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Blue Collar Comedy Tour


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The latest cut of the Blue Collar Comedy Tour was on over the weekend.


Ron White tells the story about his wifes cooking.


He says his wife is a bad cook, so he tossed some of her cooking to the dog.

When his wife walked in the room she saw the dog licking its butt.


His wifed asked, "What is he doing?"


He replies..."Not sure...but my guess is, he is trying to get the taste out of his mouth!"




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Best show that I have seen in a long time.  Like the joke on Sat that he mentioned about the small plane running on one engine.  Passenger asked how far the one running would last.  RW said "All the way to the crash site."


Don't worry, we'll beat the paramedics there by a half hour...

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We took off for our flight to Phoenix from the Flagstaff Airport, Hair Care, and Tire Center. Our plane was the size of a pack of gum with eight people in it. We were flying at half the speed of smell. We got passed by a kite. A goose came up behind us and the pilot was yelling, “Go around! Go around!”


We got halfway to Phoenix and we had to go back. It’s a nine minute flight. But we lost some oil pressure and one of our engines was failing. Everybody on the plane was nervous, but I’d been drinkin’ since lunch so I didn’t care. The guy sitting next to me is losing his mind. Apparently he had a lot to live for. He said, “If we lose one of our engines how far will the other one take us?” “All the way to the scene of the crash,” I said, “which is handy because that’s where we’re headed. I bet we beat the paramedics there by a good half hour.”

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I heard a Jeff Foxworthy bit on the radio this weekend. He said that when he was single he loved taking a shower - it was his sanctuary away from the world. Now that he has 5 daughters he can't get any peace in the bathroom. He said that when he gets out of the shower it seems like all 5 of them are always in the bathroom hanging around.


He finally asked them why and his youngest said, "We want to know what a boy's "Yoo-Hoo" looks like."


Foxworthy figures he better nip this in the bud and tells her, "Yoo-Hoo's are poisonous. You stay far away from them."


Without missing a beat his little girl says, "No they're not! If they were the dog would be dead by now."

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