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Why " thank you for your service" is a bull **** slogan....

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1. Most ppl in the military never see combat

2. Most ppl in the military dont give a **** about us govt politics

3. If u pay taxes u have contributed just as much as someone in the military

4. We all know this is a ubiquitous slogan ppl say but don't reall mean or even understand why they say it. Kinda like " support the troops"

5. There are just as many lazy **** bags in the military as in any other institution, in fact it could be more. These aren't the brightest, non-conformist, ground-breaking types folks... They are average just like everyone else... 


"Its all bs folks"- george carlin

Edited by westerndecline
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12 minutes ago, sherpa said:

As a Coast Guard E6, you are confident of you ability to make these claims?

Fortunately, corporate America has a different view.

Ill tell u govt spending stories that will make even bernie Sanders puke....


How about as a naive e4 out of a school being told to buy all new tools ( thousands$$) and personally kept.


Or being hundreds of thousands in red every fiscal year and justifying it as " emergency spending" when it was all just personal purchases... Including for civilians.


New cell phones



U have no clue



Edited by westerndecline
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1 minute ago, sherpa said:

How you go from the thread title regarding a polemic on the thanking someone for service to a rant on spending is something only you and your therapist understand.

And I have "a clue."

Because its a bull **** slogan....

19 minutes ago, sherpa said:

As a Coast Guard E6, you are confident of you ability to make these claims?

Fortunately, corporate America has a different view.

Also corporate America can suck my rooster


Thts why i did 20


To not have to put up with corporate Murcia

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16 minutes ago, westerndecline said:

Because its a bull **** slogan....

Also corporate America can suck my rooster


Thts why i did 20


To not have to put up with corporate Murcia


Corporate America says thank you for your service.  Kept you out of corporate America for 20. Maybe you can re-enlist, they'll thank you again.

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31 minutes ago, sherpa said:

How you go from the thread title regarding a polemic on the thanking someone for service to a rant on spending is something only you and your therapist understand.

And I have "a clue."

Leave him alone, he is just practicing the hijacking of threads.

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7 hours ago, westerndecline said:

1. Most ppl in the military never see combat

2. Most ppl in the military dont give a **** about us govt politics

3. If u pay taxes u have contributed just as much as someone in the military

4. We all know this is a ubiquitous slogan ppl say but don't reall mean or even understand why they say it. Kinda like " support the troops"

5. There are just as many lazy **** bags in the military as in any other institution, in fact it could be more. These aren't the brightest, non-conformist, ground-breaking types folks... They are average just like everyone else... 


"Its all bs folks"- george carlin


Fucck off. 

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20 hours ago, westerndecline said:

2. Most ppl in the military dont give a **** about us govt politics

3. If u pay taxes u have contributed just as much as someone in the military

4. We all know this is a ubiquitous slogan ppl say but don't reall mean or even understand why they say it. Kinda like " support the troops"

5. There are just as many lazy **** bags in the military as in any other institution, in fact it could be more. These aren't the brightest, non-conformist, ground-breaking types folks... They are average just like everyone else... 


"Its all bs folks"- george carlin

I met George Carlin once.  Nice, articulate guy who had his own way of looking at the world.  Interestingly he didn't do his stand up routine when we were speaking, nor did he rant on about the military and/or the people who serve.  None of the seven words came up either.  I don't doubt he believed much, maybe all of what he said, but I'd bet you he would have had strong opinions on folks choosing him as their prophet to support opinions that appear to have strung together 5-7 minutes after a significant blow to the head.  



Edited by leh-nerd skin-erd
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24 minutes ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:


I met George Carlin once.  Nice, articulate guy who had his own way of looking at the world.  Interestingly he didn't do his stand up routine when we were speaking, nor did he rant on about the military and/or the people who serve.  None of the seven words came up either.  I don't doubt he believed much, maybe all of what he said, but I'd bet you he would have had strong opinions on folks choosing him as their prophet to support opinions that appear to have strung together 5-7 minutes after a significant blow to the head.  





R u gonna cry now

2 hours ago, row_33 said:

I’m not sure it makes you Einstein to pick up a tiny thread in the recent Curb your E season and run with it.



With full pun intended on Einstein....


Actually curb touched on something ive felt for a while... Especially at the va.


Its probably the least sincere thing to say to anyone


Iq is 127 so not quite a genius

Dctom is though


Pretty sure his iq is 180 so is tasker


Tasker knows the word " utilitarianism"


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