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Taintriots* want their 1st rounder back (update: told no)

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Dear Bob,


**** off!,


All the Best,





Roger Goodell responded to Robert Kraft's letter and said that the Patriots won't get their first-round pick back.




Boy that news must have sucked all the air out of Krafts office.


He must be feeling really deflated right now






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John--Judge Berman's ruling was on a very narrow issue--whether the NFL under the CBA had the power to sanction Brady by suspending him--and did not rule on the merits as to whether Brady actually did anything here. He simply found that the League had no authority because the CBA did not go into enough detail to say you could be suspended for deflating balls (which the League said was in fact covered unde other more general provisions). As I pointed out at the time (and it looks like at least 2 of the 3 appellate judges may agree with me) that's really a ridiculous line of reasoning, since the alternative is a 5000 page CBA going into what the punishment could be for every picayune eventuality.


We'll see in the next few weeks, but my strong suspicion is that Tommy Boy* better get ready to ride some pine to start the season. The Pats*, in redoing Brafy's-* deal the way they did, seem to be preparing for that, too.


The appellate court won't be ruling on this either..

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The appellate court won't be ruling on this either..

Correct, but much like Berman tipped his hand by his questioning (including his views on the underlying investigation) two of the three appellate judges may have as well, including statements from Denny Chin indicating that he believed the Commissioner had more than enough evidence and power to suspend Brady over the phone issue alone if I recall his comment correctly (which I may not--too lazy to Google it).

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John--Judge Berman's ruling was on a very narrow issue--whether the NFL under the CBA had the power to sanction Brady by suspending him--and did not rule on the merits as to whether Brady actually did anything here. He simply found that the League had no authority because the CBA did not go into enough detail to say you could be suspended for deflating balls (which the League said was in fact covered unde other more general provisions). As I pointed out at the time (and it looks like at least 2 of the 3 appellate judges may agree with me) that's really a ridiculous line of reasoning, since the alternative is a 5000 page CBA going into what the punishment could be for every picayune eventuality.

We'll see in the next few weeks, but my strong suspicion is that Tommy Boy* better get ready to ride some pine to start the season. The Pats*, in redoing Brafy's-* deal the way they did, seem to be preparing for that, too.

Although I respectfully disagree with your position I appreciate your commentary on this issue. As you noted Judge Berman's ruling was narrowly focused on the arbitration process and not on the evidence. The judge was not mild in his criticism of the commissioner and the league. He, during the proceedings and in his written ruling, excoriated them. As you well know his comments were not off the record comments. He made them knowing that the recorded statements would be reviewed if the case was appealed. The responses to the judge in the initial hearings were most often weak and lame.


As a side note it must be made clear that the Judge felt that the science and the evidence that the league was presenting was not only inconclusive but also weak.


As WEO stated and you acknowledged the current case being reviewed relates to Judge Berman's ruling and not the particular evidence of the case. Judge Berman listed the numerous transgressions the league made regarding the process. The Judge was very specific in listing the rules that were broken.


It's my opinion that you are putting too much emphasis on the oral hearing and reading too much into the questions that the judges asked. The judges in their deliberations will be focusing on Judge Brewer's carefully and narrowly crafted ruling relating to the process. That carcass is so smelly that I believe that judges will rule against the league.



As I pointed out at the time (and it looks like at least 2 of the 3 appellate judges may agree with me) that's really a ridiculous line of reasoning, since the alternative is a 5000 page CBA going into what the punishment could be for every picayune eventuality.


Roger Goodell has more than enough authority to rule within the current CBA, an agreement in which he has almost unlimited authority. The only thing he has to do to stay within the wide lane he has is to act honestly and competently. He couldn't even do that.

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Should take their second rounder away for even asking...


That's exactly what you were supposed to say!


seems like they are not such good buds anymore does it?


Of course they are. This is all just for public consumption. This is how the NFL stays on top of traditional and social media in the (ever shrinking) off season: manufactured drama. Bread and circus..

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That's exactly what you were supposed to say!



Of course they are. This is all just for public consumption. This is how the NFL stays on top of traditional and social media in the (ever shrinking) off season: manufactured drama. Bread and circus..


I think the patriots rejuvenation since 911 has been overplayed by Krafty by now. and the other 31 owners have turned too. enough already

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I think the patriots rejuvenation since 911 has been overplayed by Krafty by now. and the other 31 owners have turned too. enough already


Nahh....they understand how this works. The real drama happens in the owners' meetings, like when the Jerry Richardson tried to bully others into supporting the Carson stadium plan and the others told him to "STFU, you have no juice and your act is tired". He was squashed and forever weakened after that goofy gambit.


They don't care about this stuff, just like after spygate when they essentially yawned.

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