bunch of ships who saw all this behavior over a period of several weeks.  Then you have all the technical tracking data from the E-2 Hawkeye, and finally, 4 people in the pair of F-18s with eye witness experiences.  These were F/A-18F two seaters, so 2 planes = 4 people.  


And the guy in the video is a commander and was commanding officer of VFA-41; he's not some yahoo.


If you were going to plan a UFO encounter, you actually probably couldn't have dialed up a better set of circumstances.

Gorgeous clear sunny day with calms seas.  Seasoned aviators accustomed to flight and the behavior of things that fly at the limits of current technology.  And tons of ultra high-tech military hardware studying the phenomenon as it happened.


The commander's conclusion was that what he saw was "not from this world."


That's a massive leap to make, but the only other explanation that seems plausible is that it is some USA advanced project, as DR is suggesting.


Although if this is a next generation top secret American project, I'm not sure why it would be discusses/revealed in this manner, with thousands of naval personnel involved and maintaining the charade of it being some actual unknown "encounter".


By the way, there is a bunch of videos on Youtube surrounding this incident.  I posted one of many.







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46 minutes ago, Nextmanup said:

Although if this is a next generation top secret American project, I'm not sure why it would be discusses/revealed in this manner, with thousands of naval personnel involved and maintaining the charade of it being some actual unknown "encounter".


I'm wildly speculating, but the way I see it there are only really two ways to roll out this kind of tech (if that's what it is)... the first would be in a manner such as this, where as you pointed out you not only have trained experts to provide witness accounts, but the craft captured on multiple gun cams over the course of several weeks. 


The other way would be to demonstrate the tech in action/combat -- think back to the first Gulf War and the roll out of the Stealth Bombers. 



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34 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


I'm wildly speculating, but the way I see it there are only really two ways to roll out this kind of tech (if that's what it is)... the first would be in a manner such as this, where as you pointed out you not only have trained experts to provide witness accounts, but the craft captured on multiple gun cams over the course of several weeks. 


The other way would be to demonstrate the tech in action/combat -- think back to the first Gulf War and the roll out of the Stealth Bombers. 



Why not just an old fashioned public demonstration? 


Isn't that what air shows are for??

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3 minutes ago, LeGOATski said:

Why not just an old fashioned public demonstration? 


Isn't that what air shows are for??


That would be ideal for me, but I imagine it would be near impossible (if you buy into the notion that this technology has existed behind walls of classifications for decades) without opening up a large can of worms for the ones running these SAPs. A lot of time, money, and (likely) blood went into keeping these programs secret, there's going to be some level of blowback on those secret keepers in the form of public scrutiny if this is secret human engineered technology rather than visitors from the stars. 


Allowing that information to come out in slow, controlled drips lets the air out of the balloon in a "safer" way for those folk than just landing one on the White House lawn for the press corps. They'd face too many questions about why now and where the tech came from in that scenario (imo of course). Allowing a big trickle to come out during some sort of "peace keeping" action or conflict would allow them to take the position that they use the best tools in their tool kits for the betterment of the world, classifications be damned. That makes them heroic ... for lying to us for decades ... and buys them goodwill and time.

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On 6/23/2019 at 4:29 PM, Nextmanup said:

Where's Sherpa when we need him!? 


I think he could help us make heads or tails of some of the HUD/FLIR stuff in these videos.



He has HUD in FLIR mode, so other than displaying some basic velocity and vector stuff, the HUD is displaying FLIR data.

There is one panel in the video that explains most of the stuff, but they don't explain the laser target designator data on the right, just below the center , or the DCLTR annunciation below the altitude display on the lower right.

All that means is that he has the HUD in declutter mode, and is not displaying scores of other data that would be in use during other weapons selections.

He is simply getting the least amount of data on the HUD in FLIR mode.

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On 6/25/2019 at 6:48 PM, sherpa said:


He has HUD in FLIR mode, so other than displaying some basic velocity and vector stuff, the HUD is displaying FLIR data.

There is one panel in the video that explains most of the stuff, but they don't explain the laser target designator data on the right, just below the center , or the DCLTR annunciation below the altitude display on the lower right.

All that means is that he has the HUD in declutter mode, and is not displaying scores of other data that would be in use during other weapons selections.

He is simply getting the least amount of data on the HUD in FLIR mode.



By the way, this video elaborates on the incident and was interesting to watch.



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PS:   In the above video, Commander Fravor points out that the incident directly or indirectly involved about 6,000 people on 2 different ships.  He said he was one of the "20 most important people" of that group (being the commander of an air wing) and that he was the pilot who actually chased the UFO and made the observations.


He said that because of all this, you would assume the powers that be were going to want to sit him down and debrief him on this incident.  He points out, however, that such an incident never happened!  


No one ever talked to him about this after it happened.


My immediate reaction was that this could only be possible if higher channels in the government/military knew what this thing was already (because it is our own advanced technology) so there is no real need to sit down and chat with Commander Fravor about it.


Commander Fravor in this video draws the opposite conclusion though, that the technology is not from this world.


I find his comment about "no debriefing" to be perhaps the single most interesting thing he has said about this incident to date, at least that I know of.


He bumped into an advanced UFO that seemingly defied the laws of physics and took flying to a whole new level, but no one wanted to bother talking to him about this?

Why not?!




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