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11-14: Rex Ryan Monday Presser


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open competitions for multiple positions in week 10. so solid.

:censored: you, Rex!

Whatever happened to:


“I know it’s been 15 years since the Bills made the playoffs,” Ryan said. “Well get ready, man, we’re going. We are going. . . . My message to our team is to get ready. Start preparing now. Start preparing that we’re going to be playing games in January.”


It's been refined to we're having open competition after week 10.

He meant shuffleboard, golf, Ultimate Frisbee, kite flying, etc.

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He's an oil guy. So ... yes ... he just wants to make money.


No one is denying that he spent a crap load of money. Personally, I'm questioning what his investment goal was. Winning does not seem to be what he had in mind. And the team isn't winning. However, I do recall a record number of season tickets being sold.


He didn't get that rich by being stupid or making unwise investments.


He's in a market that doesn't offer a hell of a lot more than football during football season. The Bills don't have to be good (i.e. win more than 8 games) in order for people to pony up to go to the games. As long as there is some "excitement" and a glimmer of hope, Bills fans will whip out the checkbooks.


I mean absolutely no offense in saying this to you John, but it's fans like you that owners like Pegula and Ralph Wilson feast upon. And there's enough fans like you who can afford to buy season tickets, so owners like Pegs/RCW have no incentive to put a quality product on the field.


And that, my friend, is why the Bills haven't seen the post season in 17 years.

I sincerely doubt that winning isn't their goal at OBD.You don't think that winning sells tickets? Nothing provides hope like winning. I think the only thing you can blame Pegs for is the staff he hired/kept.

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No. There are several owners who will do anything to win.

Like whom?

Pegs can't seem to figure out how to build a winner.


Sabres suck again this year. Since when does it take 5 years to rebuild a team?


I sincerely doubt that winning isn't their goal at OBD.You don't think that winning sells tickets? Nothing provides hope like winning. I think the only thing you can blame Pegs for is the staff he hired/kept.

I think winning is the goal, but because winning makes everyone happy. Not be cuz he is ultra competitive

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He's an oil guy. So ... yes ... he just wants to make money.


No one is denying that he spent a crap load of money. Personally, I'm questioning what his investment goal was. Winning does not seem to be what he had in mind. And the team isn't winning. However, I do recall a record number of season tickets being sold.


He didn't get that rich by being stupid or making unwise investments.


He's in a market that doesn't offer a hell of a lot more than football during football season. The Bills don't have to be good (i.e. win more than 8 games) in order for people to pony up to go to the games. As long as there is some "excitement" and a glimmer of hope, Bills fans will whip out the checkbooks.


I mean absolutely no offense in saying this to you John, but it's fans like you that owners like Pegula and Ralph Wilson feast upon. And there's enough fans like you who can afford to buy season tickets, so owners like Pegs/RCW have no incentive to put a quality product on the field.


And that, my friend, is why the Bills haven't seen the post season in 17 years.

Cool. So it's the fault of season ticket holders.

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Whatever happened to:


“I know it’s been 15 years since the Bills made the playoffs,” Ryan said. “Well get ready, man, we’re going. We are going. . . . My message to our team is to get ready. Start preparing now. Start preparing that we’re going to be playing games in January.”


It's been refined to we're having open competition after week 10.


You are right, he should have said "we are going to loose our skill players to injury and our corner play is going to drop off a cliff." Would have been an awesome presser, BillsVet. You sbould apply for a job at OBD.
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Whatever happened to:


“I know it’s been 15 years since the Bills made the playoffs,” Ryan said. “Well get ready, man, we’re going. We are going. . . . My message to our team is to get ready. Start preparing now. Start preparing that we’re going to be playing games in January.”


It's been refined to we're having open competition after week 10.


:o It's not a real Rex melt-down until he ignites the locker room with these "competitions".... I expect fights on the sidelines.

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open competitions for multiple positions in week 10. so solid.


Looks and sounds like a guy with NO IDEA what the f*%# he's doing...

Yep. But, he did manage to get to two sporting events before the Seahawks game and one since. My favourite was last year late in the year when Rex said something like....


we have figured out our practice schedule for the week to better practice and rest. We will be switching the day off from Monday to Tuesday (or vice versa). That was after he had been a HC for 6.5 years he figured that out.


He is a 7-9 coach at best on average (roughly, but, IMO moving forward). Don't count his first two years as HC because his efforts were much better than, IMO.

You are right, he should have said "we are going to loose our skill players to injury and our corner play is going to drop off a cliff." Would have been an awesome presser, BillsVet. You sbould apply for a job at OBD.

So, injuries and declining talent at a position that requires zero room for error in Rex's system is why Rex has underachieved. Sorry, everyone has a long, sad tale.....Rex continues to tell his AND Rex continues to be ours!

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