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Unforced errors.. bad throws/ How did the O Line do?/ What mistakes are on the O-Line.. what ones are not?

I watched the NFL rewind all 22 and here is my unofficial count of how the O-Line did /
How the QB did on every pass play ( I may have missed a snap or two here.. there also may be a few extra pass attempts that were cancelled due to penalites..but this should be 95% accurate)

DISCLAIMER ( I am not a coach, I don't know the hot reads or route combinations called.. this is just my educated perception of what happened on each pass play)

I also apologize for not posting this analysis for the Patriots game Thanksgiving week.. I was traveling..
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TOTAL PASS PLAYS: 25 snaps – ( last week’s loss was 41 snaps … again.. Buffalo keeps passing attempts under 30 and wins the game. I think we have enough sample size to determine that this is the winning offensive formula)

LINE BREAKDOWNS: 7/25 snaps ( 28% ) - Worse than last week’s 6/41 snaps ( 15%). While the line held Watt in check for most of the day.. contrary to popular opinion Clowney, Cushing and others did actually get through to TT several times.


UNFORCED QB ERRORS: - 5/25 snaps – 20% ( same percentage as last week 8/41 snaps ( 20%) .. however.. 2 of the unforced errors this week were almost pick sixes)

Bottom Line:

PASS PROTECT UP AND DOWN – The o line gave TT time for the most part today.. evidenced by the amount of deep balls thrown and limited sacks. TT escaped a few unblocked guys and bailed the line out a few times. However..there were some rough patches .. and while TT was only sacked twice.. a QB with less agility would have gone down a few more times.

URBIK TOUGH TIME PICKING UP BLITZ – Urbik generally held his own against Watt and the D Linemen.. however.. he missed a couple of LB blitz pickups causing pressure on TT up the middle and forcing him to scramble several times. Even with these mistakes.. he is still playing at a much higher level than he did any time last year.

MILLS STEPS UP BIG – Other than one holding call late in the game, Jordan Mills did an excellent job in pass protect. From my seat in section 108 I focused on him most of the game and came away very happy with what I saw from him most of the day. This was only confirmed in watching the all 22. I don’t know how he did in run blocking.. however.. judging by the results it couldn’t have been that bad. Assuming he is an adequate run blocker he should definitely be starting next week at RT and Henderson should be sitting even if he is healthy.

MULLIGAN’S LAST STRAW - TE Matthew Mulligan has consistently looked awful in pass protect in each game he’s played.. and last Sunday was apparently the last straw as he was released earlier this week. His main contribution was a holding call in q3. Why have a one dimensional TE like Mulligan?? Wouldn’t it make sense for Roman to just put in another LT in obvious running situations? We’ll see how O’Leary does going forward here.

TYROD JEKYLL / TRYOD HYDE - TT made very few throws in the first half.. and the ones he made in the 1st half were generally solid. TT made a higher number of throws in the second half with much more mixed results. TT would miss a back shoulder throw.. and then come right back and hit the next one. Of his 5 unforced errors.. 2 were situations where Tyrod (Mr,Hyde) bailed from a clean pocket too early resulting in missed chances and incompletions. But then at other times Tyrod Jekyll shows up and does a fantastic job of stepping up in the pocket to avoid pressure.. buying time.. finding space to maneuver and making great throws. The bomb to Sammy in Q3 was a thing of beauty. Eric Wood gets beaten by a stunt and TT has pressure right in his face.. he calmly slides steps left.. takes a few steps forward into the pocket towards the LOS ( earlier in the year he may have bailed instead of stepping up) and delivers a great deep strike to Sammy down the right sideline. Next..Tyrod Hyde shows up in Q4 and almost throws 2 pick sixes… and neither of them were due to pressure. The first was a case where he no one was open and he tried to force a ball in where he shouldn’t have. The second near INT was a case of him not looking of the safety and the safety following his eyes. At the end of the day.. TT’s plus escapability and his plus deep ball accuracy are traits that consistently help him overcome his other weaknesses. Hopefully the carelessness with the ball towards the end of the game goes away.. I’ve seen that several times this year and it is not a trend I want to continue to see.


Q1-9:41 – TD to Sammy – well placed/ decisive throw
Q1-2:02- UNFORCED ERROR - Fake reverse – TT forces throw to Sammy who is double covered.. ball is overthrown. Had open receiver in the flat
Q2-10:54- HOLDING on Glenn on screen play
Q2-9:51- Urbik doesn’t pick up blitz in time and Cushing beats him .. hits TT forcing incompletion
Q2-3:51- Bomb to Sammy – TT steps up into pocket – perfect timing on the throw
Q2-2:31- UNFORCED ERROR - TT overthrows back shoulder throw to Clay
Q2-:34 – TD to Clay – nice back shoulder throw
Q3-13:41- Urbik beaten by #58- forces TT to scramble
Q3-9:00- Holding on Mulligan- cancels out deep completion
Q3-8:37- UNFORCED ERROR – TT bails from pocket too early and misses an open Woods
Q3-2:47- Bomb to Sammy – Wood beaten on a stunt – TT sidesteps left to avoid.. steps up into the pocket and delivers a deep strike to Sammy down the sideline
Q4-12:47- TE #89 blown up by Clowney – TT has no chance and is sacked
Q4-12:19- Clay has a bad drop on well thrown in route.. alligator arms
Q4-7:16- Holding on Mills – beaten to the inside by #59 – TT is also sacked
Q4-6:56- UNFORCED ERROR – TT almost throws pick 6. No one open.. tries to force a ball to the sideline receiver.. DB drops pick
Q4-3:50- UNFORCED ERROR – TT almost throws another pick 6. Safety reads his eyes and makes a play on the ball.. drops pick
Q4- TD TO CLAY – Clay wide open.. perfect throw

SUMMARY – Upon further review.. the game plan to neutralize JJ Watt was effective and no catastrophic strip sacks/ints occurred ( like last year’s nightmare game in Houston). However.. it would be incorrect to say that the other Texans defenders who were freed up did not make an impact. Clowney had a sack.. drew a holding penalty and Cushing came through on several blitzes causing some incompletions. At the end of the day we picked the right poison and got away with a win. My biggest takeaway was the solid play of Mills at RT.. let’s hope he stays in the lineup and turns into a late season steal.

O Line Pass block grades


Edited by Bocephuz
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awesome info.

Did Mulligan get destroyed on a run play? I swear i remember him trying to block maybe Watt or Clowney 1 on 1 and he got abused. Poor scheme, but Mulligan needed to do a little bit better.

I didn't see.. but Mulligan has been getting destroyed.. whiffing.. holding guys all year. Not surprised to see him get cut.

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Word is Seantrel starts when he is healthy....myself I just dont get it.




I will say this....S. Henderson is simply a lazy player....when it appears he is being pushed for his spot he plays better....at least that is my observation.



I don't get it either.


I agree with your assessment about him being lazy... it's frustrating because he has shown good athleticism and strength at times.

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LINE BREAKDOWNS: 7/25 snaps ( 28% ) - Worse than last week’s 6/41 snaps ( 15%). While the line held Watt in check for most of the day.. contrary to popular opinion Clowney, Cushing and others did actually get through to TT several times.






One sack they had gragg matched up 1 on 1 with clowney so. :doh:

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It was kinda crazy how much time Tyrod Taylor had to throw on some of his drops with JJ Watt on the other side. I suspect the Texans were far more worried about McCoy beating them, and he had over 100 yards rushing. Shady has enough shake to open up his own smoothie king!


This was going up against a Texan defense that had held the past four opponents to 250 yards of offense, and the Bills put up 390 yards.


+++Mills for a guy right off the waiver wire, and he was far better then either Henderson or Kouandjio has been. Meanwhile Urbik is the weak link, and i fear he won't get any better as the season goes on

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It was kinda crazy how much time Tyrod Taylor had to throw on some of his drops with JJ Watt on the other side. I suspect the Texans were far more worried about McCoy beating them, and he had over 100 yards rushing. Shady has enough shake to open up his own smoothie king!


This was going up against a Texan defense that had held the past four opponents to 250 yards of offense, and the Bills put up 390 yards.


+++Mills for a guy right off the waiver wire, and he was far better then either Henderson or Kouandjio has been. Meanwhile Urbik is the weak link, and i fear he won't get any better as the season goes on

Great job by Mills considering circumstances. Urbik is a serviceable vet backup at this stage but I have no expectation for development out of him

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I don't remember if it was a run or pass, but I saw Urbik put Wilfork on his back. I was just asking the Texans fan sitting in front of me how Wilfork was doing this year and he said not well.

i just read that Sunday was actually wilfork's best game of the season with 4 tackles. So that says it all.
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