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Save Melania Thread

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So spousal abuse is now a joke?


It's tough to keep up with what I'm supposed to be offended by. I used to think jokes about spousal abuse were off color and likely offensive to some people. Apparently not any more.


I mean, I have to assume this thread is a joke, because accusing someone of spousal abuse based on the YouTube clip that was shown and no actual evidence seems like a pretty stupid thing to do.


Only if she's a Republican.


Seriously. I've read things to the effect that Meliana should get no sympathy for being stuck with Donald, because she made her choice and deserves whatever happens. Contrast that to any other case of spousal abuse, real or suspected, where the mantra is "It's difficult to leave an abusive spouse, you can't blame the victim."


As someone who takes domestic abuse very seriously, the double standard being expressed is one of the most truly vile and disgusting I've ever heard.

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So spousal abuse is now a joke?


It's tough to keep up with what I'm supposed to be offended by. I used to think jokes about spousal abuse were off color and likely offensive to some people. Apparently not any more.


I mean, I have to assume this thread is a joke, because accusing someone of spousal abuse based on the YouTube clip that was shown and no actual evidence seems like a pretty stupid thing to do.

No joke. Touchy yes. Off color. But serious. What better pulpit to have than the POTUS' to address these issues. Melania's mission as First Lady is to address "bullying". Who better to start with than what appears to be her being bullied. Why is that stupid?


Only if she's a Republican.


Seriously. I've read things to the effect that Meliana should get no sympathy for being stuck with Donald, because she made her choice and deserves whatever happens. Contrast that to any other case of spousal abuse, real or suspected, where the mantra is "It's difficult to leave an abusive spouse, you can't blame the victim."


As someone who takes domestic abuse very seriously, the double standard being expressed is one of the most truly vile and disgusting I've ever heard.



Yet...When Hillary kicks Bill around!

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No joke. Touchy yes. Off color. But serious. What better pulpit to have than the POTUS' to address these issues. Melania's mission as First Lady is to address "bullying". Who better to start with than what appears to be her being bullied. Why is that stupid?




Yet...When Hillary kicks Bill around!

You're an unmitigated moron.

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Go easy on Eric. After 8 years of his 'I'm above the political bickering and petty attacks' routine, he's still transitioning into his new role as righteous Presidential critic and running partner of connor/gator/Tibs/whatever.

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No joke. Touchy yes. Off color. But serious. What better pulpit to have than the POTUS' to address these issues. Melania's mission as First Lady is to address "bullying". Who better to start with than what appears to be her being bullied. Why is that stupid?




Why is that stupid? You're assuming she's being bullied based on a YouTube video. Are you seriously considering that?

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@ least it is something to analyze. It would be a pretty boring world if we couldn't.


When one is on the biggest stage in the world, many want to know what is up.


Something seemed to be eating her and it appeared he brought it on. Why not analyze it? We analyze everything else. It can only make the brand better in long run, transparency that is.


Why is that stupid? You're assuming she's being bullied based on a YouTube video. Are you seriously considering that?

Did you read the op? Did you read the Mirror link?

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Is she a trophy wife who knows she's a trophy wife? Obviously. Abuse? LOL!

Who has a trophy step-daughter? And throws shade to the step-daughter while mumbling under her breath.


Yeah... Quite the empowering dynamic there. One big happy family! Yikes!


Well if a Brit tabloid says it's true, we might as well declare consensus and go home. Nothing left to debate here! :lol:

I did note that... More about viewing it if it was not doctored and seeing how people view it, comment on it.


The Bill checking out Ivanka thing was such a hit, why not this? Seems undoctored... Or is it?

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Why did the FBI help him ? Did they do it for a case of Russian dressing ?

Well Comey did get retained. But that's why an investigation is warrented, to determine their motivations to treat Clinton and Trump differently.


Yet...When Hillary kicks Bill around!

Or when W blamed a black eye on choking on a pretzel instead of Cheney getting him in line.




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Why is that stupid? You're assuming she's being bullied based on a YouTube video. Are you seriously considering that?


It didn't take any video to convince me she was a tool he just used and treated like crap.

Well if a Brit tabloid says it's true, we might as well declare consensus and go home. Nothing left to debate here! :lol:

Hey, if the President can use tabloids to accuse a rival's father of being in on the JFK assassination, then what's wrong with a poster here linking to a video making an argument?

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It didn't take any video to convince me she was a tool he just used and treated like crap.

hahah.. based on absolutely nothing except blind hatred. If you are that worried about degenerate behavior in the WH what about Barry being with a tranny with two fake kids that are no way his, or hers. And in his previous life as a senator his legendary visits to gay bath houses with Rahm Emanuel in Chicago? I mean, if you insist in engaging in speculation lets do it right!

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It didn't take any video to convince me she was a tool he just used and treated like crap.


Hey, if the President can use tabloids to accuse a rival's father of being in on the JFK assassination, then what's wrong with a poster here linking to a video making an argument?

Yeah... Let's all act like our President. What's wrong with that?

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Did you read the op? Did you read the Mirror link?


Yes and it's !@#$ing hilarious. This for example:


It appears Trump, rather than turning around to say something to his wife, has looked straight past her to share the moment with his daughter instead.



Um his back's to the camera. :w00t:


His wife's reaction is likely a response to the "preacher" saying "it is my prayer that God will bless you and your family...." That is the exact moment she bows her head and the smile becomes a serious look. You know...something a religious person would do. :rolleyes:

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Way to represent EII.


Don't let Meathead's stupid race thread show you up.


That young blood has to learn its place in the pecking order.

Meathead who? I just looking up to Prez. Strange as it sounds, my theories actually make a little more sense! ;-P


Hey... Don't forget Deranged's deep gov't thread...;-)

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