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Rapid Reaction - 10 Observations About Tonight's Game

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Rapid Reaction - 10 Observations About Tonight's Game


10) Man, losing to *New England is getting so old it can be measured with carbon dating. However it shakes out it's always horrible. I hate that team and I hate their smug fans.


9) The defense played a great game. They pressured Brady into grounding the ball numerous tines and even had Tommy screaming at his offensive line much to the delight of Bills' fans nationwide.


The defense came to play - if only the same could be said of the other two units.


8) Tyrod had his worst game of the season. His long throws hung in the air so long Foxborough police fielded numerous UFO calls. He was also hesitant to run when it looked like he had green field in front of him.


That said, if he is hurt and can't play in Kansas City on Sunday, well more on that later.


7) Shady came to play tonight. He ran with authority and was a threat in the passing game. He is a Prime Time Player and he looks to be just hitting his stride in this offense.


6) I have to admit the Sammy conundrum has me mystified. The Bills spent most of this game either ignoring number 14 or trying to hit him on 30-yard fly patterns.


He needs to see the ball 10+ times a game on all sorts of short, intermediate and long routes. You dropped two first round picks on this guy and, as he showed with the one-handed circus grab, he has superior talent.


Why is he often invisible in the Bills offense? You got me.


5) Leodis Freakin' McKelvin. His fumble was a killer and the second one almost killed any hope of a comeback. It was like an old nightmare from 2009 came back to haunt all of us one more time.


Rex needs to borrow a page from Belicheat's playbook and sit a guy down after that type of error.


4) The Bills were horrible with clock management in this game. Down two scores with about 5 minutes to go they loligagged their way down the field and wasted minutes rolling plays in with the urgency of a government worker one day away from retirement.


Also, this team burns way too many second half time outs. If I was a head coach my philosophy would be to never burn a TO in the second half before the last couple of minutes to play. I'd take a 5-yard delay of game penalty anytime. Time Outs are football gold - lose them early and you'll lose a lot of games late.


3) I hate to complain about referees, but they were horrible in this game. The phantom holding call on Graham that negated the pick, the face guarding and no head turn on the DB covering Hogan, the ruling Watkins out with 2 seconds left - all awful calls.


Hell, even the errant whistle that hurt *New England was so egregious it almost had me feeling bad for poor Marcia. Not really, but you get the point. The zebras stunk to high Heaven tonight.


2) What is going on with the Bills headsets? For the third game this season they seem to not be able to properly communicate between Greg Roman (which doesn't excuse his putrid play-calling) and his QB.


How can that happen at the NFL level with today's technology?


1) Tyrod, Tyrod, Tyrod.


The whole season may come down to how serious the injury to his shoulder is and whether he can suit up for Sunday's crucial game against the Chiefs. He wasn't made available to the media after the game, which is not a good sign.


The thought of having the hope of a playoff birth ride on the arm of EJ Manuel is one that will turn a lot of brown, blonde, red and black hair gray in the Bills Mafia.


If you end up with the big piece of the wishbone this Thursday do us all a favor, wish for Tyrod to be a quick healer.

Edited by ChevyVanMiller
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While he should have hung on to the ball, the throw came late and gave the defender time to make a play on it, making it a tough catch.

+1. Tyrod was not accurate. It was not that he was feeling the pressure from the Pats D.

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The game management and wasting the clock with 7:00 minutes to play. Every play they were huddling and they race to get the snap off on every play. Guys hurry it up, you were down 10, not 3.


You cannot beat NE making mistakes. Losing the interceptions in the first. Missing what should have been 2 TD in first half. The missed FG, all opportunities you cannot leave on the field with Tom Brady sitting on the other side.

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Except when he dropped the TD.

That's not on Shady. Tyrod's throw hangs and the safety makes a great play on the ball.


One thing I will add: 4th and less than a yard the playcall should always be a QB sneak. Nearly a 90% success rate league wide according to analytics. An inside handoff to the FB is next at just under 80%. Everything else is 50/50.


Yet, teams (like the Bills last night) keep turning around and handing it off 5 yards deep in the backfield. Makes no sense.

Edited by ChevyVanMiller
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I don't know where you guys are getting the idea that the defender knocked that ball out of shadys hands. Honestly, if mccourty wasn't there I think shady still doesn't catch it. It was being uncontrollably bobbled before mccourty even touched him

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