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The Media's Portrayal of Trump and His Presidency


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...how come if you ask for constructive (good luck with that) as to who should be at 1600 Pennsylvania, especially in charge now with the Covid-19 phenomenon, the pundits fail to respond with their offerings regardless of party affiliation?....is their BEST to offer "attacking but never defending" the current leadership?.....pretty much expected though as the coward's way out of constructive, objective dialogue..as Dirty Harry said, "a man has got to know his limitations"......SMH.........

Edited by OldTimeAFLGuy
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 Nate Silver Almost Explains How Liberal Media Lies.

But when he comes to the goal, or the intention of the media in their misleading, his answer is curious. He claims that these journalists want to craft a narrative that makes them “sound smart.” But why would intentionally misleading the public regarding the coronavirus sound smart?

This is a very important question.


The answer is that for months now, the media “narrative” Silver refers to has been that smart people know Trump bungled the response and to reopen the economy before the medical experts say it’s OK is tantamount to murder.


The dumb people say that the Trump administration responded well in unprecedented circumstances and it’s time to start thinking about opening up.


So when Silver says these journalists want to “sound smart” what it really means is that they want to promote a progressive anti-Trump agenda. Now, let’s be honest that isn’t some deeply-guarded industry secret, but it’s telling that Silver won’t just come out and say it.







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The media has been selling the general public used toilet paper for a long time. People are just starting to realize that if they start with ***** on the paper before they get to their own ass, then they can’t keep it clean. In other words; the media lies. Routinely. Daily. Perhaps hourly. Never has it been so out in the open and blatantly obvious than it has the last 3 years and not just in regard to Donald Trump.


Journalism is on life support. You either stick to the script or you’re labeled a conspiracy theorist. 

Edited by The Guy In Pants
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The Drudge Report has become part of the leftist media cabal slanting coverage to defeat President Trump.


There were dramatic revelations in the plot to get Trump this week–virtually ignored by The Drudge Report.


DOJ dismissed the charges against General Mike Flynn because of clear, unequivocal evidence of the FBI’s plot to entrap him by circumventing normal White House clearance procedures just four days after the inauguration. In his own testimony, James Comey bragged about sandbagging Flynn.


Obama DOJ and Intelligence apparatchiks swore to under oath before Schiff’s secret basement hearings that they had no evidence of “Russia collusion” by Trump’s campaign. Yet they claimed the opposite contemporaneously on national television. Clapper was the worst, calling President Trump a Russian asset controlled by Vladimir Putin.


The Drudge Report ignored or barely reported on these “bombshells.”


However, this morning’s Drudge Report has links to the following stories prominently displayed: 1.”Docs show top WH officials buried CDC report;” 2. “Trump’s 2020 Jobs Bet Unravels;” and 3. “Will he claim election fraud if he loses?”


I’ve read unconfirmed reports that Matt Drudge sold his Drudge Report in 2019, but I could not find any details. No matter. The current content of The Drudge Report is proof enough that someone who hates our President has acquired it.








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Trump Didn’t Ruin the Media, Obama Did. 


“Obama was the first indicator that the media would simply refuse to cover stories they didn’t like about a politician they did.


The media covered Clinton’s Chinagate and Travelgate. But they refused to cover the IRS scandal with the same level of vim as they would have under Bush; they downplayed the Obama administration’s involvement in the botched “Fast and Furious” gun operation scandal; and members of the mainstream media openly mocked the right’s anger over the administration’s manipulation of the 2012 Benghazi terror attack.


Obama had to be protected at all costs, including the cost of the media’s credibility. Meanwhile, the media savaged 2012 Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney.”


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