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Tyrod needs to work on his fashion (Update: CONFIRMED)

Wazzu Bill

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I don't care what the guy wears,,,as long as it isn't a Stevie Johnson "wife beater" T-shirt at a post game presser. TT is really good. and if he keeps winning I will probably really look forward to seeing what outfit he comes up with postgame.

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All of you that are criticizing his style, unfortunately don't have any fashion sense. That's alright, Buffalonians aren't known for that. Most of you probably wear your regular fit wranglers and a t shirt, and that's fine. But don't try to act as if you understand high modern fashion. His jacket with the leather sleek lapels are a trend in Milano right now. The shirt although quite eccentric in pattern is a bold modern African American city current fashion take on a euro/hipster pairing. He's creative, looks great, and above all has the cool personality to wear an outfit like that.

It's obvious you know nothing about Italian moda. The best has always been extremely conservativo. The same can be said about the best French, British and American clothes. I'm hoping Tyrod's taste changes after he signs his 100 million dollar deal with Buffalo in a few years after he leads the Bills to a world championship.

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