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Rex Told Lynn That Lynn Would Be The Next Head Coach


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Totally plausible rumor.


The people slamming it in this thread are the same people slamming everything in every thread. Go figure.



Actually they are the same people who slammed the report of a Pegula ultimatum. So if there was no offseason ultimatum, why would it be plausible that Rex would have suggested to his RB coach that he soon could be the HC here?


If this had been reported by the BN, posters would be tearing this apart. Instead some poster tosses it out there and it's "yeah, I could see that".


This place is crazy.

Edited by Mr. WEO
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Actually they are the same people who slammed the report of a Pegula ultimatum. So if there was no offseason ultimatum, why would it be plausible that Rex would have suggested to his RB coach that he soon could be the HC here?


If this had been reported by the BN, posters would be tearing this apart. Instead some poster tosses it out there and it's "yeah, I could see that".


This place is crazy.

This place is crazy. But seriously, every time one of these rumors comes up here they end up being true. It's the worst. The only one we got away with was Watkins, Woods, and Goodwin having a bar brawl and it somehow flying under the radar.

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The biggest hole in the story is that Rex would tell him that this would be Rex's last year with the Bills. No way he would admit that to anyone even one of his coaches even if he knew it to be true.


The second biggest hole is that Rex would tell the guy he would be the next head coach when (at the time) Lynn was just a lowly assistant. That would mean Rex would have known during the offseason that Roman was going to be gone and that Lynn would be successful when he stepped in to replace Roman. Rex didn't know that and still doesn't. I am quite sure at the time you claim this conversation happened, Rex still thought that this team was going to be very competitive. And if the team was more competitive , Roman wouldn't have been canned. Therefore the story is B.S.


I call bunk on the whole story. Total horse doo doo.

I'm with you. What if the Bills went 11-5 this year and won a playoff game? Would this still be Ryan's last year with the Bills? Would make more sense if he said this to him last week.

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I think you're interpreting the story incorrectly.


Rex is not presenting what he said to Lynn as fact, or that he has some secret insight to the future...


He is presenting an opinion...


No one knows what is really going on with the team better than Rex, and I'm sure he was predicting trouble before the season ever started. Don't forget that behind the scenes Rex (real Rex) has nothing to do with the Rex we see and hear.


I interpret the story to be Rex having come to terms with his fate, realizing this is going to be a bad season and he is unlikely to survive it, combined with a short history of events, comments, discussions, etc., that suggested to him that Lynn was very highly regarded by the Pegulas, such that he would be the likely choice as at least an interim coach.


And in fact, Rex may well have a say in that too. I can totally see an amicable split even if Rex is fired whereby he is asked for his input regarding who a good interim coach would be.


Anyone at that level would likely be professional enough to suggest someone and not want to hold back that person's career while simultaneously leaving the organization themselves.


This is simply Rex saying "Who are we kidding here? We are going to be bad this year and I'm not going to survive. And Lynn, you are as well liked as anyone in the organization to replace me when I get axed. So think wisely before you leave the organization."

I very much like this picture you have painted. Realism colored with sadness and the sense of fate is always around the corner. Make the best of it, do the right thing.

Well done my friend

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Rex is going to sit at home with his giant photo of Terry Pegula over the fireplace. The caption on the photo will be, "This is the billionaire I fleeced out of $25 million dollars and a few more millions for my twin brother!" Who's laughing now?

yes that is exactly what he will do. while drinking coors light

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The biggest hole in the story is that Rex would tell him that this would be Rex's last year with the Bills. No way he would admit that to anyone even one of his coaches even if he knew it to be true.


The second biggest hole is that Rex would tell the guy he would be the next head coach when (at the time) Lynn was just a lowly assistant. That would mean Rex would have known during the offseason that Roman was going to be gone and that Lynn would be successful when he stepped in to replace Roman. Rex didn't know that and still doesn't. I am quite sure at the time you claim this conversation happened, Rex still thought that this team was going to be very competitive. And if the team was more competitive , Roman wouldn't have been canned. Therefore the story is B.S.


I call bunk on the whole story. Total horse doo doo.


His sources are as sound as Vic's.

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Oh Hells Bells, so am I.


you would think a heavy dose of rat poison would work, but nooo. won't touch that demon spawn. and Gillette is infested


I say burn the whole city. starting at Bob's place. be sure to include ernies shack in the woods were he buries the bodies and renanimates the good parts for Gronk


Much like the dunking a Witch theory.

If she Floats she is a witch and made of wood.

If he sinks he is human but died from drowning.


BURN HER/HIM/IT the DEMON that is BIllealzaubub.


His sources are as sound as Vic's.

still needing a sarcasm font here.

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This is simply Rex saying "Who are we kidding here? We are going to be bad this year and I'm not going to survive. And Lynn, you are as well liked as anyone in the organization to replace me when I get axed. So think wisely before you leave the organization."


I really doubt you could find a single coach in the NFL who thinks that way or would admit that even to his inner circle of coaches even if he did. These guys (head coaches) just don't think that way. The average person might think that way a lot of the time but head coaches in the NFL don't think that way. It is a defeated loser mentality.


If they thought like that, I can assure you, they would never achieve the level of success required to even reach the position of head coach. They would have been run out of the NFL with their loser mentality way before achieving head coach status in any organization.


Leaders don't think like that. They don't dwell on and plan for their own demise. They focus on winning under whatever circumstances they are given. They play with the cards they are dealt. Head coaches in the NFL are the ultimate competitors. That is how they get to that pinnacle in their career. If you don't want to win with every inch of your human being and you don't believe you can do it, then you would never climb the ranks of the NFL to achieve head coach status. You would never make it past assistant and eventually your piss poor attitude would get you fired and weeded out of the NFL.


Winning attitudes is what gives coaches the charisma, confidence and leadership skills to get someone to pay them millions of dollars per year to be the top coach in their football organization. Their attitudes are what inspires other coaches to join them and work for them.


You might find a coach who is mentally defeated at some point, but it sure as hell isn't going to be during an off season when they are preparing for an upcoming season. It is going to be at the end of a game when they are getting beaten badly. And that attitude will last for about 24 hours at most. Then they get their **** back together and focus on winning again. A head coach might also get mentally defeated towards the end of a season where they have lost almost every game. It definitely isn't going to be during the off season leading up to a football season, even with the injuries and suspensions the Bills have faced.


Even if you think Rex is a loser and you hate the guy and think he is a pile of crap (not saying you think that way - just saying for those people who do think he is), I can assure those people he doesn't have a loser mentality and especially didn't have one while he was preparing to coach this team during this past off season.


If he did have that mentality, Pegula and Whaley would have fired him by now. No way they would let that stand. And they would know if that was his attitude. You can't hide a loser mentality. It shines through. I am completely convinced that they decided to hire him because of his winning attitude and winning mentality.

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I know you weren't accusing me of it anyway, but I don't think Rex has a loser or quitter mentality. The conversation shows a sense of realistic expectations, and he has said on the record that he knows this is his last chance at being a head coach.

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I really doubt you could find a single coach in the NFL who thinks that way or would admit that even to his inner circle of coaches even if he did. These guys (head coaches) just don't think that way. The average person might think that way a lot of the time but head coaches in the NFL don't think that way. It is a defeated loser mentality.


If they thought like that, I can assure you, they would never achieve the level of success required to even reach the position of head coach. They would have been run out of the NFL with their loser mentality way before achieving head coach status in any organization.


Leaders don't think like that. They don't dwell on and plan for their own demise. They focus on winning under whatever circumstances they are given. They play with the cards they are dealt. Head coaches in the NFL are the ultimate competitors. That is how they get to that pinnacle in their career. If you don't want to win with every inch of your human being and you don't believe you can do it, then you would never climb the ranks of the NFL to achieve head coach status. You would never make it past assistant and eventually your piss poor attitude would get you fired and weeded out of the NFL.


Winning attitudes is what gives coaches the charisma, confidence and leadership skills to get someone to pay them millions of dollars per year to be the top coach in their football organization. Their attitudes are what inspires other coaches to join them and work for them.


You might find a coach who is mentally defeated at some point, but it sure as hell isn't going to be during an off season when they are preparing for an upcoming season. It is going to be at the end of a game when they are getting beaten badly. And that attitude will last for about 24 hours at most. Then they get their **** back together and focus on winning again. A head coach might also get mentally defeated towards the end of a season where they have lost almost every game. It definitely isn't going to be during the off season leading up to a football season, even with the injuries and suspensions the Bills have faced.


Even if you think Rex is a loser and you hate the guy and think he is a pile of crap (not saying you think that way - just saying for those people who do think he is), I can assure those people he doesn't have a loser mentality and especially didn't have one while he was preparing to coach this team during this past off season.


If he did have that mentality, Pegula and Whaley would have fired him by now. No way they would let that stand. And they would know if that was his attitude. You can't hide a loser mentality. It shines through. I am completely convinced that they decided to hire him because of his winning attitude and winning mentality.

This is a fine post.


I have never questioned the mans fortitude nor his football knowledge.

Nor his outright intelligence.

he is unfortunately smart enough to be quirky. And he is driven by confidence in his thinking. For better or worse.


I can see if he decided to bow out, he would do it in an organized fashion.

I was kidding about the hari kari


That wasn't sarcasm...his sources probably are as sound as vic's.

so allow me to ask your opinion on Vic's sources ?

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