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NFL investigating Jameis Winston for Uber incident


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24 minutes ago, Kmart128 said:

Wow this woman clearly just wants money... I dislike Winston and find him to be a immature child but women today find out a guy has money and makes up some BS story.

Why do you find that to clearly be the truth?

1 hour ago, RobH063 said:

First, any inappropriate behavior with a woman is wrong on every level but I have a problem with all these reports coming out both with football players, politicians, actors etc. years after the incident allegedly happens. Ladies, here's some advise. If someone, anyone, does something inappropriate to you, report it right after it happens. Don't wait. Waiting a year, two years, 10 years or whatever makes your story less believable and makes everyone wonder if there's an ulterior motive. It says you were fine with it for whatever length of time but now you're not. All this crap about women being too afraid their careers would be ruined or their reputations would be ruined or whatever excuse they give for not coming forward is BS. If it were true, then every single one of these women has left themselves in danger of it happening again by the same person. Over and Over and Over. I've read where some women claimed to be too afraid to come forward. Fearful that they would be hurt physically or worse. By saying nothing, does that fear not exist? Yes it does! Sexual assault on any level is no joke. Report it as soon as you can. Every woman will thank you and so will every decent man!

I think most understand sooner is better, but at this point what do you want them to do? Tearing them down or telling them they aren’t doing it right just makes the next less likely to want to come forward. It’s a tricky spot all around, but hopefully this is a little bit of a tipping point and while we likely hear about it more hopefully it happens less

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NoSaint, my intention wasn't to Tear them down. My intention is to empower victims to come forward sooner. Those that are coming forward now about incidents of the past no one can do much with. It is what it is. The reports will be investigated and either it will be found to have truly happened or not but It's always been that way where some women haven't said anything until way after the incident happened. Some never say anything for a variety of reasons and that has to stop. The sooner it's reported, the sooner these predators will be stopped. Women have been victims of this kind of crap way too long. If victims stay silent, the predator keeps on doing it until the silence is broken.

Edited by RobH063
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4 hours ago, RobH063 said:

Ladies, here's some advise. If someone, anyone, does something inappropriate to you, report it right after it happens. Don't wait. Waiting a year, two years, 10 years or whatever makes your story less believable and makes everyone wonder if there's an ulterior motive. It says you were fine with it for whatever length of time but now you're not. All this crap about women being too afraid their careers would be ruined or their reputations would be ruined or whatever excuse they give for not coming forward is BS. If it were true, then every single one of these women has left themselves in danger of it happening again by the same person. Over and Over and Over. I've read where some women claimed to be too afraid to come forward. Fearful that they would be hurt physically or worse. By saying nothing, does that fear not exist?


This is !@#$ing idiotic.

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Victim shaming and boys will be boys attitude is really idiotic. If some males in the home have not 

learned what is right and what is wrong and go about shooting people, they haven't learned about

treating females.

Go to almost any male prison in this country, and see what happens there, and how guys lives get

ruined, and don't report sexual abuse,  transfer it to females who are afraid to report it. The only reason

all this stuff has come out the past weeks is because it was reported against a important and powerful

man and now women believe that they may be believed.  

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Just now, RobH063 said:

Yep and some of them do have very legitimate reasons and some don't. You missed my point completely.

Giving the benefit of the doubt — youvdelivered it very poorly. Not assuming the best, you are probably a fine enough guy but you probably make the women in your life uncomfortable more often than you or they care to realize/admit.

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3 minutes ago, NoSaint said:

Giving the benefit of the doubt — youvdelivered it very poorly. Not assuming the best, you are probably a fine enough guy but you probably make the women in your life uncomfortable more often than you or they care to realize/admit.

Actually I am a very nice guy and I don't say that to try and toot my own horn. I just am and have been the "Go To" guy by many women both in my family and outside of my family my entire adult life. I'm a big boy and can take whatever mud gets thrown at me but as for your comment that I make the women in my life uncomfortable...That is probably the nastiest most disgusting thing a person could say to another when they have never met a person that I have ever heard. If my comments were taken the wrong way because I didn't word things more clearly to the point I was making, fine. But what makes you think you or anyone has the right to verbally attack another person? Are you that full of yourself that you think you have all the right in the world to do and say whatever you want? You'll go far in life with that outlook and demeanor.

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